
  • 网络Taiwan aborigines;Taiwanese Aborigines
  1. 民族考古学的新进展表明,台湾原住民和“南岛语族”及其文化主要起源于华南大陆。

    The recent development of archaeology shows that Taiwanese Aborigines and Austronesian ethnical groups and their culture mainly originated from the South china .

  2. 台湾原住民包括多个部落和地区,除亚米人之外,他们都进行过猎首。

    The Taiwanese aborigines were divided into various tribes and areas , but all of them participated in head-hunting except for the Yami people .

  3. 巴宰语(Pazeh)是台湾原住民巴宰族使用的语言。

    Pazeh is spoken by Taiwan 's indigenous tribe of the same name .

  4. 台湾原住民女作家作品试论

    A Tentative Discussion on the Works of the Native Taiwan Women Writers

  5. 关于台湾原住民研究的几个问题

    Several Issues on the Study of the Aborigines in Taiwan

  6. 多民族文化语境中的民族作家身份&以我国台湾原住民作家为例

    The Identity of Ethnic Minority Writers in Multi-cultural Context

  7. 论台湾原住民作家的抗日小说

    On the Novels about the Anti-Japanese War by the Native Writers of Taiwan

  8. 荷兰殖民占领时期台湾原住民人口辨析

    The Indigenous Population in Taiwan during the Dutch Occupation

  9. 台湾原住民的抗日斗争

    The Anti-Japanese War of Aboriginal People in Taiwan

  10. 台湾原住民南来论辨析&兼论南岛语族起源

    On the Origin of the Aborigines in Taiwan

  11. 从政治抗争到文化扎根&台湾原住民文学的创作演变

    From Political Opposition to Taking Root in National Culture : the Development of Aboriginal Literature in Taiwan

  12. 台湾原住民的生活已经改变,但仍有许多与大自然相关的传统留存下来。

    Life has changed for all Taiwan 's indigenous people , but many traditional links with nature survive .

  13. 从同化到多元化&我国台湾原住民教育政策嬗变研究

    From Assimilation to Diversity & Study on the Change in Educational Policy for the Abortive Inhabitants in Taiwan

  14. 历史文献中对台湾原住民人口比较系统的记录始于荷兰殖民统治时期。

    With the advent of Dutch colonial rule we start to find relatively systematic demographic records of the indigenous population of Taiwan .

  15. 现代台湾原住民文学近40年的发展过程也可视为台湾原住民族文化认同的动态历程。

    Almost 40 years history of Taiwan modern aboriginal literature can also be regarded as the developing history of cultural identity by Taiwan aborigines .

  16. 致力于台湾原住民口传文学的搜集、整理的作家和学者也扎根部落,收获了一批研究成果,口传文学对于作家创作也有着重要的意义。

    The writers and scholars who focus on collecting aboriginal oral literature also regard their tribes as their base . And they get abundant harvest .

  17. 达西乌拉弯·毕马是一位研究台湾原住民高山族文化与民间文学、著作颇丰的高山族文化人类学学者。

    Dashiwula · Bima is an anthropology scholar interested in studying cultures of the Gaoshan People and folk literature of Taiwan , about which lots of words have been produced .

  18. 台湾原住民作家孜孜以求,追寻祖灵的脚踪,渴望重建民族文化自信,诗意地栖居在永远的部落。

    The aboriginal writers in Taiwan devote themselves to chasing the track of their ancestors , longing for reconstructing the natural confidence , and residing poetically in their eternal tribe .

  19. 比利是一位来自英国及台湾原住民的混血儿,从小英国台湾两地跑,一直生活在两种不同文化、音乐、艺术等的环境下成长。

    Being an English and Taiwanese-Aboriginal mix , Billy has always been exposed to two different cultures which has enhancend his perspectives on music , art and the world around him .

  20. 第二章旨在探讨大自然对台湾原住民在物质和精神方面的影响,着力阐释台湾原住民朴素的自然生态观及其在作品中流露出的自然审美取向。

    To probe into the influence in physical and psychic aspect on the aboriginal peoples in Taiwan , the second chapter expounds their simple naturalism and the taste of their aesthetic tendency .

  21. 当代台湾原住民文学的创作队伍都表现出相同的倾向:所有作家的创作都显现出人文精神角度和对原住民生存价值终极意义的关怀。这种关怀是原住民作家为原住民族追求生命价值的使命历程。

    The modern native writers of Taiwan have a common concern in their literary creation , that is , their humanist concern on the eternal value of the Taiwan natives ' existence .

  22. 不过,根据辞典编纂单位之一花莲东华大学,台湾原住民语言正因文化同化现象而死亡中。

    Taiwan 's indigenous languages , however , are dying out because of cultural assimilation , according to National Dong Hwa University in Hualien , which was one of the compilers of thee-dictionary .

  23. 在一次次抗争行动中深化原住民的族群认同和文化认同,同时也凝聚成泛台湾原住民认同。

    During a series of the resistant movements of Taiwan Aborigines , the intellectuals deepened the Taiwan aboriginal ethnic group identities and cultural identities , and became the self-identity of whole aborigines in Taiwan .

  24. 台湾原住民文学最初集中于政治抗争的层面,与本民族母文化有所隔阂。悲剧中的抗争与超越精神其实正是人的一种独立自为的生存精神。

    The literature of Taiwan aborigines was initially concentrated on political opposition and thus estranged itself from the mother culture . Actually , struggling and surmounting in tragedies show the spirit of independent human subsistence .

  25. 本文尝试从文化认同的角度来解读现代台湾原住民文学,文化认同即为个人对本民族文化归属的认知和情感依附。

    The dissertation analyzes the Taiwan aboriginal literature from the perspective of cultural identity . The cultural identity is that the individual cognition to the culture which he belongs to and the emotion adheres to .

  26. 当代台湾的原住民与民族问题

    The " Indigenous People " and Ethnic Problems in Contemporary Taiwan

  27. 台湾《原住民族教育法》简述

    A Brief Introduction of Native Educational Laws of Taiwan

  28. 台湾地区原住民和汉族燥证中医证候的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Chinese Medicine Symptoms of Dryness Syndrome of Aboriginals and Han Ethnic Group in Taiwan

  29. 引用有清一代多位学者在台工作时之调研所得,分析了台湾早期原住民医疗保健处于巫术时代之状况。

    After quoting literatures written by authors living in the Qing dynasty in Taiwan , this paper analyses health condition among aboriginals of Taiwan during the witchcraft age .

  30. 台湾高校招生原住民倾斜政策及其启示

    The Preferential Policies for Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan 's College Entrance and Its Inspiration