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  • 网络Metamorphosis;Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium
  1. 她在《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》中也犯了其他错误。

    She made other mistakes in Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium as well .

  2. 上个月,《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》再版了。

    And last month , Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium was republished .

  3. 成果是她的名作《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》。

    The result was her masterpiece , Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium .

  4. 在撰写《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》之前,梅里安花费了数十年时间记录她发表在系列丛书中的欧洲植物和昆虫。

    Before writing Metamorphosis , Merian spent decades documenting European plants and insects that she published in a series of books .

  5. 目的研究昆虫变态激素蜕皮甾酮(EDS)是否能抑制内皮细胞的凋亡。

    Objective To study whether ecdysterone ( EDS ) inhibits apoptosis of endothelial cells .

  6. 昆虫变态发育过程中的细胞自噬和凋亡

    Autophagy and apoptosis in insect cells during metamorphosis

  7. 目的:分析昆虫变态激素β-蜕皮激素是否能抑制血管内皮细胞的凋亡。

    AIM : To analyze whether insect moulting hormone β - ecdysone can inhibit the apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells ( VECs ) .

  8. 它是一种昆虫变态激素,能刺激昆虫真皮细胞分裂,产生新的表皮,导致昆虫变态,调节昆虫新陈代谢。

    It is an insect metamorphosis hormone , which could stimulate the insect dermal cell division to generate new skin , result in insect metamorphosis and regulate insect metabolism .

  9. 接受或未接受毒液免疫治疗的儿童昆虫叮咬变态反应的结果研究

    Outcomes of allergy to insect stings in children , with and without venom immunotherapy

  10. 昆虫生长与变态严格依赖于含有几丁质的组织器官的结构改变能力,控制昆虫等无脊椎动物的几丁质合成和降解,就有可能实现对其生长发育,甚至是生命的控制。

    Insect growth and metamorphosis are strictly dependent on the structural changes of tissues and organs which contain the chitin . It is possible to control their growth and development , even their life when control the synthesis and degradation of chitin on insects and other invertebrates .

  11. 目前认为,昆虫的蜕皮与变态发育进程受蜕皮激素控制,昆虫发育的方向则受保幼激素调控。

    The currently studies showed that the ecdysis and metamorphosis of insects are regulated by the ecdysone hormone and the arrows of the growth of insects are regulated by the juvenile hormone .

  12. 它是昆虫体内的一种重要酶类,在昆虫的变态发育和免疫系统中起着重要作用。

    It is one of the key enzymes in the development process of insects , the enzyme possesses an important function in metamorphism developing and immunity system .

  13. 其中,胰岛素调节生长速度,而20E决定了生长持续时间,这是决定昆虫体重的两种关键因素,从而决定了昆虫变态的临界体重。

    Insulin adjusted the growth rate , 20E decided the duration time of growth . These two key factors determined the critical weight .

  14. 昆虫几丁质酶是参与几丁质分解代谢的关键生物酶类,在昆虫的消化、变态、侵染等生理活动中发挥着重要作用。

    Insect chitinase plays an essential role in chitin catabolism , involved in digestion , molting , and pathogenicity .

  15. 昆虫的发育是由激素调控的复杂的生命过程,包括昆虫的蜕皮与变态。

    Insect development is a complicated physiological process regulated by hormones , including molting and metamorphosis .

  16. 昆虫几丁质合酶催化N-乙酰葡萄糖胺多聚化形成不可溶的几丁质,是昆虫蜕皮和变态发育过程中几丁质生物合成的关键酶。

    Insect chitin synthase is the essential enzyme that catalyzes the polymerization of N-acetylglucosamine to form chitin to meet the needs of insect molting .