
  • 网络James C. Collins;James Collins;Ji m Collins;Jim CoffinS
  1. 吉姆·柯林斯:让我们首先来看看一个在价值观上持之以恒,始终坚持一个目标,同时大力推进产品升级和创新的范例。我认为这就是苹果公司(Apple)。

    Jim Collins : Let 's first of all use a current example of a kind of consistency about values , and purpose and yet tremendous evolution and creativity around the products , and I think that is Apple .

  2. 吉姆·柯林斯:我们刚刚谈到了刺猬理念。

    Jim Collins : we talked earlier about the idea of a hedgehog concept .

  3. 吉姆·柯林斯:不,我认为刚开始时他们如果自己能养得活自己就很高兴了。

    Jim Collins : No , I think they would have been happy just to pay themselves at first .

  4. 吉姆·柯林斯:现在我要说说两点关于攀岩的感悟,这两点在我看来非常有价值。

    Jim Collins : now , there are two lessons from climbing that I have found personally very valuable .

  5. 吉姆·柯林斯:我十三岁左右就开始攀岩了。

    Jim Collins : Well , climbing has been part of my life since I was 13 or so years old .

  6. 吉姆·柯林斯:我确信人们互相依存的理念是可以被后天教授的,我们在实践中也证实了这一点。

    Jim Collins : I do believe that the sense of people really depending on each other can be taught , and we see that .

  7. 吉姆·柯林斯:实际上,我想攀岩最经常给我的启示应该还有两个。

    Jim Collins : actually , there are sort of I guess , two other things that relate to the concepts that show up a lot in the climbing .

  8. 吉姆·柯林斯:几周前,我有幸去朋友组织的一个会议做演讲,我的朋友在搞一个“积极训练联盟”。

    Jim Collins : a few weeks ago I had the privilege to do a session for a friend of mine that runs a thing called the Positive Coaching alliance .

  9. 吉姆·柯林斯:当我们结束之后,我和莫顿都下了很大功夫把书稿整合起来。

    Jim Collins : Well , this is probably , when we finish up , writing at this time , Morton and I have been working very hard on pulling it all together .

  10. 吉姆·柯林斯:是这样的:你现在要开始就地攀爬,这意味着你第一次爬一条新的路线。

    Jim Collins : But , the essence of it is this . You 're on a climb , it 's an onsite go , which means it 's your first time on the route .

  11. 吉姆·柯林斯:我仅仅是结合我们的研究和我自己的经历来谈,但是如果要应用到一个并不熟悉的文化当中去,我还是会有所顾忌。

    Jim Collins : I can only speak through the lens of our research and my own experience and I 'm hesitant to extend it to a culture that I know that I don 't know .

  12. 吉姆·柯林斯:那时我25岁,我当时是真的把车停到路边,然后想我还有五年的时间来搞清楚。

    Jim Collins : and I was 25 or something at the time and I literally pulled off the side of the road and I thought to myself , I have five years to figure this out .