
  • 网络Lv Meng;lu meng;lü Meng
  1. 三国时期(220-280),吴国有一个叫吕蒙的将军。

    Lv Meng was a general of Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period ( 220-180 ) .

  2. 吕蒙回答道:军中的事务这么忙,我恐怕没有时间读书。

    Lv Meng answered , I am so busy with military affairs that I am afraid I have little time to read .

  3. 一天,主帅鲁肃来拜访吕蒙,惊讶地发现吕蒙变得很有学问。

    On day , Military Governor Lu Su visited Lv Meng and was surprised to find that Lv Meng had become very knowledgeable .

  4. 一次,吴国的皇帝召见吕蒙,对他说:现在你是大将军了,应该多看看书开阔眼界。

    Once the king of Wu summoned Lv Meng and said to him , Since you are now a general in power , you had better read some books to widen your horizon .