
tūn yàn
  • swallow;deglutition;gulp;ingurgitation
吞咽 [tūn yàn]
  • [swallow] 吞食;不加咀嚼而咽下

  • 食管癌者吞咽困难

吞咽[tūn yàn]
  1. 狼吞虎咽贪婪,大量地吞食;吞咽。

    To swallow greedily or in excessive amounts ; gulp .

  2. 他发出一种咳嗽和吞咽的声音,所以我最初听不大清楚。

    He gave a sort of cough and gulp , and at first I could not hear quite clearly .

  3. 手术后你咀嚼和吞咽都会感到困难。

    After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow .

  4. 有时他会倒嚼我们喂给他吃的食物,因为他无法吞咽。

    Sometimes he regurgitates the food we give him because he cannot swallow .

  5. 你可能会注意到她吞咽有困难。要是这样的话,让她多吃流食。

    You 'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing . If this is the case , give her plenty of liquids

  6. 食物在吞咽前要仔细咀嚼。

    Chew your food well before you swallow it .

  7. 他嗓子疼得厉害,吞咽有困难。

    His throat was so painful that he could hardly swallow .

  8. 她的意识中,是一只雌螳螂正吞咽她的配偶。

    In her mind , it was a female mantis , devouring her mates .

  9. C组:患者感觉尚可,但吞咽时有不适感。

    C group : patients feel is acceptable , but there is discomfort when swallowing .

  10. 吞咽困难积分由置管前的3.6下降至1.0(P<0.01)。

    The dysphagia score decreased significantly from 3.6 before to 1.0 immediately after stent insertion ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 采用DSA设备评价吞咽功能的初步探讨

    Evaluation of Swallowing Function with the DSA Equipment : Preliminary Experience

  12. 3D打印出来的食物被称为软滑食物,是专为有吞咽困难或因疾病无法正常咀嚼进食的老人设计的。

    Known as ' Smoothfood ', it is a concept for cultivated eating in old age or for people with swallowing difficulties or other illnesses which make normal eating impossible .

  13. 3D打印出来的食物被称为“软滑食物”,是专为有吞咽困难或因疾病无法正常咀嚼进食的老人设计的。

    Known as ' Smoothfood , " it is a concept for cultivated eating in old age or for people with swallowing difficulties or other illnesses which make normal eating impossible .

  14. A、B两组均无大出血、食管穿孔发生,治疗成功者基本解除了梗阻,吞咽困难症状得到了明显改善。

    In between group A and group B , the massive hemorrhage and the esophageal perforation did not occur ; the obstruction of the successful treatment patients was basically relieved and their dysphagia symptoms were obviously improved .

  15. LeanMeatAndFish瘦肉、鱼如果你想吃肉的话,就吃鸡肉、鱼肉和其他一些瘦肉,这些比多汁的牛排更易吞咽。

    If you 're going to eat meat , go for chicken , fish , and other lean meats - they 'll go down a lot easier than a juicy steak .

  16. 全部病人术后发音清晰,吞咽正常。结论声门癌与声门上癌(T1~T2)病人行部分喉切除是更佳选择。

    Conclusion Partial laryngectomy is a preferable choice for patients with glottic carcinoma or supraglottic carcinoma ( T 1 ~ T 2 ) .

  17. 目的对需要留置胃管的病人,给其口腔含化一片维生素C,诱发唾液分泌,诱发吞咽反射,从而提高插管成功率。

    Objective It needs to leave the patient who puts the stomach tube to probe into , give them buccal tablets of Vitamin C , which brings out salivation and swallow reflecting , thus to improve success rate of intubation .

  18. 前循环不同部位梗死导致吞咽障碍类型的差异无统计学意义(p0.05)。

    The difference between these 2 group was statistically significant ( p 0.05 ) . The dysphagia types were not related to the location of anterior circulation infarct ( p 0.05 ) .

  19. 68例患者有吞咽困难,常规胸片检查发现45例患者发生肺纹理增多,55例有EKG的异常。

    Dysphagia was found in 68 patients , increased pulmonary markings in 45 patients , and abnormal EKG in 55 patients .

  20. 方法30例伴严重吞咽困难的贲门失弛缓症的患者实行了LHT。

    Methods LHT was performed in30 patients who had esophageal achalasia with severe dysphagia .

  21. 而两组患者皮肤硬化、雷诺现象、吞咽困难、肌肉痛、抗核抗体阳性和抗Scl-70抗体检出率等差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。

    There were no significant differences in skin sclerosis , Raynaud 's phenomeon , dysphagia , myalgia , positive antinuclear antibodies and anti-Scl-70 antibodies between the two groups .

  22. 结论皮肌炎合并心脏异常的危险因素为女性、伴吞咽困难、CPK升高、发热(≥38℃)。

    Conclusion The risk factors in DM complicated with cardiac disorder are female , dysphagia , increased CPK , and fever ≥ 38 ℃ .

  23. 结果高龄、意识障碍、哥拉斯格匹斯堡昏迷评分(GCSP)降低、咳嗽反射减弱、吞咽困难、鼻胃管饲、下呼吸道感染和发热等是ALI的重要危险因素;

    Results It was found that advanced age , unconsciousness , Glasgow Pittsburgh coma score ( GCS P ) reduction , cough and swallowing reflex reduction , lower respiratory tract infection and fever were risk factors of acute lung injury .

  24. 目的:探讨自膨式食管支架(Self-ExpandingMetalStent,SEMS)治疗吞咽困难患者的临床效果、适应症及并发症。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical efficacy , indications and complications of self-expandable metal stents ( SEMS ) in patients with dysphagia .

  25. 而两组患者眼睑紫红斑、Gottron征、吞咽困难、肌肉痛、肌无力、抗核抗体阳性和肌电图肌源性改变发生率差异均无显著性(P均>0.05)。

    There were no significant differences in heliotrope rash , Gottron 's sign , dysphagia , myalgia , myasthenia , positive antinuclear antibodies and myogenic change in EMG between the two groups .

  26. 结论LHT是非常有效的治疗贲门失弛缓症的方法,有助于降低食管下端括约肌压力和缓解患者的吞咽困难。

    Conclusion LHT is a useful procedure for straightening the esophagus , reducing lower esophageal sphincter pressure , and relieving dysphagia in patients with achalasia .

  27. 目的观察节律性咽肌痉挛(RSPM)对脑干卒中后吞咽障碍患者康复预后的影响。

    Objective To observe the influence of rhythmical spasm of pharyngeal muscle ( RSPM ) on the rehabilitation prognosis of patients with dysphagia caused by brainstem stroke .

  28. 标准吞咽功能评定量表(SSA)评分,吞咽功能障碍中医评价量表评分,吞咽障碍特异性生活质量评分(SWAL-QOL),则组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Standard swallowing functional scale ( SSA ) score , swallowing dysfunction TCM Assessment Scale score , dysphagia-specific quality of life score ( SWAL-QOL ), the difference between the groups P0.05 , the difference was not significant .

  29. 采用吞咽X线透视检查法(VFSS)对两组患者治疗前后吞咽障碍进行评分,并检查血钠、钾、白蛋白水平及吸入性肺炎发生情况。

    We compared assessment score of dysphagia by VFSS ( videofluoroscopic swallowing study ), and observed serum potassium , sodium , albumin levels and the incidence of inhalation-pneumonia in two groups before and after treatment .

  30. 患儿均于停麻醉药30min内清醒,睁眼,吞咽反射、自主呼吸恢复良好,吸空气时SPO2维持在93%以上,拔管后均未发生喉痉挛及喉头水肿,术后也未发生缺氧。

    The children recovered consciousness in 30 minutes after operation . Eye movement , swallow reflex and spontaneous breath were all normal , with the SPO_2 above 93 % without oxygen inhalation . There were no laryngic spasm , edema and anoxia occurred in all cases after detubation .