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hòu jiǎo
  • the rear foot;the rear foot (in walking);behind sb.
后脚 [hòu jiǎo]
  • (1) [the rear foot (in walking)]∶走路时位置在后的那只脚

  • 后脚打滑

  • (2) [behind sb.]∶紧随其后

  • 日本人前脚走,他们后脚就到了

后脚[hòu jiǎo]
  1. 前脚一滑,后脚也站不稳。

    As the front foot slipped ; the rear foot became unsteady .

  2. 我前脚到车站,他后脚就赶到了。

    Immediately after I got to the station ; he arrived .

  3. 瞧这寸劲儿,你前脚才走,他后脚就来了。

    As luck would have it , he turned up just after you left .

  4. 你前脚儿走,他后脚就来了。

    He arrived the moment you had left .

  5. 青蛙的两条后腿又长又壮,每只后脚都有五根脚趾,通过蹼连接在一起。

    The two hind9 legs are long and Strong . Each of the hind feet has five toes , which are joined by a web .

  6. 他说:“这狗想逮的是獐子、驼鹿、野猪之类的大野兽,它的目标不是老鼠。如果你一定要让它捉老鼠,只要将它的后脚夹起来就可以了。”

    The person from Qi said , " This dog can catch bucks1 , deer , and wild boars . Mice are not its target . If you really want it to catch mice , just bond2 its real legs and it will catch mice . "

  7. 经脐置入5mm30°腹腔镜,明确患侧内环口及腹横筋膜悬韧带后脚(posteriorcrus,PC),在耻骨联合与脐孔的中点置入3mm分离钳。

    A 5-mm 30 ° laparoscope was introduced through the umbilicus . The internal ring and the posterior crus ( PC ) on the side of hernia were identified . A 3-mm dissection forceps was placed on the midline between the umbilicus and pubic symphysis .

  8. 它的后脚有蹼,有点象鸭子的脚。

    His hind feet are webbed , somewhat like a duck 's.

  9. 它后脚上的腺体能分泌出毒液来。

    The glands on its hind feet can secrete poisonous fluid .

  10. 后脚站在滑板底部中间位置。

    Place your back foot on the middle of the tail .

  11. 每只后脚上有形似梳子的刚毛蜘蛛。

    Spider having a comb-like row of bristles on each hind foot .

  12. 用后脚站立和跳华尔兹舞。

    Rampant regardant standing on his hind legs and dancing the waltz .

  13. 她的后脚不断溅起泥浆。

    Her feet sent back a continual spatter of mud .

  14. 双峰驼后脚的静脉引流

    The venous drainage of the pedes in two-humped camels

  15. (纹章学)代表跳跃(用后脚直立向前倾斜)。

    ( heraldry ) represented as leaping ( rampant but leaning forward ) .

  16. 第五步:要先让照片显得自然,可以向后稍微倾斜,重心要在后脚上,与髋部有一定角度。

    Step 5 : Lean back & angle hip forward

  17. 不要让你的后脚外侧离开地板。

    Don 't let the outer edge of your back foot come off the floor .

  18. 左手抓住后脚坚持20秒,拉伸股四头肌。

    Grab hold of the back foot and hold the stretch for 20 second , stretching the quads

  19. 各国央行前脚还在抗击货币升值,后脚就要抵御货币贬值。

    Central banks have to fight exchange-rate appreciation on the way in , depreciation on the way out .

  20. 除非把整间旅店里的人都抓起来,否则前脚刚踏出门,后脚消息就会散播开去。

    Unless he took the whole inn , the word would begin to spread the instant they were gone .

  21. 马脚应当充分抬起,后脚应当走在和前脚一样的直线上。

    The feet should be well raised and the hind legs remain well in line with the front legs .

  22. 德约科维奇的后脚也开始发力,并且他的髋部向前顶。

    Djokovic is also pushing off the toes of his back foot and starting to open up his hips .

  23. 使用你后腿的所有重量并上提拉进后脚的外侧。

    Use the entire weight of your back leg and hip to push into the outside of your back foot .

  24. 不用谢打开吧爸爸后脚马上就到

    Thanks . Don 't thank us . Open it . Dad is coming right behind . Knock , knock !

  25. 弗来德和乔治前脚刚走,几个不受欢迎的人物后脚就出现了:马尔夫在克来伯和高尔的护卫之下走了过来。

    Fred and George had hardly disappeared when someone far less welcome turned up : Malfoy , flanked by Crabbe and Goyle .

  26. 向后倾斜,重心至后脚同时左脚贴着地面向后滑动直至右脚后方。

    Lean back onto your rear leg and slide the left heal back and'into'the floor so it finishes behind the right leg .

  27. 竞走的主要特征是运动员的后脚离开地之前,前脚必须触地。

    The main characteristic of walk is that the runner 's front foot must touch the ground before he lifts his rear foot .

  28. 袋鼠用后脚起跳,用前肢和尾巴着地,然后用他们的后肢推动再次跳起。

    Taking off on their hind feet , landing on their fore limbs and tail , pushing off again with their hind limbs .

  29. 男性更易于“前脚欠债、后脚遗忘”,而女性则会有规律地向信用卡还钱,使债务不至于很高。

    Women keep track of their spending and are less likely to build up debts through loans and credit cards , according to new research .

  30. 在三角式中,你的重量要均匀地分配在前脚内侧和后脚外侧之间。

    In Trikonasana , your weight should be evenly distributed between the inside edge of your front foot and the outside edge of your rear foot .