
  1. 工业产出同比数据也未见改善。

    There is also no improvement in the year-on-year numbers for industrial production .

  2. 过去10年中,春节通常在相连的年份落在不同月份,这导致同比数据出现震荡(图1中的波谷到波峰)。

    In the last 10 years CNY [ Chinese New Year ] has often fallen in different months in consecutive years , which leads to swings ( trough to peak in Figure 1 ) in the year-on-year data .

  3. 如果将这些数据与年度同比gdp数据相对比,参差不齐的情况就会消失了。

    Contrast those numbers with year-on-year GDP data and the rough edges disappear .

  4. 中国公布同比增长数据,但不公布经季节调整的环比增长数据,而后者能够让人们对经济活动趋势有一个更准确的印象。

    China publishes growth figures on a year-on-year basis but does not release a sequential , seasonally-adjusted growth figure which would give a more accurate impression of the direction of economic activity .

  5. 与此同时,中国国内汽车销售同比增长72.48%的数据,提振了市场对汽车板块的需求。

    Meanwhile , data showing a 77 per cent year-on-year rise in domestic car sales helped boost demand for shares in the car sector .