
  • 网络xinhua daily
  1. 本文采用Fairclough提出的批评性语篇分析框架,从转述方式和消息来源两个方面对比了《新华日报》与《今日美国》在报导法国骚乱这一事件时所使用的转述引语。

    The present study mainly draws on Fairclough 's three-dimensional framework of critical discourse analysis . The comparison between the speech reporting in Xinhua Daily and USA Today on the reporting of French unrest is conducted from two perspectives : modes of speech reporting and news sources .

  2. 《新华日报》视野下的战时难民问题

    The Problem of Refugee during the Anti-Japanese War : From the Perspective of Xinhua Daily

  3. 抗战时期《新华日报》反法西斯宣传研究

    Research on Propaganda of Anti-Fascism in the Anti-Japanese Period

  4. 《新华日报》:抗日战争时期先进文化的代表&略述武汉时期的《新华日报》在抗战中的突出贡献

    Xinhua Daily : the advanced culture representatives of the War of Resistance against Japan

  5. 重庆《新华日报》的广告经营初探

    Advertisement Management of Xinhua Daily in Chongqing

  6. 《新华日报》与抗日民族统一战线

    Xinhua Daily and anti-Japanese national united front

  7. 《新华日报》与抗日统一战线&武汉时期《新华日报》的历史功绩研究

    Xinhua Daily and Anti-Japanese National United Front-A Research on the Historical Merits of Xinhua Daily in Wuhan Period

  8. 江苏人民广播电台及《扬子晚报》、《新华日报》、《中国交通报》等媒体相继给予了报道。

    Jiangsu people 's broadcasting station , Yangtze Evening , Xinhua daily and China transportation paper reported one after another .

  9. (八)封闭《新华日报》;用通讯簿中的生日和纪念日更新日历。

    To close down the New China Daily . Updates the Calendar with birthdays and anniversaries from the Address Book .

  10. 《文艺之页》是《新华日报》于1940年2月10日以专页形式出现的文艺副刊。

    " Page of the Literary " was " the Xinhua Daily " in February 10 , 1940 the literary newspaper supplement which appeared by the page form .

  11. 最后,通过对《新华日报》反法西斯宣传的纵向、横向的研究与梳理,总结了《新华日报》反法西斯宣传的特点及历史贡献。

    Finally , based on the synthesized research on the Xinhua daily make propaganda for anti-fascism , it summarizes the characteristics and the historical contributions for Xinhua daily in propagandizing for anti-fascism .

  12. (本文刊载于《新华日报》华北版一九四二年十二月十五日《特刊》。)创刊号在出版隔日就售罄。

    ( Carried in the special issue of the north China edition of Xinhua Daily , December 15 , 1942 . ) Its launch issue was sold out the day after it hit the streets .

  13. 《新华日报》出版的这段时间,正值抗日战争初期到解放战争初期,在它停刊两年后,新中国就诞生了。

    The time " Xinhua Daily " published was from the initial stage of Anti-Japanese War to the initial stage of the Liberation War , and after it suspended publication for two years , new China was born .

  14. 《新华日报》秉持直接宣传和迂回宣传的灵活宣传策略,因地制宜,实事求是,从中华民族整体利益出发,是《新华日报》战时宣传取得巨大成功的根本历史经验。

    Xinhua Daily uphold the direct promotion and publicity strategy and flexible roundabout publicity , local conditions , seeking truth from facts , proceed from the overall interests of the Chinese nation is the " China Daily " great success wartime propaganda fundamental historical experience .

  15. 第一,《新华日报》大量刊发具有抗日民族精神的优秀文艺作品,成为抗日战争时期中华儿女的伟大精神动力,使《新华日报》真正起到抗战号角的作用。

    First , Xinhua Daily published a large number of anti-Japanese national spirit of the outstanding literary and artistic works , as the great Chinese people during the War of Resistance spiritual power , so that " China Daily " really play the role of war horn .

  16. 张利民是太湖水污染防治办公室的副主任。近期在接受《新华日报》采访时,他表示,太湖水质呈现稳中向好态势,但污染物排放总量仍然超过环境容量,为不会造成大多数水生物死亡的水平的三倍多。

    In a recent interview with Xinhua Daily , Zhang Limin , deputy director of the Lake Tai Water Pollution Prevention Office , said the flood of contaminants had begun to level off , although it is still more than three times as much as the lake can absorb without killing most aquatic life .

  17. 《新中东》一书中文版近日已由新华出版社出版发行。(本文刊载于《新华日报》华北版一九四二年十二月十五日《特刊》。)

    The Chinese edition of the book " The New Middle East " has already recently been published and distributed through Xinhua Publishing . ( Carried in the special issue of the north China edition of Xinhua Daily , December 15 , 1942 . )