
  • 网络Insect food;Insects as Foods
  1. 昆虫食品的开发与应用前景

    Prospect for Development and Exploitation of Insect Food

  2. 高蛋白昆虫食品的研究

    The production of the dense protein insect food

  3. 我国昆虫食品的开发

    Current Situation of Insect Food in China

  4. 昆虫食品资源的开发利用

    Developing and exploiting of insects food resource

  5. 昆虫食品研究与发展探讨

    Research and development of insect food

  6. 昆虫食品将是21世纪人类的全营养食品,有着十分巨大的发展空间。

    Insect food of the21st century will be the entire human nutrition food , a huge space for development .

  7. 结果表明,东亚飞蝗是富含以上肪脂酸,具有高营养价值的昆虫食品资源。

    The results implied that Locusta migratoria ( Linnaeus ) is a kind of insect food with high nutritive value .

  8. 不过,对于各种反调,克劳利早已习以为常,并且承认在帮助消费者克服对昆虫食品的恐惧方面,他依然需要做大量工作。

    For his part , Chapul 's Crowley has grown accustomed to the naysayers and acknowledges he still has work to do to help consumers overcome their fears of eating products like his with insects .

  9. 有关动物、病媒昆虫、食品、饮用水和环境因素的调查;

    Investigation into the animal involved , causitive pests , food , drinking water and environmental factors ;

  10. 从食用昆虫学的产生、昆虫源食品的开发基础研究和产业化等方面综述了昆虫源食品的开发与研究进展;

    In this paper , the advances on the research and exploitation of insect food are reviewed including the birth of Edible Entomology , basic research on exploitation and industrialization of insect food .

  11. 瓦赫宁根大学正在引领一项有关提取昆虫蛋白质用于食品制造的可行性的研究。

    Wageningen University is leading research into the viability of extracting insect protein for use in food products .

  12. 可食用昆虫作为补充食品,为农村地区的人口提供了重要的营养、经济和生态价值。

    Edible insects as alternate source of food provide significant nutritional , economic and ecological benefits for rural communities .

  13. 介绍了食用昆虫的种类、资源和昆虫食品的营养价值,综述了多种典型昆虫食品的开发,并对昆虫食品的开发前景进行了展望。

    The resources of edible insects and nutrient value of insect food were introduced . The exploitation of some typical insect food was summarized . The prospect for exploitation of insect food was reviewed in the paper .

  14. 他们声称,关键是要大力宣扬吃昆虫产品对健康的好处,同时要强调昆虫食品的环境足迹要远小于传统蛋白质来源这一事实。

    The key , they say , is playing up the health benefits of eating products with insects while emphasizing bugs " small environmental footprint .

  15. 他想说服人民抛弃对昆虫的偏见,并想说服生产商和供应商将昆虫食品以令人放心和吸引人的方式出售。

    He wants to persuade people to ditch prejudices about insects , and to persuade manufacturers and suppliers to come up with products that can be sold in " a reassuring and attractive manner . "