
  • 网络spleen-kidney yang deficiency;Deficiency of spleen-yang and kidney-yang
  1. 中医辨证分型中疗效以风邪袭肾最好,脾肾阳虚最差,但无统计学差异(P>0.05)。

    The effects were the best in type of wind attacking the kidney and the worst in type of deficiency of spleen-yang and kidney-yang . but the difference being not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .

  2. 结果:160例患者中,脾肾气虚患者和肝肾阴虚患者明显多于脾肾阳虚患者和阴阳两虚患者(P0.05)。

    Results : In 160 cases of MHD , the proportion of spleen-kidney Qi deficiency and liver-kidney Yin deficiency syndrome was obviously higher than that of spleen-kidney Yang deficiency and Yin-yang deficiency syndrome ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 脾胃虚弱型和脾肾阳虚型以陷窝溃疡为主(P0.01)。

    Mucosal ulcer is dominant in damp-heat syndrome while crypt ulcer is dominant in the types of spleen-stomach asthenia and spleen-kidney Yang deficiency ( P 0.01 ) .

  4. 在TG方面,痰浊阻遏型升高最显著,脾肾阳虚型较低;此两型经统计学检验有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The TG has the most significant increase in phlegm-stagnation syndrome , while it is low in spleen-kidney-yang-deficiency - syndrome . The two types of statistical tests were significantly different ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 在中、重度活动的病例中,脾肾阳虚证均较其它中医证型多,其与其余各中医证型差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Mild activities and other various activity between statistically significant ( P < 0.05 ) . Spleen and kidney Yang syndrome is more than other TCM syndrome type in moderate activities and severe activities .

  6. 方法:选取慢性肾功能不全肾衰竭期脾肾阳虚证患者40例,随机分为A、B两组,各20例。

    To define the therapeutic rule of chronic renal insufficiency of Yang-deficiency syndrome in spleen and kidney and also explore the mechanism . Methods : Forty patients with chronic renal insufficiency of Yang-deficiency syndrome in spleen and kidney are randomly divided into two groups , each twenty cases .

  7. 阴阳两虚和脾肾阳虚患者的iPTH和hs-CRP水平则高于脾肾气虚和肝肾阴虚患者。

    The iPTH and hs-CRP value of spleen-kidney Yang deficiency and Yin-yang deficiency syndrome was higher than other two syndromes ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 肺肾气虚和气阴两虚病人尿EGF含量明显高于正常人组及脾肾阳虚组(P<001);

    The EGF level in the deficiency syndrome of lung and kidney-qi were significantly higher than that of the normal control group and the deficiency syndrome of the spleen and kidney-yang ( P < 0 01 ) .

  9. 肝肾阴虚组病人尿EGF含量高于脾肾阳虚组和正常人组(P<005)。

    The level of EGF in the deficiency syndrome of the liver and kidney-yin were higher than in the deficiency syndrome of the spleen and kidney-yang and than that of the normal control group ( P < 0 01 ) .

  10. 慢性持续期肺脾气虚型、气阴两虚型、肝肾阴虚型、脾肾阳虚型四组,组间比较肌酐、GFR水平,无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    There was no statistical significance among Qi deficiency of lung and spleen , Qi and Yin deficiency , Yin deficiency of liver and kidney , Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney in serum creatinine and eGFR ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 治疗组中脾肾阳虚型用生血Ⅰ号合剂、脾肾阴虚型用生血Ⅱ号合剂;

    " Blood-Producing Mixture " for those of spleen-kidney yang-deficiency and No.

  12. 脾肾阳虚,湿热留恋三型较为多见。

    Deficiency of spleen and kidney yang , dampness and heat retention .

  13. 益肠宁方治疗脾肾阳虚型溃疡性结肠炎临床观察研究

    Clinical Observation of Yi-chang-ning on Ulcerative Colitis of Yang-deficiency of Spleen and Kidney

  14. 结果:阿霉素注射液造模大鼠呈现脾肾阳虚特征。

    Results : The rats with AMD injection appeared the character of spleen-kidney yang vacuity .

  15. 肾气丸治疗脾肾阳虚型消化性溃疡的实验研究

    Shenqi Pill Treatment of Spleen & Kidney Yang-deficiency Type of Experimental Study of Peptic Ulcer

  16. 温和灸治疗溃疡性结肠炎脾肾阳虚证的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Spleen Yang-deficiency and Kidney Yang-deficiency Syndrome of Ulcerative Colitis Patients Treated by Warming Moxibustion

  17. 肾阳虚还包括火不温土、阳虚水泛、肾经寒湿、肾虚寒凝。脾肾阳虚,湿热留恋三型较为多见。

    The third is kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency ; deficiency of spleen and kidney yang , dampness and heat retention .

  18. 在四种证型中,除了脾肾阳虚、痰瘀互结这一证型中没有出现甲亢的情况外,其余三种证型均有甲功正常、亢进、减退的情况。

    In these four types of the syndromes , only Spleen kidney yang deficiency , phlegm and blood stasis has no hyperthyroidism cases .

  19. 麻雷汤是脾肾阳虚、痰瘀互结型AT患者安全有效的经验方。

    Ma Ray Tom is a spleen deficiency , phlegm and blood stasis type safe and effective in patients with AT experience side .

  20. 发现中重度寻常型痤疮的中医症型主要有:湿热蕴结、痰湿凝结、脾肾阳虚夹湿及阴虚火旺。

    TCM syndrome type of moderate to severe acne vulgaris : heat Accumulation of phlegm condensation , spleen and kidney yang dampness and wang .

  21. 温补培元方对脾虚与脾肾阳虚模型细胞免疫功能的实验研究

    Effects of Formula of Warm Tonification and Reinforcing Primary Qi on Cellular Immune Function in Insufficiency Models of Spleen and of Both Spleen and Kidney

  22. 两组脾肾阳虚症状改善率,治疗组优于对照组(P<0.005)。

    The improving rate of positive spleen - and kidney-weakness symptoms in treatment group was superior to that in control group ( P < 0.005 ) .

  23. 其中瘀毒蕴结证、脾肾阳虚证出现频率最高,其次为大肠湿热证、肝肾阴虚证、气血两虚证。

    Toxin Accumulation Type , spleen and kidney yang highest frequency , followed by the large intestine damp-heat , liver kidney yin deficiency of both qi and blood .

  24. 北方分为阴虚夹脾气虚证、肺脾气虚证、脾肾阳虚夹气滞证,尚有部分近似健康儿童。

    Types in the north : Yin-deficiency with spleen Qi deficiency , Qi deficiency of spleen and lung , spleen and kidney Yang deficiency with Qi stagnation , and unsymptomatic children .

  25. 本证中阴阳两虚证无论是在营养状况还是残肾功能上均差于其他证型,脾肾阳虚型超滤量低于脾肾气虚型。

    The yin-yang deficiency was worse than the other type , whether on the nutritional status or residual renal function . Ultrafiltration volume of Pi-Shen yang-deficiency was lower than the Pi-Shen qi-dificiency . 5 .

  26. 但是,脾肾阳虚与这两种心理问题的关系是不同性质的:前者为负性,后者为正性。

    However , the relation between the deficiency of yang of kidney of spleen and these two kinds of psychological problems is of different nature : The former , is positive , the latter is negative .

  27. 本证包括:血热妄行、气不摄血、阴虚火旺、血虚、肝肾阴虚、脾肾阳虚六个证型;

    The foundations are the Bleeding due to blood-heat 、 Qi failing to control blood 、 the Yang deficiency of spleen and renal , the Yin deficiency of liver and renal , and the deficiency of blood .

  28. 聚类分析得出脾肾阳虚(虚寒)证、心脾气血两虚证、肺卫气虚(不固)证为慢性疲劳综合征基本证型。

    Clustering analysis , spleen and kidney Yang ( cold empty ) card , glove deficiency of both qi qi deficiency syndrome , lung health ( not solid ) card for chronic fatigue syndrome basic card type .

  29. 临床辨证主要分为脾肾阳虚、肾虚肝郁两大证型,临证治疗以补肾为主,兼顾肝脾,因时施治,效果颇佳。

    Differentiation can be divided into clinical deficiency of spleen , kidney deficiency syndromes two Liver Depression , Bushen clinical treatment to mainly take into account the liver and spleen , because when the therapy , the effect quite well .

  30. 在合并症方面,高脂血症合并冠心病的患者,为气滞血瘀型的几率较大;合并心律失常的患者,则脾肾阳虚型的几率较大。

    In complications , patients of the hyperlipemia with coronary heart disease , the probability for a larger stagnancy of qi and blood stagnation - syndrome . ; combined in patients with arrhythmia , the risk of spleen yang-deficiency type larger .