
  • 网络Nominal variable
  1. 在对总体样本的分析中,本文引入了名义变量ω,研究股指期货推出对现货市场是否具有影响。

    On analysis of the overall samples , nominal variables ω is introduced in to study the influence of the stock-index futures to the spot market .

  2. 通过对正态的名义变量的等级量化,用矩估计法给出了一个计算多系列相关系数的一般公式。

    The present paper presents a general formula of calculating multiple-series relevant coefficient with the method of matric estimation through evaluation of the nominal variables .

  3. 名义变量与实际变量关联程度与影响方向的计量检验

    Testing for the Relationships and Affecting Effects between Nominal and Real Variables

  4. 货币政策是中央银行调整名义变量进而导致真实经济产生变化的宏观调控政策。

    The monetary policy is the macro policy that the central bank can administrate the real economic through adjusting namely variable .

  5. 既然名义变量与实际变量存在相关性,那么是否可以通过货币、股票等名义变量来预测实际产出呢?

    Since there are correlations with real economic variables and nominal economic variables , then if can money and stock forecast real GDP ?

  6. 本文分别从平稳的实际变量系统和非平稳的名义变量系统两个角度来考察出口贸易对中国经济增长的影响。

    This Paper discusses the impact of export trade on China 's economic growth by analyzing a stationary real variable system and a non-stationary nominal variable system separately .

  7. 在经济学研究中,名义变量与实际变量之间的关系历来被认为是具有重要意义的,而且关于名义变量与实际变量二者之间关系的论断也存在多种不同的理论命题。

    In the study of economics , the relations between nominal economic variables and real economic variables have always been thought in great importance , and there also have been many different propositions about these relations .

  8. 在我国,现实经济运行环境与货币政策有效论的假设条件更为接近,大多数理论学者和经验证据也都倾向于支持名义变量与实际变量并非完全可分,二者之间存在显著关联性。

    In China , the economy environments are more closed to the hypothesize of the opinion that the monetary policy is in effect , and many scholars and empirical evidences trend to support that real economy can not separate from nominal economy , and there are significant correlations with them .

  9. 经典的聚类分析技术如系统聚类法和K-means等主要是处理间隔尺度的变量,而对于名义尺度变量则不适合。

    Traditional clustering techniques such as systemic clustering and K-means clustering adapt to interval scale variants , but not suit nominal scale variants .

  10. 一种针对名义尺度变量的优化聚类算法

    An Optimization-based Clustering Algorithm for Nominal Scale Variants

  11. 提出以模糊变量的名义随机变量的均值作为该模糊变量等价正态随机变量的均值;证明了所得模糊变量的等价正态随机转换方法能够严格遵循熵守恒原则。

    And then , a method by which a fuzzy variable can be transformed into its equivalent normal random variable is put forward , and the method follows the entropy conservation principle .

  12. 实证分析还表明,时间趋势并非相关名义宏观经济变量之间的长期内在关系中的一个关键因素。

    Furthermore , empirical analyses reveal that time trend is not a key factor in the long run relationship between relevant nominal economic variables .

  13. 如果货币供给仅仅导致名义宏观经济变量的变化(如名义产出,价格水平等),则认为货币政策是无效的。

    If the change of money supplies only causes nominal macroeconomic variables ( such as nominal output , prices levels , etc ) change , then we may think that monetary policy is ineffectual .

  14. 古典经济学中的古典两分命题认为,实际经济与名义经济互不相关:以货币为单位的名义变量的同尺度变化,只能影响价格和工资等名义变量,而对实际经济变量没有影响。

    In the opinions of the classical dichotomy , the real economy is uncorrelation to the nominal economy . When the nominal variables that measured with currency changed in the same scale , they only have effects on price and wage , but have no effects on real economy variables .