
  • 网络Taipei Medical University;tmu
  1. 台北医学大学九十三学年度外国学生入学招生简章

    2004 Academic Year Enrollment Requirements of Taipei Medical University For Foreign Students

  2. 台北医学大学,口腔医学院齿颚矫正科,临床助理教授。

    Clinical Assistant Professor , School of Dental Medicine , Taipei Medical University .

  3. 以报值挂号径寄「台北医学大学教务处综合服务组」收,信封注明「查分函件」。

    D. Send to " Dean 's Office , Administration Department , Taipei Medical University ", and give a clear statement on the envelope with " check grade correspondence " .

  4. 请查阅黄页电话号码薄,那上面刊登着这一地区所有服务行业的电话号码。以报值挂号径寄「台北医学大学教务处综合服务组」收,信封注明「查分函件」。

    Please consult the " Yellow Pages ", which lists all the services in the area . d. Send to " Dean 's Office , Administration Department , Taipei Medical University ", and give a clear statement on the envelope with " check grade correspondence " .