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  • eyebrow shape
  1. 用“户外女孩”品牌的棕色眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。

    Give your brows extra definition with Outdoor Girl 's Eyebrow Pencil in Brown

  2. 反眉形自封闭白内障摘除人工晶状体植入术45例

    Intraocular lens implantation combined with counter eyebrow form and self-closure cataract excision

  3. 这种特别的粉质眉笔能精确描绘,让眉形更凸显。

    A sensational powder-in-pencil brow definer that shapes , defines and accentuates brows .

  4. 使用本设计带设计的眉形左右对称,生动。

    The eyebrow shapes designed by the design belt are eudipleural and vivid .

  5. 透明角膜反眉形切口超声乳化人工晶状体植入术临床观察

    Clinical observation of frown - shaped clear corneal incision combined with cataract intraocular lens implantation

  6. 根据现有的眉形及周围骨性轮廓的情况设计新的眉轴线。

    Under the existing contours of eyebrow and the circumstances surrounding bony eyebrow design of the new axis .

  7. 附有内置式斜向眉刷,有助于拌色和精确描画眉形。

    Comes with a built-in slanted brush to help blend colour and shape for precise , defined brows .

  8. 方法:采用5点法行眉形设计为98例受术者实施眉美容整形。

    Methods The " five points " method was used to design the eyebrow shape for 98 patients .

  9. 而成功女性中则往往有较长的人中,高额头,以及舒展的眉形。

    Female features that proved common in successful women were long philtrums , high foreheads and flared eyebrows .

  10. 术后随访3个月至2年,除4例二次手术后满意外,余316例均一次矫治了鱼尾纹和上睑皮肤松弛,同时获得优美的眉形。

    There were no complications in 316 cases through follow-up of 3 to 24 months , temporal wrinkles and blepharochalasis of upper eyelid were corrected , the other 4 cases were satisfactory after a second operation .

  11. 财富多且事业有成的男士有个罗马鼻、眼距宽且鼻翼宽;而成功女性中则往往有较长的人中,高额头,以及舒展的眉形。

    Men possessing the Roman nose , wide set eyes and flared nostrils could be destined for wealth and business success . Female features that proved common in successful women were long philtrums , high foreheads and flared eyebrows .

  12. 下垂眉形组眼轮匝肌外侧束出现率为87.5%,明显大于非下垂组的52.9%(P<0.01)。

    The appearance ratio of lateral buddle of orbicularis oculi muscle in ptosis brow group is 87.5 % . It is much larger than the results of non - ptosis brow group which is 52.9 % ( P < 0.01 ) .