
  • 网络Retrocession Day
  1. 论台湾光复初期教育转型的历史定位

    On the historical position of the educational transformation during Taiwan 's early revival

  2. 发起台湾光复运动和参加收复台湾的准备工作;

    Launching the recovery movement in Taiwan and preparing for the return to China ;

  3. 台湾光复初期教育转型研究(1945-1949)

    The Transformation of Education during the Early Revival Period in Taiwan ( 1945-1949 );

  4. 在这一特定的政治动荡、社会转型背景下,台湾光复初期教育处于一个与其他省份有明显不同特点的全面转型时期。

    In this context , the education of Taiwan during the early revival was in a period of all-around transformation which differed from other provinces .

  5. 本文将台湾光复以来的综合科普刊物分为三期,分别由《大众科学》、《科学月刊》、《牛顿》开端。

    In this paper , the comprehensive popular science publications since 1945 in Taiwan are divided into three phases , starting with Popular Science , Science Monthly , and Newton respectively .

  6. 台湾光复后,虽然少数民族教育纳入到了一般教育体系,并采取了改进措施,但终因未得到足够的重视而收效甚微,低教育成就仍旧成为少数民族教育的一个标记。

    After Taiwan recovered its territory , due to inadequate attentions , though incorporated into the general system of education and improved by some measures , ethnic minority education has made limited progress , which marks the characteristic of ethnic minority education .

  7. 台湾光复初期的教育转型,是中华民国教育史的重要组成部分,是20世纪台湾教育发展的转折,也是20世纪海峡两岸教育交流与融合的关键。

    The educational transformation during the Taiwan 's early revival is an important component of the educational history of the Republic of China , and a turning-point of Taiwan 's educational development in the 20th century , and also a key to the across-strait educational swaps .

  8. 台湾新竹光复中学曾经筹划并成功举行了一次以希特勒为主题的阅兵仪式,但不知怎么的,在举办之前根本没有人意识到这样做存在着多么大的不合理性。

    And somehow , Hsinchu Kuang-Fu High School in Hsinchu City , Taipei , managed to design , create , and stage an entire anniversary parade themed around Adolf Hitler before anyone realized that it was not an appropriate thing to do .

  9. 台湾文学从近代至今经历了若干阶段,从被日本占领与否可分为日据时期台湾文学以及光复后的台湾文学。

    The Taiwanese literature has gone through many stages from modern times till now . It can be divided into two parts according to the colonization by Japan : Colonize Literature and Recover Literature .