
xū liàng
  • demand
需量[xū liàng]
  1. 需量控制在电力经济运行中的应用

    The Application of Power Demand Control in Power Economy Operation

  2. 最大需量智能控制技术在大型水泥企业的应用

    Application of maximum demand control technology in large cement industries

  3. 本方案硬件所需量较少,且适合于实时处理。

    It needs less hardware and can achieve real time signal processing .

  4. 对电力系统用户的电力需量控制。

    Control of the power demand of the consumers on a power system .

  5. 当前世界钢铁需量停滞不前。

    Nowadays world steel demand remains stagnant .

  6. 两部电价制的基本电费可按变压器容量或最大需量进行计算。

    The basic tariff in dual tariff system can be calculated as transformer capacity of maximized demand .

  7. 如何合理地选择需量计算方式

    Selection of Demand Calculation Method

  8. 实际上,吃进所需量的乳品有助于保持健康的外表。

    In actual fact , eating the required amounts of dairy can help to sustain a healthy wait .

  9. 仿真结果表明,趋势预测控制方案能够取得较好最大需量峰值抑制效果。

    Simulation results show that the trend predictive control scheme can achieve better maximum demand peak inhibitory effect .

  10. 玉溪市农村可再生能源开发及2000年薪材需量预测的研究

    A study on exploitation of renewable energy sources and prediction of the demand of firewood in 2000 , yuxi , Yunnan

  11. 该方法无需量测信息的先验知识,能够准确地获得实时导航信息,并且在小噪声扰动时处于稳定,对于过失误差有较强的鲁棒特性。

    The method has no need for the transcendental information of measured data and has good real-time characteristic , stability and robustness .

  12. 鱼苗、鱼种耗氧率、能需量、窒息点及呼吸系数的初步报告

    A preliminary report on the oxygen consumption , energy requirment , asphyxiation point and respiratory quotient of the fish fry and young fish

  13. 所需量的饮料进入小容器后,隔断大容器和小容器之间的连通。

    The drink with the required quantity enters into the small container to separate the communication between the big container and the small container .

  14. 为构建节约型社会,研发能量管理与需量控制系统具有巨大的经济价值及社会意义。

    To build a conservation-oriented society , the development of " energy demand management and control system " has great economic value and social significance .

  15. 结合实例对现行两部制电价的合理性及存在的问题(即按照变压器容量计费)进行了深入的分析,提出了按照最大需量计费的调整建议。

    Combined with the practical examples , the rationality of carrying out energy price and capacity price and the existing problems are analyzed in detail .

  16. 通过这2种计算方式的对比,认为基本电价按最大需量计算是可行的。

    Though the comparison between the two calculation means it can concluded that it 's rational that basic tariff is calculated according to most demand requirement .

  17. 在熟料冷却机技术方面,新近取得的一些进展表现在采用一种简单的机械装置,以确保向每个篦板提供所需量的冷却空气。

    For clinker cooling , new achievements have been got due to adopt a simple mechanical device for supplying needed cooling air to every grate plate .

  18. 但现行基本电费的计量中对最大需量的计量规定存在种种问题,不利于最大需量的执行。

    But the present maximized demand measure roles in basic tariff measure exists kinds of problems that are not of advantage to the execution of maximized demand .

  19. 研究结果表明要制备稳定的无皂乳液,需要加入三乙胺,所需量为中和80%~100%丙烯酸;

    According to the experiment work , for the preparation of stable soap-free polymer emulsion , triethylamine is needed to neutralized 80 ~ 100 % of the acylic acid used .

  20. 主要介绍了在烧结配料系统中自动化控制仪表的应用,并根据烧结工艺需求将各种物料按照所需量自动投入,由皮带输送到混合机中进行下一步工艺的生产。

    This paper introduced the application of autocontrol instrument in batching system , and charged materiel in rational scale , on top of carrying mixer and go along next process .

  21. 结果表明,便利店能量管理与需量控制系统能够实现根据实测信息及时显示并发出决策信息,具有较好的工程实用性。

    The results showed that convenience stores energy demand management and control system to achieve timely information based on the measured information display and issued decisions , has good practicability .

  22. 利用拉曼光谱对物质进行无损分析,具有测试样品非接触性、非破坏性、灵敏度高、时间短、样品所需量小及样品无需制备等特点。

    There are many advantages to non-destructive analyze with Raman spectrum , such as non-osculatory , non-destructive , high sensitivity , short time , a spot of sample and non-preparative sample .

  23. 英国国家卫生服务中心建议,我们每天在食物和饮料中添加的糖不应高于卡路里所需量的10%。

    The British National Health Service advises that the sugar we add to the food and drink we have every day should not be more than 10 % of our calorie intake .

  24. 进行能量管理和需量控制,不仅可以帮助用电方节约用电成本、降低开支,还可以缩小电网峰谷差和降低用电设备对电网负荷冲击。

    Demand for energy management and control , power side can not only help save electricity costs , reduce expenses , but also can reduce the difference between peak power and reduce the impact of electrical equipment load on the grid .

  25. 在软件上,主要介绍了主程序和多用户电能脉冲的采集、复费率计量、最大需量计量、数据显示和键盘扫描等子程序,并绘制了其工作流程图。

    On the software , the realization of the main program and the subprograms such as energy pulse acquisition , multi-rate measurement , max-power demand measurement , data dynamic display , and keyboard scanning , are introduced with some flow charts .

  26. 针对电力有效供给不足而终端电能利用效率较低的现状,就企业电力无功补偿、变压器经济运行、削峰填谷降低电力需量等节电技术进行了论述。

    Aiming at the present condition of shortage of effective supply and low efficient utilization for electric power , the paper discusses the electric power reactive compensation , the economical transformer operation , peak load shifting and lowering power demand , etc.

  27. 硫脲、GA3打破不同需冷量观赏桃花品种自然休眠的效果研究

    Effect of Thiourea and GA_3 on Endo-dormancy Breaking of Ornamental Peach Cultivars Having Different Chill Requirements

  28. 同时也研究了改性明胶以及絮凝时的pH值对使乳剂絮凝所需盐量的影响。

    The influence of chemically modified gelatin and the influence of pH value on the amount of salt required for the emulsion flocculation are also investigated .

  29. 结果在获得满足临床诊断要求的情况下,CR所需曝光量大约是高速屏片系统的2倍。

    Results Under the conditions of meeting clinical diagnostic requirements , the exposure of CR system was two times of that of rare earth screen-film system approximately .

  30. 并用Matlab进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,这种算法具有准确度高、计算速度快、所需数据量小等特点。

    And algorithm is simulated by MATLAB . The result shows that the algorithm has the characteristics such as the high accuracy , faster calculation , few data required .