
jí ěr jí sī sī tǎn
  • Kyrgyzstan;Kyrgyz Republic;Kirghizstan;Kirghizia
  1. 位于比什凯克的格里姆伍德团队专注于电子游戏研发,他们的游戏《一个人的世界》成为吉尔吉斯斯坦首款登陆Steam和Xbox等平台的游戏。

    Bishkek based Grimwood Team has been focusing on video game development , and their game World of One has become the first game from Kyrgyzstan to enter platforms such as Steam and Xbox .

  2. 吉尔吉斯斯坦反对派正式宣布成立过渡政府,取代总统库尔曼别克·巴基耶夫(KurmanbekBakiyev)政府。

    Kyrgyzstan Opposition Forms Interim Government

  3. 它是一个爱国主义巨著,叙述了Manas,他的后裔以及他的追随者的事迹,他们在九世纪反对维吾尔族入侵,从而捍卫了吉尔吉斯斯坦的独立。

    It is a patriotic work recounting the exploits of Manas and his descendants and followers , who fought against the Uyghurs in the ninth century to preserve Kyrgyz independence .

  4. 赴吉尔吉斯斯坦国Toktogul水电厂考察报告

    Inspection report of the Toktogul Hydropower plant

  5. 昨日,在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克召开的年度峰会上,上海合作组织(SCO)承诺加强地区安全与能源合作。上海合作组织由俄罗斯、中国和4个中亚共和国组成。

    The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , a grouping between Russia , China and four Central Asian republics , pledged to bolster regional security and energy co-operation at its annual summit yesterday in Bishkek , the capital of Kyrgyzstan .

  6. 但是,吉尔吉斯斯坦南部记者AlisherKhamidov表示,投票可能会产生适得其反的效果。

    But , Alisher Khamidov , a journalist in southern Kyrgyzstan , says the vote may have the opposite effect .

  7. 但是,奥图巴耶娃(RozaOtunbayeva)领导的吉尔吉斯斯坦临时政府坚持举行全民公投。

    But the country 's interim government , led by Roza Otunbayeva , has insisted on pressing on with the referendum .

  8. Tushkyiz被悬挂在新婚夫妇的床头,用吉尔吉斯斯坦的民族传统祝福他们婚姻。

    The Tush kyiz is hung in the yurt over the marriage bed of the couple , and symbolize their pride in their Kyrgyz tradition .

  9. AZUZ:在中国的西部,你会看到吉尔吉斯斯坦。我们昨天说过,吉尔吉斯斯坦发生了一些动乱。

    AZUZ : Well , over on the western side of China , you 'll find the country of Krgyzstan , a country that , as we told you yesterday , is going through some .

  10. Shindo在11月12日的一次新闻发布会上说,药物已经送往了阿富汗、蒙古、白俄罗斯和乌克兰,阿塞拜疆和吉尔吉斯斯坦也很快将得到药物。

    Supplies have been sent to Afghanistan , Mongolia , Belarus and Ukraine and others will soon be dispatched to Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan , Shindo told a press briefing ( 12 November ) .

  11. 在不久的将来,GERES还计划把这一项目扩展到兴都库什山的其它部分,如吉尔吉斯斯坦的中央帕米尔地区。

    In the near future , GERES plans to expand them to other parts of the Hindu Kush , as well as to Kyrgyzstan 's central Pamir region .

  12. 吉尔吉斯斯坦临时政府领袖奥坦巴耶娃(RozaOtunbayeva)表示,她的临时政府希望就离开吉尔吉斯斯坦的问题与巴基耶夫协商,在不伤害更多无辜平民的情况下解决目前的僵持状况。

    Interim Kyrgyz leader Roza Otunbayeva says her government is willing to negotiate his departure from the country and wants to resolve the standoff without any more harm to innocent civilians .

  13. 总统库尔曼别克•巴基耶夫(KurmanbekBakiyev)避难于该国南部的支持者当中,承认已经失去对武装力量和警察的掌握,并表示他仍不确定是否会留在国内。吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国位于中亚,是一个多山的国家。

    President Kurmanbek Bakiyev took refuge among supporters in the country 's south , where he acknowledged he had lost control of armed forces and police , and said he was ' still not sure ' he would remain in the mountainous Central Asian republic .

  14. 下一届中国商品展销会计划在吉尔吉斯斯坦举办。

    Next Chinese Commodity Fair is planning to be held in Kyrgyzstan .

  15. 吉尔吉斯斯坦的官方语言是吉尔吉斯语和和俄语。

    The official languages for Kyrgyzstan are Kyrgyz and Russian .

  16. 目的对吉尔吉斯斯坦野生粗毛甘草进行生药学研究。

    Objective To study pharmacognosy of wild Glycyrrhiza aspera Pall .

  17. 颜色和图案都具有吉尔吉斯斯坦传统文化和乡村生活的色彩。

    Colors and designs are chosen to symbolize Kyrgyz traditions and rural life .

  18. 吉尔吉斯斯坦是一个贫穷的多山国家,农业经济占主导地位。

    Kyrgyzstan is a poor , mountainous country with a predominantly agricultural economy .

  19. 中国与吉尔吉斯斯坦:现状、问题、与前景

    Relations Between China and Kyrgyzstan : Current State , Problems , and Prospect

  20. 吉尔吉斯斯坦社会转型时期道德失范实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Moral Anomie during the Social Transformation Period in Kyrgyzstan

  21. 他们都有一个共同的目标就是帮助复苏吉尔吉斯斯坦经济。

    They shared the common goal of helping the Kyrgyz economy to recover .

  22. 美俄都在吉尔吉斯斯坦拥有军事基地。

    Both powers maintain military bases in the country .

  23. 吉尔吉斯斯坦当局表示,他们正在搜索这次袭击中所用的武器。

    Kyrgyz authorities say they have been searching for weapons in these raids .

  24. 阿尔廷贝克·伊斯梅洛夫是吉尔吉斯斯坦高新科技园的负责人。

    Altynbek Ismailov is the director of the High Teck Park of Kyrgyzstan .

  25. 中国与吉尔吉斯斯坦警务合作面临的几大难点

    On the Police Cooperation between China and Kyrgyzstan

  26. 她说,吉尔吉斯斯坦武装力量和边境守卫均支持新政府。

    She says Kyrgyzstan 's armed forces and border guards support the new government .

  27. 2008年,中国在吉尔吉斯斯坦外贸总额中所占的比例为13.5%。

    In2008 , China accounted for13.5 % of total foreign trade volume in Kyrgyzstan .

  28. 吉尔吉斯斯坦正制定计划,准备在次国家层面上在确定的地理区域内继续开展若干天免疫活动。

    Kyrgyzstan is planning to conduct additional sub-national immunization days in defined geographic areas .

  29. 吉尔吉斯斯坦位于哈萨克斯坦的南部,是一个非常美丽的国度。

    Kirghizia , the country sits below Kazakhstan and is an incredibly pretty place .

  30. 他承诺中国将继续支持吉尔吉斯斯坦。

    He pledged that China 's support for the Central Asian country will continue .