
  1. 我们要吃面,还是麦当劳呢?

    Should we eat noodles , or go to McDonald 's ?

  2. 新儿已不是穿着吃面了。

    Xin-er was no longer all dressed up to eat his noodles .

  3. 日本人认为吃面时发出声音,面条的味道会更好。

    Japanese also say it tastes better if you slurp .

  4. 为什么中国人过生日要吃面?

    Why Chinese people eat noodles on their birthdays ?

  5. 弟弟吃面,我喝汤呀;

    He eats noodles , I drink the soup ;

  6. 那时的良杰只有21岁,正穿着一件被雨水打湿的衬衫吃面。

    He was dressed in a rain-soaked shirt and eating a bowl of noodles .

  7. 网上甚至创造出拜登吃面这个新词,并迅速传播开来。

    A new phrase Biden Eats Noodles was even coined and spread quickly online .

  8. 有一次他正在无照小摊旁边吃面

    Once when he was eating his contraband ramen

  9. “孤独星球”:吃面时“滋滋”出声是“完全”没有问题的。

    Lonely Planet : It is " perfectly " okay to slurp when you eat noodles .

  10. 为什么日本人在喝热汤或吃面时要发出像猪一样的声音呢?

    So , why do the Japanese make pig-like sounds when eating hot soups and noodles ?

  11. 其实也许久没有吃面了,倒是有些想了。

    In fact for a long time not to eat noodles , it touches on some thought .

  12. 晚起的我们,撑着伞冒雨去面馆吃面。

    Evening to the us , the rain holding an umbrella to the noodle shop to eat noodles .

  13. 按他老板的话说,冬季是“吃面高峰季节”,所以刚刚加倍了销售指标。

    And citing the arrival of winter ," peak noodle-eating season ," his boss had just doubled sales quotas .

  14. 文化传统:不同于制造高分贝噪音,吃面时自然地发出轻微的声音非但不粗鲁,反而是种对厨师的赞美。

    Tradition : Unlike making big noises , slurping mildly is not rude but is a compliment to the chef .

  15. 大量吃面圈和大米也有类似的效果,多吃蔬菜可以降低这种危险性。

    Eating a lot of pasta and rice may also raise the risk , while eating many vegetables may lower the risk .

  16. 有一次,他正在无照小摊旁边吃面,警察来了,警察赶走了小摊贩和他们的顾客。

    Once when he was eating his contraband pasta next to the vendor , police came and chased after the vendors and their customers .

  17. 适合包装颗粒,膨化食品,也适用碎干吃面、瓜子、白砂糖、花生等较大物品中剂量的包装。

    It is suitable for packaging of granular crushable items , pyro-extension food , precess noodles , melon-seeds , granulated sugar and peanuts in normal quantity .

  18. 直接从共用的盘子夹菜就行(别逮住好菜猛造),吃面用吸的。

    It 's OK to grab food directly from the serving dish with your chopsticks ( just don 't hunt around for the best piece ), and it 's OK to slurp noodles in soup .

  19. 据当地的史志记载,岐山臊子面起源于3000年前,“只吃面、不喝汤”是当地人约定俗成的饮食规矩。

    As soon as the guests come , they 'll get a bowl of noodles . Local chronicles say that Qishan saozi noodles originated 3000 years ago . According to the local custom , people only eat the noodles but don 't drink the soup .

  20. 吃面之前,挑出一根最长的放在寿星公的碗里,要等他吃下这碗带着全村人寓意长命百岁祝福的面条,一场寿宴才算圆满。

    Before eating the noodles , all the people pick out the longest noodle in their bowl and put it into the bowl of the one who celebrates the birthday . When be eats the bowl with all the long noodles carrying the villagers ' best wishes , a birthday banquet can be regarded as complete .

  21. 中午快餐吃意大利面绝对没错。

    For a quick lunch you can 't go wrong with pasta .

  22. 腊八面Labanoodles在我国北方一些不产或少产大米的地方,人们不喝腊八粥,而是吃腊八面。

    In some places of the North that do not produce or produce less of the rice , people eat the Laba noodles instead of the Laba porridge .

  23. 在难过沮丧时,一个人独自吃意大利面,这时候你就可以说,我吃的是“伤心意面”。

    When one eats spaghetti all alone , while also being sad and depressed , you can say it 's sadghetti .

  24. 他一边跑一边还在吃他的面

    that as he was running , he kept eating his noodles

  25. 人们会吃长寿面来祈求长寿,同时供奉生鱼祈求成功。

    Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success .

  26. 人们在教堂交谊厅吃意大利面晚餐。

    People served a spaghetti supper in the parish house .

  27. 我们最喜欢的邻居是意大利人,他们邀请我们去吃意大利面。

    Our favorite neighbors were Italian and invited us over for spaghetti .

  28. 在意大利,大家喜欢吃意大利面和披萨。

    In Italy , everybody likes Spaghetti and Pizza .

  29. 我喜欢吃凉拌面色拉,味道很好吃。

    I like pasta salad . It 's delicious .

  30. 每天吃速食面让我吃腻了。

    8i 'm sick of eating instant noodles everyday .