
  • 网络new film;new movie;new cinema
  1. 第二日,计划于2011年落成的新电影宫举行了奠基仪式。

    A foundation stone was laid on day two for a new cinema palace planned for 2011 .

  2. 新电影国际论坛被认为是柏林电影节最具实验性的单元。

    The International Forum of New Cinema is considered to be the Berlinale 's most experimental section .

  3. 本周他那部被大肆炒作的新电影在伦敦上映。

    This week his much hyped new movie opens in London .

  4. 他的最新电影得到了评论家的高度赞扬。

    His latest movie has won high praise from the critics .

  5. 他的新电影本周在纽约首映。

    His new movie premieres in New York this week .

  6. 在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。

    In his latest movie , the action is fast and furious .

  7. 这是她最新电影的片段。

    Here is a clip from her latest movie .

  8. 她的新电影尚未上映即大加宣传。

    There has been a lot of advance publicity for her new film .

  9. 她的新电影棒极了!

    Her new movie rocks !

  10. 通过激光视盘发行好莱坞最新电影也起到了一定作用。

    Getting Hollywood 's latest films released on laser-disc has also helped

  11. 他们史诗般的战斗是一部新电影的主题。

    Their epic fight is the subject of a new film

  12. 他将自己的几部影片东一块西一块地拼凑成一部新电影。

    He 's making a new film by jumbling together bits of his other movies

  13. 一部捷克斯洛伐克新电影在卡罗维发利电影节上首映。

    A new Czechoslovak film has had its premiere at the Karlovy Vary film festival .

  14. 阿德里安·莱恩的最新电影《雅各的天梯》讲的是一个发生在越战后的恐怖故事。

    ' Jacob 's Ladder ' , the newest film by Adrian Lyne , is a post-Vietnam horror story .

  15. 那部新电影全是垃圾,去看也是浪费钱财。

    That new film is a dead loss ; it 's a waste of money going to see it .

  16. 由约翰尼?德普与薇诺娜?赖德联袂主演的一部新电影

    a new movie in which Johnny Depp co-stars with Winona Ryder

  17. 最新电影《驯龙记2》(HowtoTrainYourDragon2)的票房更是在最近突破了6亿美元。

    And its most recent film , How to Train Your Dragon 2 , crossed the $ 600 million mark in ticket sales this weekend .

  18. 但对于此次马特•达蒙的新电影,绝大多数影院在上映首周只放映3D版。

    But in the case of Matt Damon 's new movie , the vast majority opted only to show it in 3D in its opening week .

  19. 迪斯尼去年10月开始在iTunes上销售自己的新电影。

    Disney began selling its new movies on iTunes in October .

  20. 卷福公布了新电影剧照,饰演游说组织“VoteLeave”领导多米尼克·卡明斯(DominicCummings)一角。

    Benedict Cumberbatch has switched up his look to play Vote Leave campaign manager Dominic Cummings for a new TV one-off drama .

  21. 上周末,陈可辛的电影公司“我们制作”(WePictures)宣布,他将导演又一部中国内地主题的新电影:网球明星李娜,她是迄今唯一的一位来自亚洲的大满贯单打冠军。

    Last weekend , Mr. Chan 's We Pictures company announced that he would be directing a new film about another mainland Chinese subject : the tennis star Li Na , the only Grand Slam singles champion ever to come from Asia .

  22. 票房收入下滑,以及利润丰厚的DVD市场放缓,令一些电影公司开始考虑改变传统4至6个月的窗口发行做法。按照这种发行策略,新电影只在影院上映。

    Falling box office takings and a slowdown in the lucrative DVD market have prompted some studios to consider changes to the traditional four to six-month window in which new films are available exclusively in cinemas .

  23. 弗兰克·布鲁尼(FrankBruni):咱们二人之所以展开这些对话,是希望关注那些具有特殊的文化和社会意义的新电影。去年很多时间里,我们的选择都很有限。

    Frank Bruni : You and I come into these conversations hoping to focus on new movies with special cultural and social relevance , and for much of the year we 're hard pressed .

  24. 欧文·威尔逊最新电影“TheCoup”的泰国拍摄地发生一起火灾事故。周三当天拍摄结束后的夜里着起大火。

    A fire broke out on the Thailand set of Owen Wilson 's latest movie " The Coup . " The fire occurred Wednesday evening after the day 's shoot was finished .

  25. 接受《InStyle》采访的时候,凯蒂赫尔姆斯大谈了自己的穿衣心经、新电影当然还有让她引以为傲的女儿苏芮。

    In her interview with InStyle for their August issue , Katie Holmes dishes about her style , new film and of course her pride and joy , Suri .

  26. 昨晚,麦当娜的新电影在纽约tribeca电影节首映,名字叫做IAmBecauseWeAre(我在因为我们同在)。

    I did that , Mary , in fact , Madonna hit the red carpet at New York City 's Tribeca Film Festival last evening where her new film debuted . It 's called I Am Because We Are .

  27. 丹史蒂文斯日前正在宣传新电影《二月之夏》,在电影中陷入了一段纠结的三角恋。故事设定描述一群生性洒脱放荡不羁的Lamorna艺术家,1913年这群人沿着康沃尔海岸成立了自己的小团体。

    Dan is currently promoting his new film , ' Summer in February ' , where he plays one third of a love triangle , set amongst the wild and bohemian Lamorna Group of artists , who 've set up their community along the Cornwall coastline of 1913 .

  28. 那位导演的新电影融合了真实事件与虚构故事。

    The director 's new movie blended truth and fiction together .

  29. 新电影《星际大战》中有很多技术特技。

    The new Star Wars movie has lots of technical razzle-dazzle .

  30. 那部新电影将使你一天生色不少。

    That new movie will be the highlight of the day .