
  1. 根据震源深度的分布,在台湾台东县东南部海域,即东经120°120°30′、北纬22°23°范围,存在一个V字形地震震源带底面。

    Based on the distribution of focal depths , there is a ' v - shaped ' focal zone bottom beneath southeastern sea area of Taidong county , Taiwan , that is , in the area of 123 ° 30 - 123 ° 00E , 22 ° - 23 ° N.

  2. 休闲渔港环境规划&以中国台湾花莲县石梯渔港环境改善工程为例

    Landscape Planning for Leisure Fishing Port & The Case Study of Shi-Ti Harbor in Taiwan Hualian County , China

  3. 台湾宜兰县的占美饼店可以买到这种颜色鲜活、汇集了绿色、粉色和黑色的“西瓜吐司面包”。

    Jimmy 's Bakery , inYilanCounty , is selling loaves of the vibrant green , pink and black ' watermelon toast ' .

  4. 地震发生在周日早晨,据台湾宜兰县约70公里的外海。

    The earthquake struck Sunday morning at sea , about 42 miles ( 70 kilometers ) east of the Taiwanese county of Ilan .

  5. 来自1202个队的超过18500名游泳者参加了在台湾中部南投县举行的第26届大众游泳横渡日月潭的活动。

    Over 18500 participants in 1202 teams joined the 26th annual mass swim across Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County in central Taiwan .

  6. 2001年底台湾立委、县市长选举之后,岛内政治力量重新分化组合,发展成为泛蓝与泛绿两大阵营。

    At the end of 2001 after the elections of Taiwan " Legislative Committee ", county governors and mayors , the political powers inside Taiwan island redistributed and reorganized to develop into the two big camps : the bluish and the greenish .

  7. 昨天下午,台湾岛中部南投县发生6.3级地震。

    The 6.3 magnitude quake hit yesterday afternoon in Nantou County , which is located on the central part of the island .

  8. 陈国裕(音译)今年40岁,是台湾多山的南投县的一位蕉农。

    Chen Kuo-yu , a 40-year-old banana farmer in mountainous Nantou , married one of those women , a young Vietnamese , two years ago .