
  • 网络sabhaga;sabhāga;tie score
  1. 原子团簇P6和P8同分异构的从头算研究

    Ab Initio Study for Phosphorus Clusters P_6 and P_8 Isomers

  2. 原子团簇P6同分异构体的可能性

    The Possibilities of the Isomers for Phosphorus Clusters P_6

  3. 磷原子团簇同分异构体的理论研究I:P5~+、P5~-和P5的预测

    The Prediction of the Isomers for Phosphorus Clusters P_5 ~ + , P_5 ~ + and P_5

  4. 中国队与韩国队、伊朗队、乌兹别克斯坦队、卡塔尔队和叙利亚队同分在B小组。

    China were drawn into Group B with South Korea , Iran , Uzbekistan , Qatar and Syria .

  5. 原子团簇Ge(11)同分异体的密度泛函研究

    A Density Functional Study for the Isomers of Germanium Clusters Ge_11

  6. 英格兰队和美国、斯洛文尼亚、阿尔及利亚同分在了C组,与英格兰队同组的球队都不算是足球大国。

    England were drawn in Group C alongside the United States , Slovenia and Algeria , none of whom are considered major footballing nations .

  7. 三种同分异构的碳氢化合物CH中任意一种,均用于制造合成橡胶。

    Any of three isomeric hydrocarbons C4H8 ; all used in making synthetic rubbers .

  8. 谱图相似度分析结合保留指数对单萜烯同分异构体的GC-MS定性分析

    Qualitative Analysis of Monoterpene Isomers by GC-MS with Spectral Similarity Analysis and Retention Index

  9. 结论:通过IR谱确证一个化合物是目标物2-苄氧基-5-氟-4-嘧啶酮-3-丁酸乙酯,另一化合物是它的同分异构体。

    Conclusions : One compound is identified as the title compound 2-benzyloxy-5-fluoro-4-oxo-pyrimidine-3-butyric acid ethyl ester , and the other one is its formula isomer .

  10. MDI同分异构体及水解氯分离的研究(Ⅰ)实验研究

    The Separation Process of MDI Isomer and Hydrolysis (ⅰ) The Experiment Study

  11. DDT的4种同分异构体均未检出;

    Four isomers of DDT were nor detected .

  12. 随着体系pH增大,壳聚糖对酸性品红的吸附能力减弱。酸性品红存在着两种同分异构体(II和III)。

    The adsorption capability of acid fuchsin on chitosan decreases with the increase of pH. Acid fuchsin has two kinds of isomers ( II and III ) .

  13. 本文采用了样条卷积(SC)的方法用以分辨重叠峰。通过这个方法考察了有机氯类农药DDT中的2个同分异构体P。

    A method called spline convolution ( SC ) for resolving overlapped peaks was used in this paper .

  14. S2为:大黄酚的同分异构物;

    S2 is the isomeric of Chrysophanol ;

  15. DDT类农药同分异构体和同系物的联合雌激素效应

    A Study on the Combined Estrogenic Effects of the Isomers and the Homologue of DDT Pesticide

  16. 采用UNIFAC方程回归同分异构体物系的固液相平衡

    Regression of Solid & Liquid Equilibrium of Isomers by Using UNIFAC Equation

  17. 共轭亚油酸(CLA)是亚油酸的同分异构体的混合物,主要来源于牛乳、乳制品及反刍动物食品的天然营养成分。

    Conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) is a collective term to describe one or more positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid .

  18. 并根据分子体系的能级差ΔE(LUMO-HOMO)判断了同分异构体的稳定性关系。

    The energy difference Δ E_ (( LUMO-HOMO )) of the molecular systems was employed to analyze the stability of isomers .

  19. PBNA及其同分异构体PANA在小鼠ICR系中致癌性的比较研究

    A comparative study on carcinogenic activities of PBNA and its isomer Pana in ICR mice

  20. 同时首次发现食品中添加有与苏丹III和IV结构极其近似的同分异构体存在,且其同分异构体也为红色物质。

    We had found the isomers of Sudan III and Sudan IV in foods at first , their structures were very similar to Sudan III or IV and the isomers were red matter , too .

  21. 环氧化酶(cyclooxygenase,COX)又称前列腺素过氧化物合成酶,是催化花生四烯酸合成内源性前列腺素的限速酶,包括3种同分异构体。

    Cyclooxygenase ( COX ) , also called prostaglandin peroxidate synthetase , is rate-limiting enzyme which catalyses arachidonic acid synthesizing endogenous prostaglandin , including three types of isomeride .

  22. MBfR降解混合二甲苯3种同分异构体之间仍然存在一定的抑制作用。

    For the degradation of the isomers of mixed xylene , inhibition effect was observed .

  23. 测定结果表明ESI-MS法不需标准品即可对上述混合物中除同分异构体外的各组分进行定性和半定量分析。方法准确、快速、简便。

    The results showed that the technique of ESI-MS can directly determine each component except isomers in above mixtures qualitatively and semiquantitatively without employing standards .

  24. 根据浮选药剂的同分异构体原理,ZJ-3对锡石细泥也应有良好的捕收性能。

    According to isomeric principle , ZJ-3 is also a good collector of cassiterite .

  25. 以碳原子数N和Wiener指数W,P为结构参数,建立了烷烃同分异构体的沸点与其分子结构间的定量关系式,用此式计算了76个支链烷烃的沸点。

    This paper , using the number N of carbon atoms and Wiener index W , P as structural parameters , established a quantitative relationship formula between boiling points and its molecular structure of alkane isomers . The boiling points of 76 branched chain alkanes were calculated .

  26. 据此原则,研究了CaO-Al2O3-SiO2,三元系中8个共晶组成和二个同分化合物的性质,测定了其电导率和导热系数。

    Properties of 8 eutec-tic compositions and 2 compounds of congruent melting-point in CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary system were thus studied , with their electrical / thermal conductivities measured .

  27. 考察了不同碳链长度的直链醇、C8醇同分异构体、亲水基结构及催化剂种类对渗透性的影响。

    The effects of straight chain alcohols with different chain length , C8 alcohol isomers , structures of hydrophilic group and kinds of catalyst on the permeability were examined .

  28. PLS-HPLC法同时测定二甲苯三种同分异构体的建模研究

    Simultaneous Determination of Xylene Isomers by PLS-HPLC

  29. 保留时间锁定(RTL)技术帮助快速定性单个的同分异构体。选择离子监测模式(SIM)保证了很高的测试灵敏度。

    Retention time locking ( RTL ) technique was used for quick identification of specific congeners , with selective ion monitoring ( SIM ) mode for mass spectrometry ( MS ) detection , resulting in higher detection sensitivity .

  30. 有三种同分异构体的无色可燃烷烃,C5H12,从石油中提炼,可用做溶剂。

    Any of three colorless , flammable isomeric hydrocarbons , C5H12 , derived from petroleum and used as solvents .