
dǐ kànɡ yùn dònɡ
  • resistance movement
  1. 伊朗国家电台称,伊朗人民抵抗运动(IranianPeople'sResistanceMovement)为袭击活动负责。

    State-run Iranian media says the People 's resistance movement of Iran has claimed responsibility for the attack .

  2. 几乎没有人注意到,他于1973年成立了一个号称非洲抵抗运动的组织,AWB,为该组织的首批布尔人成员所熟知。

    Few people noticed when in 1973 he founded a group called the Afrikaner Resistance Movement , better known later by its Afrikaner initials , AWB .

  3. 但本拉登的死亡招致了巴勒斯坦抵抗运动哈马斯(hamas)领导人的猛烈批评。

    But the killing drew sharp criticism from leaders of Hamas , the Islamist Palestinian movement .

  4. 他与以色列的朋友公开对话,在上世纪90年代就同这个阿拉伯世界的宿敌建立了关系。与此同时,巴基斯坦抵抗运动哈马斯(Hamas)在多哈的办事处也得到卡塔尔的慷慨对待。

    He talks openly of " his friends " in Israel , having forged relations with the Arabs ' historical foe in the 1990s . At the same time , the Doha offices of Hamas , the militant Palestinian group , receive Qatari largesse .

  5. 他们正计划向抵抗运动输送援助物资。

    They were planning to funnel aid to the resistance movement .

  6. 最重要的是,他在抵抗运动中显示出无比的勇气。

    Above all , he displayed consummate courage in the resistance .

  7. 她和里昂的法国抵抗运动组织建立了联系。

    She established communications with the French Resistance movement in Lyon .

  8. 用来支援日益壮大的抵抗运动

    that could be used to support a growing insurgency .

  9. 试论英国在二战期间对欧洲抵抗运动的作用与影响

    On the Britain 's Influences to European Resistance Movement During W W ⅱ

  10. 有张字条显示抵抗运动也参与了。

    There 's a note claiming resistance movement involvement .

  11. 他是抵抗运动的一位领导人。

    He 's a commander in the resistance movement .

  12. 抵抗运动开展了一场反对殖民统治者的恐怖活动。

    The resistance movement started a campaign of terror against the colonial rulers .

  13. 对于埃塞尔而言,上述宣言不过是延续了法国抵抗运动的理想。

    To Hessel , that declaration simply continued the ideals of the French Resistance .

  14. 抵抗运动进行的怎么样

    So , how 's the resistance going ?

  15. 法国抵抗运动探析:1944&1947

    A Review of France Resistance Movement : 1944-1947

  16. 像所有的法国抵抗运动老战士一样,夏莱十分自豪地佩戴着他的粉红缓带。

    Like all French Resistance veterans , Chalet wore his pink ribbon with conspicuous pride .

  17. 第二次世界大战爆发后,贝克女士开始为法国抵抗运动组织工作。

    Miss Baker started working for the French Resistance movement when World War Two began .

  18. 抵抗运动越早诞生,敌人将越快灭亡。

    And the earlier a movement is born , the earlier their fall will be .

  19. 法国抵抗运动的火焰

    " The flame of French resistance "

  20. 敌人在逃跑,他们害怕无法预料和看不见的抵抗运动。

    They are in fear of a resistance movement they can not see nor predict .

  21. 甘地激励了上百万印度人民以非暴力抵抗运动反对英国的殖民统治。

    Gandhi quotes inspired millions of Indians to act in non-violent protest against British oppression .

  22. 国际抵抗运动和被放逐者运动联盟

    International Union of Resistance and Deportee Movements

  23. 无论局势怎样变化,法国抵抗运动的火焰一定不能、也绝不会熄灭。

    Whatever happens , the flame of French resistance must not and shall not die .

  24. 减肥并不只是防止肌肉流失,而且经常有抵抗运动。

    Simply losing weight does not necessarily prevent muscle loss , but regular resistance exercise does .

  25. 他们的工作关系结束时,皮埃尔加入法国抵抗运动,而勒柯布西耶没有参加。

    Their working relationship ended when Pierre joined the French Resistance and Le Corbusier did not .

  26. 马丁侧重的是非暴力性的抵抗运动,这一做法也促成了新法的出台,该法律结束了美国的种族歧视问题。

    His focus on non-violent protests led to new laws that ended racial discrimination in America .

  27. 我是支持抵抗运动的。

    I 'm for the resistance .

  28. 抵抗运动骨干事务委员会;

    Commission for resistance cadres affairs ;

  29. 国际抵抗运动联合会

    International Federation of Resistance Movements

  30. 通过富有灵感的当地领导,他们发起了一项旨在组织毁灭发生的抵抗运动

    Through inspired local leadership , they launched a nonviolent resistance campaign to stop that from happening .