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méi yǎn
  • looks;eye and brow
眉眼 [méi yǎn]
  • [looks] 眉毛和眼睛,指容貌

  • 小伙子眉眼十分俊俏

眉眼[méi yǎn]
  1. 你现在再向一个被抛弃的丈夫抛眉眼,已经太迟了。

    It 's pretty late to start flirting with a discarded husband .

  2. 在定位人眼之前,首先定位出眉眼区域。

    Before locating human eyes , should locate the facial features region .

  3. 新闻标题有新闻的眉眼之称,它是吸引读者阅读兴趣的关键。

    A good news title should be brief and informative , vivid and eye-catching .

  4. 您的眉眼间绽放一朵百合

    I see a lily on thy brow

  5. 我赞美上帝的不公,他赐予你这样的眉眼和嘴唇。

    I praise the Lord for his unfairness of bestowing such pair of eyes and the lips .

  6. 天已大亮了,我这才看清了女孩儿的面容,她眉眼清秀。

    It was in the daytime that I could clearly see her face & a beautiful girl with delicate features .

  7. 这里分析了清代各个时期龙袍上龙纹眉眼的时代特征,以作为龙袍和龙纹断代的一个指标。

    This paper analyses temporal characters of different periods of Qing Dynasty , making these characters an indicator dividing the history of dragon robes and motifs into periods .

  8. 一部好的作品是一个不可割裂的有机整体,即使撷取了它的眉眼,也失去了它的灵魂。

    A good work is a organic entirety that can not be cut apart , even if just the eyes are taken , the soul will be lost .

  9. 本文针对传统的定位眉眼区域的方法容易受到刘海遮挡和头部倾斜等因素的影响,提出了一种新的眉眼区域的定位方法。

    This paper proposes a new method for eyebrow detection in the images on account of the traditional method of eyebrow detection vulnerable to Liu block and head tilt and other factors .

  10. 采用求梯度最大值的方法得到眉眼区域,该方法定位眉眼区域的准确度很高,但复杂度较大。

    This paper uses the method of gradient maximum value to obtain facial features region , the positioning accuracy using this method to locate facial features region is high , but high complexity .

  11. 在这一实际应用的需求下,本文针对人脸检测所做的工作是在背景图像中分割出人脸区域,在检测出的人脸区域内定位出眉眼区域和瞳孔。

    Under the demand of this practical application , the research content of this paper including a human face region is divided up in the background image , the position of the pupil region and eye brow region are detected in it .

  12. 她认为,她以前竟然忍受并回握了他那不冷不热的篡握,竟然以自己眉眼和嘴唇的微笑来迎合他的笑意,实在是她最应追悔的罪过。

    She deemed it her crime most to be repented of , that she had ever endured , and reciprocated , the lukewarm grasp of his hand , and had suffered the smile of her lips and eyes to mingle and melt into his own .

  13. 为了提高系统运行的速度,本文采用了一种基于位移的眉眼区域跟踪算法,该算法复杂度低,很好的解决了利用梯度求眉眼区域算法运算速度慢的缺点。(3)人眼定位。

    In order to improve the overall system speed , this paper uses a method based on displacement to track facial features . This algorithm is low complication and can solve the shortcomings of using gradient algorithm to locate the facial features slowly . ( 3 ) Human eyes location .

  14. 方法门诊手术病例二十例,均为女性,年龄为35-50岁,均存在程度不同的眉眼周围老化外貌,取眉部切口,保留适当宽度的眉,切除松弛的上睑及多余的眉部皮肤;

    Methods 20 outpatients , aging from 35 ~ 50 years old , female all , with different level of aging state around eyes and eyebrow . Taking eyebrow incision , retain the breadth of eyebrow properly , resect flabby eyelid and excrescent eyebrow to renovate the upper flabby eyelid ;