
  • 网络Demand management policy
  1. 在中国产业结构转型和升级问题日益严峻的背景下,需求管理政策显得力不从心,客观上要求积极财政政策从原来的需求管理为主转向供给管理为主。

    Demand management policy is not suitable with the industrial structure transformation in China which calls for the positive fiscal policy .

  2. 一直到二战以后,当时经济发展表现出前所未有的繁荣,人们把这些归功于经济学家们运用凯恩斯主义需求管理政策良好地控制了经济运行。

    Until after World War II , the economy shows unprecedented prosperity . People owe these to economists who are experimenting with Keynesian demand management policy well controlling the economic operation .

  3. 北京市交通需求管理政策实施分析

    Research of Traffic Demand Management Implement Policy in Beijing

  4. 凯恩斯主义诞生以来,公共投资为主要手段的财政政策成为政府相机决策的需求管理政策不可或缺的重要内容。

    Public investment becomes to be the indispensable important policy content since Keynesianism is born .

  5. 财政政策和货币政策是需求管理政策中策典型代表。

    Demand management policy is important .

  6. 进行北京市交通需求管理政策公众意向调查和分析,并对各项措施适用性进行分析;

    The result of SP survey about TDM policy is analyzed and the applicability of every measure is concluded .

  7. 财政政策与货币政策由于在终极目标上具有一致性,同属国家的需求管理政策,因此可以根据宏观经济调控的要求,进行合宜的搭配组合。

    With the same ultimate goal , the fiscal policy and the monetary policy both function to regulate demand and supply .

  8. 本文可作为交通需求管理政策下一步研究的基础,其结果也可为北京市制定交通需求管理政策提供参考。

    This paper is the base of the next step research , and its result provides some reference for constituting Beijing city TDM policy .

  9. 本文对我国宏观经济中需求管理政策的运用及运用中应注意的问题作了初步探讨。

    This paper tentatively researches into the application demand management policies in Chinese macroeconomy and problems that should be paid attention to in application of them .

  10. 宏观调控中的需求管理政策是一种见效较快的短期政策,供给管理政策则是一种能为提高经济效率和改善经济结构的长期政策。

    The needs management policy is effective but only function well in short term and the supply management policy is effective and good to improve the economic structure , but it takes a long time .

  11. 作为分析交通需求管理政策的有力工具,现有的基于活动的交通行为分析都以个人为分析单位,无法解释活动决策和交通行为中很多现象,具有明显的缺陷。

    As a powerful implement of travel demand management policy , most of current travel activity analysis is based on individuals , which can not explain the many phenomena in activity decision and travel activity .

  12. 建立了交通需求管理政策方案评价指标体系,运用模糊统计法实现对非定量指标隶属度的确定,按效益型指标和成本型指标对定量指标分别确定其隶属度;

    The assessment system of TDM scheme is put forward , the membership grade of non-quantitative in - dex is determined using statistical method of Fuzzy , and the benefit indexes and the cost indexes are applied to define the membership grade of quantitative index .

  13. 对不同经济学流派的政策主张及其理论依据的回顾并分析表明,凯恩斯主义的需求管理政策仍是我国前几年实施的积极财政政策的理论基础。

    This paper reviews and analyzes the policy points of view and theoretical grounds of different economic schools , and arguing that Keynesian demand management policy is still the theoretical basis for active fiscal policy brought into effect in China in the past several years .

  14. 本文发现,当个体之间存在消费攀比现象时,政府的最优货币政策是一种反周期的总需求管理政策当经济萎缩时,政府通过降低名义利率来刺激经济;

    We find that , with the exogenous random shocks , the government 's optimum monetary policy is a one of counter-cyclical aggregate demand management . When economy is shrinking , the government stimulates the economy by increasing the money supply and reducing the nominal interest rate ;

  15. 拥挤收费作为一种新的交通需求管理政策在中国城市交通管理系统中逐渐提上日程,随之产生的拥挤收费相关问题,如收费的公平性、收费费率、收费技术等问题亟待解决。

    In China , congestion charging is gradually proposed to the agenda as a new traffic demand management policy in urban traffic management system , and the related problems following to which such as fairness , toll rate , technologies used to charge fees must be resolved .

  16. 强调需求管理政策以扩大内需能够较快地发挥作用,同时又存在许多弊端。采用供给管理政策虽见效较慢,但它却是提高企业的活力,实现经济持续稳定增长的治本之策。

    If we stress the needs management policy we can achieve the goals of enlarging the domestic market , but it has many shortcomings . While the supply management policy takes a long time to function well , but it can enhance the vigor of some enterprises .

  17. 研究居民出行行为,制定能够满足居民出行要求的交通需求管理政策,以优化城市交通结构、建立健康的交通发展模式,已经成为解决城市交通拥堵的一种有效方法。

    Doing research on travel behavior , and framing traffic demand management policies to meet Residents ' travel demands , which are used to optimize urban transport structure and guarantee the development of transportation being in a normal state have become an effective way to solve urban traffic congestion .

  18. 交通需求管理的政策化及经济化研究

    Research on the policy and economy of transportation demand management

  19. 需求管理在政策性银行软件项目开发的应用研究

    The Research of Requirements Managements Used in Policy Bank Software Project Development

  20. 中国水资源需求管理及其政策评价

    On demand management of water resources and its policies evaluation in China

  21. 农用水资源需求管理理论与政策研究

    Research on the Demand Management Theories and Policies of Irrigation Water

  22. 货币政策是两大总需求管理宏观经济政策之一,在国家的宏观调控中发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Monetary policy is one of the two important macro-economic policies of aggregate-demand managing . And it plays an extremely important role in macro-control .

  23. 最后,对我国电力工业进行需求侧管理的政策条件进行论述。

    In the end , it studies the policy condition , in which the demand-side management is put into practice in electricity industry in our country .

  24. 本文论述了我省开展求侧管理工作的必要性,介绍了一个研究案例,并提出了实施电力需求侧管理的政策建议。

    This paper deal with the necessity of electric power demand side management ( DSM ) in Jiangxi province , introduce an research example of case , and provide political suggestions of the DSM implementation .

  25. 根据分析评价结果,提出了提升电力需求侧管理绩效的政策建议。

    According to this analysis , a proposal about policies to promote the government performance of power DSM is put forward .

  26. 发展中国家储备激增的原因在于经济发展、危机预防需求增长和外汇管理政策的变动。

    In order to take strict precautions on the risk of the accumulation of exchange reserve , we can improve the exchange rate and the policy of exchange control .

  27. 政策相关的需求,例如用户访问及外部系统访问的安全性需求,ID管理政策,审计和登录

    Policy-related requirements , such as security requirements on the users'and external system 's access , ID management policies , audit and logging