
xīn jiè
  • the "New Territories"
新界[xīn jiè]
  1. 中国游击队在新界四出活动,逃匿的盟军人员也得到村民掩护。

    Chinese guerrillas operated in the new territories and escaping allied personnel were assisted by the rural population .

  2. 我们也正在新界进行大规模的计划,以改善区内的污水处理和收集系统。

    Massive programmes to improve sewage treatment and collection systems in the New Territories are also being carried out .

  3. 新界环回公路改善计划(凹头至粉锦公路)第I至IV期

    New Territories Circular Road Improvements ( Au Tau to Fan Kam Road ) Phases I to IV

  4. 香港其余部分(九龙、新界以及其它岛屿)由中电集团(ChinaLightandPower)负责供电,该集团最近决定从埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)购回自身业务的全部股权。

    The rest of Hong Kong – Kowloon , the New Territories and other islands – are served by China Light and Power , which recently chose to buy back full ownership of its business from ExxonMobil .

  5. 当他完成这项改造时,这里很快成为香港北部新界(NewTerritories)最大的人口中心之一。目前,在香港700万人口中,逾半数居住于新界。

    When he had finished it was well on its way to becoming one of the biggest population centres in Hong Kong 's northern New Territories , which are today home to more than half of the territory 's 7m people .

  6. 我们参与过包括香港在内的合作项目。我们多年来为KCRC提供咨询,包括新界轻轨项目的发展。

    Projects with which we have been associated include Hong Kong . We have provided advice to KCRC over many years , including advice on the development of the light rail scheme in the new Territories .

  7. 非负矩阵谱半径的一个新界值估计

    Estimation of new bounds on the spectral radius of nonnegative matrix

  8. 新界军事用地转为住宅发展用途研究

    Study of Military Sites in the New Territories for Residential Development

  9. 西新界青年中乐团〔音乐事务处〕

    West New Territories Youth Chinese Orchestra [ Music Office ]

  10. 心脏标记物用于心绞痛危险分层的新界值

    New cut-off values of cardiac markers for risk stratification of angina pectoris

  11. 她的计划惊人地奏效。新界行人路工程计划

    Her plans were working wonderfully . New Territories Footpath Programme

  12. 我意愿锚定真正灵性律法的新界域。

    I intend to anchor the new boundaries of true spiritual law .

  13. 新界荃湾蔬菜产销贷款有限责任合作社

    " Tsuen Wan Vegetable Marketing and Credit Co-operative Society , Limited "

  14. 许可地区〔新界及大屿山的士〕

    Permitted operating area [ New Territories and Lantau taxis ]

  15. 文化、环境文化概念的新界说及阐释

    The New Concept and Explanation of Culture , Environment Culture

  16. 修订新界西南次区域发展策略;

    Updating the development strategies for the south-west new territories ;

  17. 你偏好哪种新界发展模式?

    What types of development do you wish to see in the NT ?

  18. 新界西北综合规划及发展研究

    Integrated Planning and Development Studies on Northwest New Territories

  19. 新界百福鸡岭村居民福利会有限公司

    Pak Fook Kai Ling Villages ( New Territories ) Residents Welfare Association Limited

  20. 新界土地使用政策发展工作小组

    Task Group on New Territories Land Use Policy Development

  21. 新界元朗东头工业区康业街9号。

    Hong Yip Street , Yuen Long , New Territories , Hong Kong .

  22. 对矩阵一种新界设置条件的论证

    Proof of Conditions for Installation New Bounds of Matrices

  23. 新界蚝业水产联合会

    New Territories Oyster and Aquatic Products Industries United Association

  24. 新界区估价事务科〔差饷物业估价署〕

    New Territories Division [ Rating and Valuation Department ]

  25. 新界养鸡同业会有限公司

    " New territories chicken breeders association , limited "

  26. 新界及东九龙区防火办事处〔消防处〕

    New Territories and Kowloon East Fire Protection Regional Office [ Fire Services Department ]

  27. 介绍新界新市镇发展对新界面貌所起的变化。

    Changes in the new territories in the face of the new town developments approx.

  28. 新界蔬菜市场拍卖员工联谊会

    New Territories Vegetable Market Auction Staff Club

  29. 新界西南次区域的发展策略检讨已于七月完成。

    The review of the Development Strategy for the SWNT sub-region was completed in July .

  30. 新界西北废物转运站

    North West New Territories Refuse Transfer Station