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  • 网络Lingshi;SPIRIT STONES
  1. 基于GIS的灵石山国家森林公园功能区区划研究

    Study on the Function Regionalization in Lingshi Mountain National Forest Park Based on GIS

  2. 1994年4月26日灵石4.8ML地震宏观考察报告

    Macroscopic Investigation Report of Lingshi 4.8M_L Earthquake on April 26,1994

  3. 在市场疲软中再造灵石煤炭优势

    Recreating the coal superiority of Lingshi under coal market weakness

  4. 《红楼梦》与中国古代灵石意象

    A Dream of Red Mansions And Divine Stone Imagery In Chinese Ancient Times

  5. 从中国的石棚到欧洲的巨石阵&灵石崇拜文化探秘

    From Chinese stone shed to Europe megalith blast & The exploring of the Lingshi adoration culture

  6. 灵石山常绿次生林木质残体的组成、碳储量及其分解

    Composition 、 Carbon Storage and Decomposition of CWD in Evergreen and Secondary Forest of Lingshi M Ts

  7. 山西灵石县龙鑫发煤矿古滑坡成因与稳定性研究

    A Study on Causes and Stability of Ancient Landslide at Long Xin Fa Coal Mine . LingShi . ShanXi

  8. 灵石县城大气环境容量比平原地区小,因而大气污染严重。

    The capacity of atmospheric environment is smaller than that of the plain , so the atmosphere is seriously polluted .

  9. 本研究主要是对无锡、石嘴山、灵石三地的411名基层党政干部的成就动机及其归因进行测量。

    This research mainly carry on the measurement of achievement motivation and the attribution of 411 primary level leader in Wuxi , Shizuishan and Lingshi .

  10. 介绍了108国道灵石境内挡土墙设计及施工方法。

    The paper introduced the design of retaining wall in 108 State Highway from its shape collection , design computation , key parameter and construction method etc.

  11. 根据灵石石膏矿区的地层、构造特征,矿床特征及矿石类型等对矿床的成因进行了分析探讨,认为该矿床是在潮上泻湖中沉积而形成。

    Based on the stratigraphic , structural features and the types of ore deposits in Lingshi , it is concluded that the gypsum was deposited in supratidal lagoons .

  12. 针对灵石方言名词的构成形式,论述了灵石方言名词重叠式的语法功能、表义特征及语音特征。

    According to the formation of dialect nouns in Lingshi , this paper discusses the grammatical function , semantics and phonetics features of overlap-nouns of dialect in Lingshi .

  13. 文章之所以选取灵石县为个案,是因为该县地处山西中部,交通相对闭塞,风俗改革较为缓慢。

    Lingshi County is selected as a case because it is located in the centre of Shanxi Province and transportation was relatively inconvenient , custom reformation was relatively slow .

  14. 文章第二部分是从民间信仰层面出发,试图寻找在民间风俗习惯中,关于女娲的崇拜和祭祀与民间流传的灵石信仰中的共通和重合之处。

    The second chapter is based on folk beliefs , and tries to find out the conjunction ofadoring Nu Wa and living stone worship in folk in the folk customs .

  15. 八月,又向驻在同蒲路上临汾至灵石一线的敌军发起攻势,先后解放洪洞、赵城、霍县、灵石、汾西诸城。

    In August they started an offensive against the enemy between Linfen and lingshih along the tatung-puchow railway and liberated the towns of hungtung , chaocheng , huohsien , lingshih and fenhsi .

  16. 若玩家选择通过损失经验在缚灵石附近复活,如果最近刚刚升级,那么会有可能掉级吗?

    If people choose to have their corpse 's revived at the bind stone for the experience fee , is it possible to level down if you have just recently leveled up like in FFXI ?

  17. 交口县位于山西省中部西侧,吕梁市南端,东接孝义、灵石、南连隰县、汾西,西靠石楼,北界中阳。

    Jiaokou County in central Shanxi Province is located in the west , the southern tip of Luliang City , east Xiaoyi , Lingshi , the marsh south county , Fenxi , stone floor , west , north of Shenyang .

  18. 期望通过这些措施的实行,能够使灵石县新型农村社会养老保险试点步入良性循环的轨道,也能够为中国农村养老保险的开展探索出一条新路子。

    Hope that , through the implementation of these measures , enabling Lingshi County new type of rural social endowment insurance pilot into a virtuous cycle track , but also be able to carry out old-age insurance in rural China to explore a new road .