
hé zuò hé tonɡ
  • cooperative contract
  1. 2003年10月29日,乐凯集团与柯达签订了长达20年的合作合同;

    On 29 Oct. 2003 , Lucky signed a 20-year long contract with Kodak ;

  2. 伊朗石油资源对外合作合同模式经济研究

    The Economic Research on Iran Petroleum Contract Mode

  3. 各种观点的分歧,最终导致在发生合资、合作合同纠纷时,项目公司承担责任的依据和范围有所不同。

    Because of the differences between the various points of view , the ultimate basis and scope of the responsibility will be different .

  4. 双方就相互工作方式和思路取得共识,签订相关的具有法律效力的合作合同。客户支付约定的预付款。

    The two sides on mutual work methods and ideas consensus has been reached , the signing of the relevant legal effect of a cooperation contract . , Agreed to pay the advances .

  5. 德国化工巨人拜耳药业集团周四表示,该公司已与上海氯碱化工有限公司签订合作合同,在上海建立一个总资产达4.5亿美元的聚碳酸酯工厂,这也是拜耳在中国进行大规模投资计划的第一步。

    Germany 's Bayer AG said on Thursday it has kicked off a massive China expansion plan with a joint venture deal with Chlor Alkali to build a $ 450 million polycarbonate plant in Shanghai .

  6. 合同管理,与总部合作完成合同条款。

    Contract management , consults Corporate Council on contract terms .

  7. (十四)合作企业合同的修改程序。

    Procedures for modifying the JV contract .

  8. 在此未被修正的修正后的合营合同及修正后的章程的条款应继续完全有效。我不知道合作经营合同。

    Those terms of the Amended JV Contract and the Amended Articles which have not been amended herein shall remain in full effect .

  9. 在具体案例中,如房地产合同纠纷案和合作开发合同纠纷案都涉及到了鼓励交易制度的适用问题。

    Are involved in specific cases , such as real estate contract disputes and co-development contract disputes to encourage the application of the trading system .

  10. 房地产合作建房合同效力的认定及处理具体行政行为公定力与其证据效力关系辨析&兼论诉讼中附属证据性行政问题的解决

    The Cognizance and Treatment of the Validity of Co-Building Contracts in Real Estates Development Discrimination between the Public Force of Concrete Administrative Behavior and Evidence Effectiveness

  11. 正如敏捷宣言的定义&“客户合作胜过合同谈判”几乎总会比最大化个人奖励产生更佳的结果。

    As is stated in the Agile Manifesto –" Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation " would almost always give better results than aiming to maximize individual rewards .

  12. 甲乙双方之间合作的合同的有效期是一年;如果双方合作在合作中没有任何问题,那合同是无限延长。

    In the beginning of the contract 's duration is one year for try , and after one year , the duration of this contract will be unlimited .

  13. 含工业产权的转让或者许可,专有技术许可或者技术服务任何一项内容的合作生产合同和合作设计合同。

    A co-operative production contact or co-operative design contract involving the assignment or licensing of industrial property rights , the licensing of proprietary technology or the provision of technical service .

  14. 通过中外合作经营合同保底条款的效力的分析,可以比较各种解释方法的运用,探讨其在具体案件中的适用规则。

    By analyzing the validity of the " fixed profit " clause in a sino foreign joint venture contract this article compares different interpretation methods in order to disclose the rules therein .

  15. 而合建房屋建成后的所有权归属又是合作建房合同的中心问题,直接涉及合作双方的切身利益。

    And after setting up the houses , the ownership of the usufruct is the central problem of the contract , which will directly related to the benefits of the both parties .

  16. 第二十五条中外合作者履行合作企业合同、章程发生争议时,应当通过协商或者调解解决。

    Article 25 Any dispute between the Chinese and foreign parties arising from the execution of the contract or the articles of association for a contractual joint venture shall be settled through consultation or mediation .

  17. 把生产中的控制权配置给最有能力治理农户的代理人/中介,并充分实现其与公司各自专有知识的合作是合同农业中成功治理农户的重要条件。

    It is a significant precondition of managing peasants successfully in the contract farming to put the controlling rights of production to the most capable agents or brokerages and realize the cooperation between them and the firm .

  18. 为此,在签订某直升机旋翼对法合作的合同之前,我们对某直升机采用4片桨叶与5片桨叶的动力学性能进行了比较和分析,并得出明确的结论。

    As a consequence dynamic characteristics of 4 blade and 5 blade rotor have been compared and analysed prior to the signature of contract on Sino-French cooperation of rotor design , and clear conclusions have been drawn .

  19. 分析了高等学校技术合同管理中的现状与问题,认为技术秘密成果归属与分享约定不明确,是引发合同纠纷的隐患;综述了委托和合作开发合同中关于技术秘密成果归属与分享的法律规定;

    Based on the presents status and problem of technological contracts management in high institutes , the article points out that the ambiguity of technological secret achievement ′ s attribution and its share easily lead to contract embarrassment .

  20. 随着建筑业的发展,工程项目管理理论和实践也随之不断发展提高,倡导参与方相互信任和合作的合同模式越来越多的得到重视和应用。

    With the development of Construction , and the continual development of the theoretical and practical methods of the contruction projects , the contract which advocating mutual trust and cooperation has been paid more and more attention and application .

  21. 第九条中外合作者应当依照法律、法规的规定和合作企业合同的约定,如期履行缴足投资、提供合作条件的义务。

    Article 9 The Chinese and foreign parties shall , in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations and the agreements in the contractual joint venture contract , duly fulfil their obligations of contributing full investment and providing the conditions for cooperation .

  22. 基底细胞癌是一个有一个或更多越南合作伙伴的合同。

    A BCC is a contract with one or more Vietnamese partners .

  23. 对外合作油气合同谈判应注意的问题

    Several Problems should be Concerned in Oil and Gas International Cooperative Contract Negotiation

  24. 本合作经营企业合同,此后应持续有效两年。

    The Contract for the contractual joint venture shall continue from a period o two years thereafter .

  25. 敏捷方法将试图将对峙关系转化为协作关系(客户合作重于合同谈判)。

    An agile approach hinges upon replacing that confrontation with collaboration ( customer collaboration over contract negotiation ) .

  26. 通过合作协议或合同与公司建立业务关系,为公司业务提供帮助的实体或个人。

    An entity or individual affiliated with a company through partnership or contract to assist the company in its business .

  27. 首先分析了不同的合作机制,合同网、市场机制在虚拟企业合作中的不足。

    The shortcoming of cooperation mechanism in virtual enterprise , such as contract net , marketing mechanism is analyzed firstly .

  28. 访问期间,双方还将发表一些共同文件,签署一些合作协议和合同。

    During the visit , the two sides will also issue some joint documents and sign some cooperation agreements and contracts .

  29. 有鉴于此,本硕士论文确定为基于合作博弈的合同模型为研究的课题。

    In view of this , this thesis confirms contract model based on cooperative gaming as the subject I want to research .

  30. 中国为委内瑞拉研制并成功发射通信卫星,与有关国家签署通信卫星领域合作协议或合同。

    China has successfully developed and launched a communications satellite for Venezuela and signed agreements or contracts on cooperation in the field of communications satellites with some countries .