
xīn jù
  • New Drama;modern drama
新剧 [xīn jù]
  • [modern drama] 话剧初传入时的一种称呼

  1. 我将特别选出3部新剧。

    I will pick out three new plays particularly

  2. 哈罗德·品特新剧的世界首演由伊恩·霍尔姆担纲主演。

    The world premiere of Harold Pinter 's new play casts Ian Holm in the lead role

  3. 他的新剧《阿卡迪亚》和他写过的任何作品一样,错综复杂、构思精巧并且富含典故。

    His new play , Arcadia , is as intricate , elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written .

  4. 建造新剧院之权已委托给一位著名的建筑师。

    The Commission for the new theater was given to a well-known architect .

  5. 这一新剧得到的评价是褒贬不一。

    The new play got mixed notices .

  6. 评论家们热情洋溢地称赞这部新剧。

    Critics enthusiastically acclaimed the new play .

  7. 剧团昨晚上演了一部新剧。

    The troupe produced a new play last night .

  8. 新剧中,迈克还活着,而且第三次身陷狱中。

    Michael is alive and he ’ s got himself locked up for the third time .

  9. 这部新剧是权游的前传,它将被命名为《HouseoftheDragon》。

    The new show will be a prequel entitled House of the Dragon .

  10. 这一恶作剧由SkyLiving组织,这是他们的三部曲新剧《恩菲尔德凶宅》的一部分。

    The prank was organised by Sky Living as part of their new three-part drama The Enfield Haunting .

  11. 这些将在AppleTV+上线的新剧和电影,让人迫不及待,

    I can 't wait for all the new shows and movies coming to Apple TV + ,

  12. Fox将和艾美奖得主吉姆·帕森斯合作,共同推出一部医务新剧《家族基因》。

    Fox is teaming with Emmy winner Jim Parsons to develop medical drama The Family Gene .

  13. 新剧院有1200个座位,是投资55亿美元的宏大的上海迪士尼度假区(ShanghaiDisneyResort)里的重要景点。该度假区周四开放(6月16日)。

    The theater is an anchor of the colossal $ 5.5 billion Shanghai Disney Resort , which opened on Thursday .

  14. 所以《丑闻》(Scandal)这样的新剧也要和《火线》(TheWire)这样的老剧竞争。

    So a new season of " Scandal , " for example , is also competing against old series like " The Wire . "

  15. CW电视台有可能预定该剧的全集作为其2013年新剧。

    The CW may pick it up for a full series to launch in the fall of 2013 .

  16. 据Deadline报道,嘉年华影业公司将会制作这部新剧,这家公司曾经联合制作一航英剧《唐顿庄园》。

    Carnival Films , the same company that co-produced Downton Abbey , is producing the new show , according to Deadline .

  17. ABC频道的新剧《逍遥法外》(HowtoGetAwayWithMurder)是一部有趣的替代品,它是一部耸人听闻的夜间肥皂剧,讲述不法辩护律师的故事,简直可以称为法律与无序。

    A new addition on ABC , How to Get Away With Murder was a fun substitute , a lurid nighttime soap opera about lawbreaking defense lawyers & Law Disorder .

  18. CW台是在播映两集后决定下手砍除该剧的,由此《魅力人生》成为了今年秋天第一部被电视台取消的新剧。

    After two episodes , The CW gave it the axe , making it the first cancellation of the fall season .

  19. 这名歌手将在新剧《StyledtoRock》中担任独立制作人,歌手。

    The singer will act as executive producer and star in the new series , " Styled to Rock , " for the Style network .

  20. 这部BBC新剧号称拥有超豪华演员阵容,包括曾出演《哈利波特》的吉姆·布劳德本特以及《堕落》女主角吉莲·安德森等。

    The BBC drama boasts an impressive cast including Harry Potter 's Jim Broadbent and The Fall 's Gillian Anderson .

  21. BBC出品的《福斯特医生》将两枚奖项收入囊中:最佳新剧奖以及演员苏兰·琼斯的最佳表演奖。

    BBC drama Doctor Foster collected two awards - best new drama and best drama performance for its star Suranne Jones .

  22. 《冰与火之歌》和《火与血》的作者乔治·R·R·马丁和莱恩·康道尔将共同撰写新剧的剧本。新书《火与血》的故事发生在维斯特洛大陆上。

    The new show 's cocreators are George R.R. Martin , author of " A Song of Ice and Fire " and the latest Westeros-based novel " Fire and Blood , " and Ryan Condal .

  23. 史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格担任担任监制,奥斯卡影后哈莉•贝瑞担任主演,光凭这两个人名就足以使CBS暑期档科幻新剧《传世》成为一部必追之作。

    The names of Steven Spielberg and Halle Berry alone would make Extant , CBS " new summer sci-fi drama , a must-watch .

  24. 有前景的新节目:NBC已为电视节目预定7部新剧,其中四部都关于女主角。

    New promising programs : NBC has ordered seven new plays for TV program , among which four plays are of heroine .

  25. 46岁的布兰切特目前在丈夫AndrewUpton的新剧中担任主演,该剧改编自契诃夫的《普拉托诺夫》(ThePresent),在悉尼剧院演出。

    Blanchett , who is 46 , is currently starring in her husband Andrew Upton 's adaptation of Chekhov 's " The Present " at the Sydney Theatre Company .

  26. 但是Hulu这样的流媒体不再满足于制作新剧,它们还在旧剧中寻宝。

    But streaming services like Hulu aren 't just producing new shows , they 're also salvaging old ones .

  27. 《风骚律师》(BetterCallSaul),AMC,2月8日播出。这是文斯·吉里根(ViceGilligan)与彼得·古尔德(PeterGould)的《绝命毒师》的衍生剧,或许是今年冬天最受期待的新剧了。

    BETTER CALL SAUL ( AMC , Feb. 8 ) Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould 's " Breaking Bad " spinoff is probably the most anticipated new series of the winter .

  28. 新剧集又是否值得观众们重新关注?同时,HBO电视网出品的《新闻编辑室》在第一季时,长时间遭遇剧评人的口诛笔伐,但仍不乏一些极具魅力且更加平民化的佳作。

    Meanwhile , HBO 's The Newsroom , long into its first season which critics hated so much , continues to make episodes far more captivating and less patronizing ;

  29. 当以制作高品质电视剧闻名的美国付费电视频道HBO推出的新剧《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)首集开播时,马丁一夜之间在全球成名。

    Overnight , he became globally famous when HBO , the American pay-TV channel renowned for making high-quality drama , put out the first episode of its new series Game of Thrones .

  30. CBS电视台正在为新剧《Elementary》努力,这部剧描述福尔摩斯生活在现代都市中的故事(非常像BBC的《神探夏洛克》),只不过现在夏洛克生活在纽约。

    CBS TV Studios is working on ELEMENTARY , described as a modern day take of Sherlock Holmes ( much like BBC 's SHERLOCK ), only now Sherlock lives in New York City .