
lěi qiú
  • softball;baseball;softball game
垒球 [lěi qiú]
  • (1) [softball; baseball]

  • (2) 类似棒球的游戏,共七局,场地也较小,球较大,按规则要求低手投球,在投手投球前跑垒员不得离垒

  • (3) 圆周约12英寸的平缝球,里面充塞木棉,外面用马皮或牛皮包裹,用于垒球戏

垒球[lěi qiú]
  1. 杜兰特在投奔金州的第一年就赢下了冠军,而且加冕了总决赛MVP,不久他就穿着一件定制的纸杯蛋糕T恤参加队友贾维尔-麦基的垒球(软球?)活动。

    Durant won a title in his first season with Golden State , and was even named MVP of the Finals , after which he wore a custom-made cupcake hat to teammate JaVale McGee 's celebrity softball game .

  2. 我太太今天在这有个垒球比赛

    My wife 's got a softball game out here today .

  3. 业余垒球协会的裁判员名单上的人数已经减少到了57,000名。

    The Amateur Softball Association 's roster of umpires has declined to 57,000

  4. 那个垒球队看样子是世界冠军队的对手。

    That baseball team appeared to be a match for the world championship .

  5. 然后垒球教练喊道:"有人会心肺复苏术吗?"心肺复苏术是一种救生技术。

    Then the softball coach shouted out , " Does anyone know CPR ? " CPR is a life-saving technique .

  6. 在我的第一堂体育课上,老师要求我们跑几圈,然后打垒球。

    In my first P . E . class , the teacher required us to run laps and then hit a softball .

  7. 卫斯理学院垒球队的女孩们在练习中等待下一轮击球,跺脚取暖,八年级学生泰勒•比斯比看着队友帕里斯•怀特打球时有点发抖。

    The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball were waiting for their next turns at bat during practice , stamping their feet to stay warm , Eighth-grader Taylor Bisbee shivered a little as she watched her teammate Paris White play .

  8. 这位亿滋国际(MondelezInternational)掌门人几乎参加过你能想象出的所有体育项目——排球、陆上曲棍球、垒球和篮球。不过,她最热爱的当属篮球。事实上,她曾计划在康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)打篮球。

    While growing up , the Mondelez International head played almost any sport imaginable , including volleyball , field hockey , softball and basketball .

  9. 因为他和那些相当于他一半年纪的小孩子打垒球,琳尼特劝说Rob安排一次体检。

    Because he played softball with guys half his age , Lynette talked Rob into scheduling a physical .

  10. 在空闲时间,他喜欢在大海进行长距离游泳,以及和他6岁的女儿Christina打垒球。

    In his free time , he enjoys open ocean swimming , and playing sports with his daughter , Christina .

  11. 密西西比州希望推行13岁的VictoriaParrish的做法,这名学生通过食用更健康的食物和打垒球减肥20千克。

    Mississippi wants to promote more students like Victoria Parrish - this 13 year-old lost 20 kilograms by eating better and playing softball .

  12. 注:新加坡美国社区(SACAC)设有女孩的垒球和篮球项目。

    Note : SACAC also runs girls'softball and basketball programmes .

  13. 垒球出手速度(V1)是反映投手水平最主要的指标之一,也常用于直接评价投手的技术水平。

    Softball and hand speed ( V1 ) is the pitcher the most important indicator of the level , but also commonly used in the direct evaluation of the technical level pitcher .

  14. 特别是肩关节灵活性的提高要引起足够重视。7.甘肃省四级梯队投手的V1与国内相应组别一流投手的V1都存在一定的差距,各级梯队投手的垒球出手速度都有待于进一步提高。

    In particular , improve the flexibility of the shoulder to arouse sufficient attention.6.Gansu Province four echelon pitcher V1 and the corresponding categories of domestic first-class pitcher V1 there are certain gaps , the softball pitcher at all levels echelon hand speed to be further improved .

  15. 我后悔没有参加垒球社团或排球联盟。

    I regret not joining a softball team or volleyball league .

  16. 垒球是最棒的运动?

    Baseba 's the best game n the won D eh ?

  17. 垒球比赛只打7局。

    There are only seven innings in a game of softball .

  18. 受欢迎的运动是棒球,橄榄球和垒球。

    The other favorites are baseball , football , and softball .

  19. 第7届世界青年垒球锦标赛投手防守分析

    On Pitchers ' Fielding at the 7th World Softball Championship Junior

  20. 或加入当地的成人足球或垒球联赛。

    Or join a local adult soccer or softball league .

  21. 中国女子垒球优秀投手投球动作的生物力学研究

    Biomechanics Research on Throwing of China Excellent Female Softball Pitcher

  22. 你周五晚上要去打垒球吗?

    Are you going to play softball on Friday night ?

  23. 儿童垒球运动员心肺功能与选材关系的探讨

    Cardiopulmonary Functions of the Children Baseball Players and Identification of Sport Talent

  24. 杭州市中学开展棒、垒球系列运动的可行性研究

    Research on the Feasibility of Baseball in Middle Schools of Hangzhou City

  25. 中国优秀棒、垒球运动员科学选材研究

    Study on the Scientific Selection of Chinese Elite Baseball and Softball Athletes

  26. 在打垒球的时候摔着了。

    I fell on it while I was playing softball .

  27. 你能相信吗?我成了本垒球!

    Can you beIieve it ? I 'm a home run ball !

  28. 我国青少年女子垒球投手肩关节运动的检测分析

    Testing Analysis of Shoulder Joint Movement of Chinese Young Female Softball Pitchers

  29. 乒乓球在西边,垒球在东边。

    Ping-pong in the West arcade , softball in the East diamond .

  30. 国际垒球联合会是垒球的世界性管理机构。

    The ISF is the world governing body of softball .