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dīng chuāng
  • furunculosis;deep-rooted boil;malignant boil;furuncle
疔疮 [dīng chuāng]
  • [malignant boil;furuncle] 病名。又名疵疮。因其形小,根深,坚硬如钉状,故名。多因饮食不节,外感风邪火毒及四时不正之气而发

疔疮[dīng chuāng]
  1. 他们企图撕裂开那疔疮。

    They try to tear out the boils .

  2. 它们的肉在他的肉中都成疔疮;

    In his flesh their flesh to boils ;

  3. 他为疔疮所苦。

    He was cursed with boils .

  4. 民间主要用于治疗痢疾、肠炎、水火烫伤、蛇咬伤、疔疮肿毒等。

    It has been used to treat diarrhea , enteritis , scald , snakebite furuncle in Chinese traditional medicine .

  5. 疔疮是一种发病迅速,易于变化而危险性较大的急性化脓性疾病。

    The deep nail-like boil is one kind of morbidity is rapid , easy to change , but risky big acute suppurative disease .

  6. 巫婆说陈五生了疔疮,因为他素来不信鬼神,所以鬼神也不来搭救。

    Hellcat says Chen Wusheng furuncle , because of him always does not believe ghosts and gods , so ghosts and gods also does not rescue .

  7. 临床上治疗肠痈、肺痈、燥热便秘、痢疾、肠炎、肝炎、结膜炎、产后瘀血、腹痛、疔疮肿毒等症。

    It is testified in clinic treatment that it can cure intestines carbuncle , abscess of lung , constipation , dysentery , enteritis , hepatitis , conjunctivitis , post partum blood stasis , bellyache , furuncle and swollen , etc.
