
  • 网络a family reunion
  1. 人们庆祝节日,是因为节日是合家团圆的日子。

    People cherish some festivals because they are the days for family reunion .

  2. 圆代表合家团圆的意思。

    The round shape to a Chinese means family reunion .

  3. 春节是全家人合家团圆的一个节日。

    It is the day that the families get together .

  4. 是的。圣诞节是合家团圆的日子。

    Yes . Christmas is a time for family get-together .

  5. 利奥:是的,这个节日也是合家团圆的时刻。

    Leo : Yes . It 's a time for families to get together .

  6. 他们安然到达那里,合家团圆,共同度过一段很长的快乐时光。

    They arrived there safe and sound , and lived happily for a long time .

  7. 9月12日是今年的中秋节,中国一个合家团圆的传统节日。

    September12th marks this year 's Mid-Autumn Festival , a traditional Chinese holiday for family reunions .

  8. 中秋节,一个中国合家团圆的假日,落在9月12日。

    The Mid-autumn Festival , one of the reunion holidays for Chinese families , fell on September12th .

  9. 在中国,不断变化的社会现实往往使得人们很少有机会合家团圆。

    In China , family unity is often at odds with the reality of its changing society .

  10. 还有另一种解释是,在月圆之夜吃圆月饼,象征着合家团圆。

    Still another interpretation is that eating round moon cakes on a full - moon night symbolizes family reunion .

  11. 因为我们一月份过春节,而春节期间合家团圆是我们的传统。

    Because we celebrate the Spring Festival in January , it 's our tradition to have a family reunion then .

  12. 因此,中秋节也是一个合家团圆的节曰。

    Therefore the Moon Festival is a holiday for members of a family to get together wherever it is possible .

  13. 圆圆的月亮下,是情侣们幽会的最佳时光;圆圆的月亮,也是祈祷合家团圆的象征。

    This is also a time for lovers to tryst and pray for togetherness , symbolized by the roundness of the moon .

  14. 月到中秋分外明,人到中秋望团圆!祝您节日快乐!合家团圆!

    Particularly that of the Mid-Autumn Festival , people look to the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion ! Wishes you happy holidays ! Family reunion !

  15. 由于圆月在中国人的传统中象征着合家团圆,拜月成为这个节日里必做的一件事之一。

    With the full moon symbolizing family reunion in Chinese tradition , moon worship has been one of the must do 's during the festival .

  16. 在古代,每逢中秋人们就用精制的糕饼祭奉月神;祭奉之后,全家人分吃,表示合家团圆欢聚。

    In ancient times , people use every Mid-Autumn refined confectionery offerings on god , Offering , the whole family points after eat , said family reunion together .

  17. 明天,就是感恩节了。全体美国人民将合家团圆,祈祷祝福,感谢我们的家庭和我们所爱的人!

    Tomorrow , Thanksgiving Day , Americans across the country will sit down together , count our blessings , and give thanks for our families and our loved ones .

  18. 新春到来喜事多,合家团圆幸福多;心情愉快朋友多,身体健康快乐多;一切顺利福气多,新年吉祥生意多;祝您好事多!多!多!

    Happy Spring Festival is approaching , family reunion more happy , Many friends happy , healthy joy , All blessings , new business , Wish you good ! Many ! Many !