
  1. [结论]健脾消胀颗粒治疗FD脾虚气滞证痞满患者临床疗效与多潘立酮作用相近。

    [ Conclusion ] The therapeutic effect of JXG is similar with that of motilium in treating FD or fullness of the spleen deficiency and qi stagnation syndrome .

  2. 脾虚气滞证胃病是癌前疾病,Ⅱb型肠化生是癌前病变。

    Spleen deficiency with Qi stagnation is precancerous disease and ⅱ b metaplasia is precancerosis .

  3. 临床上应高度重视脾虚气滞证胃病的癌变倾向。

    Much attention must be paid in clinic to the cancerization trend of gastric disease with Spleen deficiency syndrome .

  4. 研究结果提示,肝血瘀阻、脾虚气滞是肝癌的根本病机;

    The studying results indicate that the basic pathogenesis is stasis of liver blood and spleen deficiency and liver-qi blocking .

  5. 安胃饮治疗脾胃虚寒型慢性胃炎的临床研究青陈合剂对脾虚气滞型糖尿病胃轻瘫患者血浆胃动素及体表胃电图的影响

    Clinical Research of " An Wei Ying " Decoction on Chronic Gastritis of Insufficiency-Cold in Spleen and Stomach ; Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Diabetic Gastroparesis of Spleen Deficiency and Qi Stagnation Syndrome by Qingchen Mixture

  6. 结果:腹部手术后疲劳患者可分为脾胃实热证,脾虚气滞、脾胃湿热证,阴虚证,气血两虚证,脾胃气阴两虚,脾气虚证六种证型。

    Results Six TCM syndromes patterns were classified , including spleen and stomach excess heat , spleen deficiency vitality stagnancy , spleen and stomach dampness heat , Yin deficiency , Vitality and blood deficiency , spleen and stomach vitality and spleen vitality deficiency .

  7. 目的旨在观察健脾理气活血方治疗功能性消化不良脾虚气滞证的临床疗效,并与传统方药枳术丸进行对照。

    The objective of this study is to observe the clinical treatment effect of the prescription of invigorating spleen with regulating QI and promoting blood circulation ( PIGP ) on FD of spleen-deficiency and qi-stagnation , controling with traditional medicine of the pill of ZhiZhu .

  8. 结果:1.180例UC患者中医证型分布情况依次为:湿热内蕴证脾胃虚弱证肝郁脾虚证气滞血瘀证脾肾阳虚证阴血亏虚证,其中以湿热内蕴证为主,占全部患者的28%。

    Results : 1.180 cases of UC patients the distribution of TCM were : damp card weak stomach card Liver Spleen deficiency qi stagnation card spleen deficiency syndrome Yin and Blood deficiency syndrome , which damp cards , accounting for 28 % of all patients . 2 .

  9. 有高血压病史和糖尿病史者比例明显增高,而且肾精亏虚组脾虚痰阻组气滞血瘀组。

    A history of hypertension and diabetes history , and the significantly higher proportion of kidney essence spleen deficiency and sputum resistance group blood stasis group .