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  • 网络Taiwan;taiwan compatriot;our compatriots in Taiwan;our taiwan compatriots
  1. 借此机会也请你转达我对台湾同胞新的一年的祝福。

    Please also convey my New Year greetings to our Taiwan compatriots .

  2. 对此,广大台湾同胞应当提高警惕。

    The masses of Taiwan compatriots should heighten their vigilance against the separatist scheme .

  3. 充分理解和化解台湾同胞的历史情结

    Fully Understanding and Dispelling Historical Emotional Knot of Compatriots in Taiwan

  4. 台湾同胞投资企业的形式及其比较分析&西部大开发过程中有关吸引外资的思考之一

    A Comparative Study on the Styles of the Taiwan - invested Companies

  5. 持有效证件的港澳同胞、台湾同胞;

    Compatriots from Hong Kong , Macao or Taiwan with valid credentials ;

  6. 只要是对台湾同胞有利的事情,我们都会去做。

    We will do anything that is conducive to the people of taiwan .

  7. 两千一百万台湾同胞都是中国人,都是骨肉同胞、手足兄弟

    The 21 million compatriots in Taiwan are all Chinese and our own flesh and Blood

  8. 中华全国台湾同胞联谊会

    All China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots

  9. 我们充分尊重台湾同胞的生活方式和当家作主的愿望。

    We fully respect their life style and their wish to be the masters of our country .

  10. 和平统一最符合包括台湾同胞在内的中华民族的根本利益。

    Peaceful reunification is in the best interests of the Chinese nation , including our compatriots in Taiwan .

  11. 台湾同胞求和平、求安定、求发展的意愿日益增强。

    The desire of our Taiwan compatriots for peace , stability and development is growing stronger day by day .

  12. 我们寄希望于具有光荣爱国主义传统的台湾同胞。

    We place our hopes on our compatriots in Taiwan who are endowed with the glorious traditions of patriotism .

  13. 台湾同胞在抗战期间对祖国收复台湾做出了重大贡献:一、为收复台湾而协力抗战;

    From the four aspects about compatriots in Taiwan contributing to recovering Taiwan territory in the period of the Anti-Japanese War .

  14. 这一原则立场完全符合包括台湾同胞和海外侨胞在内的全中国人民的根本利益。

    Its principled position fully conforms to the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese .

  15. 为实现这一目标,我们愿意广泛听取和充分尊重广大台湾同胞的意见。

    To attain the goal , we are willing to extensively listen to and respect the opinions of the masses of Taiwan compatriots .

  16. 台湾同胞还将与大陆同胞一道,充分地共享伟大祖国在国际上的尊严和荣誉。

    Taiwan compatriots will also fully enjoy the great motherland 's dignity and prestige in the world together with their compatriots on the mainland .

  17. 这是拖延和抗拒统一的借口,是欺骗台湾同胞和国际舆论的伎俩。

    This is an excuse for postponing and resisting reunification , as well as a scheme to deceive compatriots in Taiwan and world opinion .

  18. 台湾同胞具有光荣的爱国主义传统,在反抗外国侵略台湾的斗争中建立了卓越的功勋。

    Our compatriots in Taiwan have a glorious tradition of patriotism , and have performed brilliant exploits in the struggles against foreign invasions of Taiwan .

  19. 一直以来,钓鱼岛问题受到港澳同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞的共同关注。

    Over the years , the issue of Diaoyu Dao has attracted attention from Hong Kong and Macao compatriots , Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese .

  20. 最后,本文从文化自组织协同策略的角度出发,提出了加强台湾同胞国族认同回归的具体对策。

    At last , from the point of the cultural spontaneous synergetic strategies this study raises some concrete strategies for strengthening the Taiwanese National Identity return .

  21. 完成统一祖国的大业是包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民的神圣职责。

    It is the inviolable duty of all Chinese people , including our compatriots in Taiwan , to accomplish the great task of reunifying the motherland .

  22. 同时,国家依法保护台湾同胞在中国其他地区的权利和利益。

    At the same time , the state shall protect the rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots in other parts of China in accordance with law .

  23. 向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞和台湾同胞以及广大侨胞,致以亲切的问候!

    My cordial greetings to compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative region , the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan as well as all overseas chinese ;

  24. 台湾同胞的生活方式不变,他们的切身利益将得到充分保障,永享太平。

    Our Taiwan compatriots may keep their way of life unchanged , and their vital interests will be fully guaranteed . They will enjoy a lasting peace .

  25. 从当代寻根小说看台湾同胞的思归心理

    An Observation on the Anxious Mentality to Return in Hearts of Our Compatriots in Taiwan by view of the Current Novels with a Feature of Seeking Root

  26. 去年以来,台湾同胞经受了经济衰退与自然灾害的双重侵袭,我们对此感同身受。

    Since last year , Taiwan compatriots have experienced the dual attacks of economic recession and natural disasters , to which we deem as our own sufferings .

  27. 日本阪神大地震发生后,中国使领馆及时抚慰受灾的台湾同胞。

    After the big earthquakes in Osaka and kobe , japan , the Chinese Embassy and consulate general there promptly extended their sympathies to stricken Taiwan compatriots .

  28. 2300万台湾同胞是我们的骨肉兄弟,我们十分关心他们的利益和福祉。

    Twenty-three million Taiwan compatriots are our brothers and sisters linked by flesh and blood , so we are very much concerned about their interests and happiness .

  29. 我们要切实保护台湾同胞权益,团结台湾同胞维护好、建设好中华民族共同家园。

    We should fully protect the rights and interests of our Taiwan compatriots and work with them to safeguard and build the common home of the Chinese nation .

  30. 两岸合则两利,分则两害,已被越来越多的台湾同胞所认识。

    Reunification will benefit both sides across the straits , and separation will harm both . a growing number of Taiwan compatriots have recognized the aforementioned facts and views .