
tóng xìng
  • of the same surname
同姓 [tóng xìng]
  • [of the same surname] 姓氏相同

  • 他与我同姓

同姓[tóng xìng]
  1. 泰国华人社会的文化复兴运动&同姓团体的大宗祠建设

    The Cultural Renaissance of Overseas Chinese Society in Thailand ── Ancestral Halls Construction of Societies of the Same Surname

  2. 另一方面,又将周民族的血缘关系尽量放大,然后分散到各地,使普天之下都能流动周族的血脉,是为“同姓同宗分封”政策。

    Secondly , making the most of the Zhou groups consanguinity kin and distributed all over the nation in order to spread the lifeblood of Zhou everywhere which is called policy of " rewarding of the same surname and clan " .

  3. 老师常常把我和另外一个同姓的男孩搞混了。

    The teacher often mixed me up with another boy of the same family name .

  4. 这个OLAP函数将所有同姓的客户按照他们的名字来编号。

    This OLAP function numbers all customers of the same last name by their first names .

  5. Twitter上似乎有一个同名同姓的真人,这个人轮番假装讲笑话、否认一切,并诋毁索恩。

    There appears to be a real man with the same name on Twitter who is by turns pretending to get the joke , denying everything and slagging off Thorne .

  6. 据介绍,“Googleganger(谷歌替身)”是根据(德语)doppelganger(面貌相似的人)一词改造而来,指的是在Google上搜索自己时发现的与自己同名同姓的人。

    A play on " doppelganger ," the word is " a person with your name who shows up when you Google yourself ," according to the society .

  7. 法官itsuroTerada表示,在日本,娘家的姓也是可以随意使用的,这就缓解了同姓的规定带来的影响。

    Judge Itsuro Terada noted that among the Japanese there was already informal use of maiden names , which eased the impact of the surname law .

  8. 我们是同姓,但没有亲戚关系。

    We have the same name but we 're not related .

  9. “同名同姓”很值得一看,原因如下。

    " The Namesake " is worth watching for many reasons .

  10. 虽然他们两人同姓,但他们没有亲属关系。

    Although their surnames are identical , they are not of kin .

  11. 她与我同姓,但我们不是亲戚。

    She 's my namesake but we 're not related .

  12. 因此,不能同时杀害同名同姓的人。

    Therefore , people sharing the same name will not be affected .

  13. 可能你只是和他同姓而已。

    Probably lots of sureshes where you 're from .

  14. 传统地说,近亲联姻是指同姓之间的婚姻。

    Traditionally incest has been defined as marriage between people with the same surname .

  15. 同姓团体其大宗祠的建设标志着泰国华人社会的文化复兴运动的兴起。

    These halls marked the rise of culture renaissance of overseas Chinese in Thailand .

  16. 而且,我和菲尔·凯巧合也同姓。

    And actually , Phil Kaye and I coincidentally also share the same last name .

  17. (英式英语)指两个同姓男孩中较小的那个。

    ( British ) of the younger of two boys with the same family name .

  18. 1948年新的日本民法实施时,“家制度”正式被废除,然而夫妇同姓这个传统却保留了下来。

    The system was abolished in 1948 - but the surname law has been retained .

  19. “同名同姓”是从人的角度来看移民问题的,很感人。

    " The Namesake " is a moving study of the human side of immigration .

  20. 在这本书里,我发现了几位有趣的历史人物,他们与我同姓,都叫席埃拉。

    In it , I discovered several interesting historical figures who shared my surname , Sierra .

  21. 一些新出来的流行歌手竟然和我以前认识的人同名同姓。

    Some new pop song singer just shares the exactly same name with my old buddy .

  22. 新的弗兰西斯大主教开始宣讲环境保护,就像和他同名同姓的圣人一样。

    And the new Pope Francis began talking up the environment , just like his saintly namesake .

  23. 裘帕·拉希莉(小说版《同名同姓》):在火车翻车事故中被救,成了他生命中的第一个奇迹。

    Jhumpa Lahiri : Being rescued from that shattered train had been the first miracle of his life .

  24. 例如,你可以用一个你熟悉的同名同姓的人作为对方名字的关联点。

    For example you could associate them with someone else you already know who has the same name .

  25. 你介绍他的时候,好像他是你哥哥,可是他跟你并不同姓,而且他看上去显然不是意大利人。

    You introduced him as your brother but his name is different and he certainly doesn 't look Italian .

  26. 佤族同姓婚禁忌探析&以班奈村佤族同姓婚禁忌为例8·禁止氏族内部通婚,但和女继承人结婚例外。

    Marriages of Wa People 8 . Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses .

  27. 血亲与分封制度相结合,将同姓贵族紧紧联系在一起。

    Thus by combining blood relationship with an enfeoffment policy , the nobles bearing the same surname were united .

  28. 5月9日,该公司在网站上声明称其法人代表是另一个和肇事司机母亲同名同姓的陆红英。

    On May9 , the company website declared that their legal representative is a different person also named Lu Hongying .

  29. 他们中有一些人同姓,都有典型的荷兰人长相,在周遭非洲的环境中十分显眼,看上去应该属于同一个种族。

    With their handful of surnames , and heavy Dutch faces utterly distinct from their African surroundings , they were a tribe .

  30. 出身于楚国贵族,与楚王同姓。

    He was born to an aristocratic family which belonged to the same clan of the King of the State of Chu .