
  1. 分析表明亩穗数、收敛指数、叶态、穗重4个性状与小麦田间平均透光率显著相关。

    The analysis indicates that the four features-the number of ear per Chinese acre , the convergence exponent , leaf condition and the heavy of ear have remarkable correlation with the wheat field average transmittance .

  2. 汽机末级静叶平衡态湿蒸汽流动数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of equilibrium wet steam flow inside stator blade of turbine last stage

  3. 同时菠菜根部铵态氮含量急剧下降,茎叶中铵态氮含量变化不显著。

    Contents of ammonium nitrogen in shoot among varying treatments were not significantly difference .

  4. 应用反射仪测定棉株叶组织硝态氮含量,研究了硝态氮作为棉花氮营养诊断和追肥推荐指标的可行性。

    Field experiments were conducted to study cotton nitrogen diagnosis and topdressing recommendation by measuring cotton tissue NO3-concentration with Reflectoquant .

  5. 施用不同的有机肥,对降低烤酒中部叶片硝态氮含量有一定作用,但上部叶的硝态氮含量有所提高。

    Nitrate and nitrite contents could be decreased for middle but increased for uppers in flue cured tobacco leaves by applying different organic manures .

  6. 早实核桃叶片P含量在展叶期期间铵态氮肥对其影响较好,果实膨大期和硬核期为尿素对其影响较好。

    Ammonium nitrogen fertilizer had good influence on leaf P content in leaf-expansion stage , while urea in fruit-expansion stage and hard stone stage .

  7. 据分布函数的X2检验,果实制干率、生育期、Vc和固形物含量及花径和叶长遵从正态分布,而单果重、可食率和枣吊长度呈近似X2分布。

    Vc and soluble solid material contents of flesh . diameter of flower and length of leaf , conformed to the normal distribution . However , those of fruit weight , edible rate of fruit and length of bearing branchlet looked rather like X2 distribution .

  8. 结果表明处理后的棕叶纤维的湿态强度明显提高。

    The result showed that the dry and wet strength of the palm fibers treated were increased obviously .

  9. 量热计测定结果表明,不同地区银杏(Ginkgobiloba)叶热值(caloriccontent,亦称等容燃烧热,Qv)不同,显示地域性条件对银杏叶能态具有较大影响。

    It is proved by determination of caloric meter that ginkgo leaves from different areas vary on their caloric content , which shows that local condition can affect greatly on the leaves ' energy state .