
  • 网络Splenomegaly;Splenectomy
  1. 病鱼以脾脏肿大为主要症状,死亡率高达50%以上。

    The main symptom of diseased fish is splenomegaly . Mortality rate of diseased fish reaches 50 % .

  2. 结果化疗前86.1%病例有脾脏肿大,所有病例脾内均有低回声病灶。

    Results There were 86 1 % cases with splenomegaly and all cases with hypoechoic nodules in spleen before chemotherapy .

  3. 医生说:“你的脾脏肿大,吃些上等的获等就会好的!”

    The doctor said : " Your spleen is swollen2 . You will get well by taking good quality fining ( poris cocos ) . "

  4. 而高危急淋的预后因素有初诊WBC数、发病年龄、脾脏肿大、治疗积分。

    However , WBC counts at diagnosis , age , therapeutic scores and the enlargement spleen were the prognostic factors in high risk group .

  5. 结果:重症胰腺炎组脾脏肿大占54.5%,而轻症胰腺炎组脾脏肿大仅为19.4%,两者相比有显著的统计学意义(P0.01);

    Results : The occurence of splenomegaly was 54.5 % in the severe acute pancreatitis group while 19.4 % in the mild acute pancreatitis group ; there was a significant difference between them ( P 0.01 ) .

  6. 脾脏肿大939例(79.8%);

    Spleen tumefaction was found in 939 cases ( 79.8 % );

  7. 血吸虫病患者劳动力下降的主要原因是血吸虫病所致的乏力、血便、脾脏肿大等。

    Such as general weakness , bloody stool and spleen enlargement .

  8. 在这种情况下,还可能出现脾脏肿大。

    In such cases there may also be enlargement of the spleen .

  9. 肝脏、肾脏、脾脏肿大,有坏死病灶。

    Liver , kidney and spleen were oedema , with some necrotic foci .

  10. 23例(76.7%)病人有不同程度的脾脏肿大。

    Splenomegaly was present in23cases ( 76.7 % ) .

  11. D:肝缩小伴弥漫结节,脾脏肿大。

    ( D ) Liver became smaller with diffuse nodes ; spleen swelling .

  12. 并可明显对抗胸腺萎缩和脾脏肿大;

    The extent of atrophy of thymus gland and intumesce of spleen of rat were ameliorated .

  13. 脾脏肿大发生率随肝纤维化程度加重而增加。

    The incidence of tumefaction of the spleen was increased with the degree of liver fibrosis .

  14. 另外肝脏土黄色肿大,脾脏肿大、坏死也具有一定的参考价值。

    In addition , the liver khaki enlargement and spleen enlargement necrosis also have the certain reference value .

  15. 心脏、肝脏、脾脏肿大,胸腺、法氏囊缩小,脑水肿。

    The heart , liver and spleen were enlarged . The thymus and bursa of Fabricius were atrophy .

  16. 然而,肝脏移植患者中脾脏肿大程度与血细胞减少的联系仍不清晰。

    However , the relationship between the severity of splenomegaly and alterations in the blood cytopenia in LTx recipients remains to be clarified .

  17. 肠血吸虫病患者则会逐渐出现肝脏和脾脏肿大、肠胃受损以及腹腔血管高压等症状。

    In intestinal schistosomiasis , there is progressive enlargement of the liver and spleen , intestinal damage , and hypertension of the abdominal blood vessels .

  18. 结果超声阳性发现多为肝脏肿大或回声异常,脾脏肿大或其内低回声和淋巴结肿大。

    ( Results The ) enlargement or abnomal echo of the liver , the enlargement or hypoechoic of spleen and enlargement of lymph node were found .

  19. 临床表现为脾脏肿大、外周血白细胞极度升高并出现幼稚粒细胞,嗜碱、嗜酸粒细胞增多,常有贫血、血小板增多。

    Clinical manifestations of CML include splenomegaly , extreme elevation of peripheral white blood cells , increasing of immature granulocyte macrophage , alkali , eosinophilia , anemia and thrombocytosis .

  20. 实验结果:DHOV人工感染350d和500d的产蛋鸭后,产蛋鸭出现卵泡变性、变形、出血,脾脏肿大、大脑轻度水肿等特征性病变,符合自然病例特征。

    The attacked ducks manifested in the follicle degeneration , deformation , bleeding , enlarged spleen , mild brain edema and other characteristic lesions , those were all fit the natural case characteristics .

  21. 血吸虫病是由寄生在人体和牛羊猪等哺乳动物体内的血吸虫引起的一种以肝脏肿大、消瘦、贫血、脾脏肿大、营养性水肿和腹水为主要症状的寄生虫病。

    Schistosomiasis is a infectious and parasitic disease of humans and mammals which is caused by Schistosoma japonicum . The symptoms of the disease are hepatauxe 、 emaciation 、 anemia 、 splenomegaly 、 edema and ascites .

  22. 临床表现为脾脏肿大、门腔侧支循环形成(食管、胃、直肠等部位静脉曲张)和腹水,常常伴发有脾功能亢进、消化道出血和自发性腹膜炎等。

    Clinical manifestations of splenomegaly , portosystemic collateral circulation ( esophagus , stomach , rectum and other parts of varicose veins ) and ascites , often associated with a hypersplenism , such as gastrointestinal bleeding and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis .

  23. 病理剖解,可见背部两侧肌肉萎缩变薄,呈刀刃状,体侧红肌纤维退色变白;肝脏和脾脏肿大、充血、出血。

    Anatomical pathology showed that the muscle at the both side of the carps back became thin and looked like knife blade , muscular dystrophy and white muscle . The liver and spleen were swollen with hyperemia and hemorrhage .

  24. 原发性脾肿大组脾脏明显肿大,门脉主干稍增宽,SV平均血流速度、每分钟血流量均增加,PV平均血流速度稍减低。

    In primary group , the dominant change is spleen enlarged , the PV trunk slightly widened , the Vmean and flow volume per minute of SV increased , the Vmean of PV decreased slightly .

  25. 我的肝脏肾脏还有脾脏都开始肿大

    This is my liver and my kidneys and my spleen , it 's all swollen .

  26. 人们能毫无症状地携带血吸虫,但是在严重的情况下,他们会出现发烧、虚弱、脾脏和肝脏肿大、以及中枢神经系统问题。

    People can carry Schistosoma worms without symptoms , but in severe cases fever , fatigue , enlargement of the spleen and liver and central nervous system problems can occur .

  27. 5000mg/kg浓度组雌鼠还表现为肾功能异常,脾脏也有肿大趋势,共有5只雌鼠步态异常、后肢及爪部红肿。

    Moreover , female rats in 5000mg / kg groups also indicated abnormal kidney function , somewhat swollen spleen , 5 females walk with difficulty and two hind limbs including hind legs are swollen .

  28. 脾脏偏大至肿大38例,占疾病总数的8.7%;

    Spleen swelling 38 , accounts for 8.7 % of the total cases ;