
  1. 雪糕和足球赛?吞拿鱼?

    Ice creams and football games ? Waino , the tuna ?

  2. 在这里。嘿,这是吞拿鱼,老兄。

    There . hey , it 's bumble bee , kiddo .

  3. 那你从来没有吃过周四的吞拿鱼?

    So you 've never had the tuna hash on thursday ?

  4. 老虎为了吞拿鱼会不择手段!

    Tigers will do anything for a tuna fish sandwich !

  5. 以吞拿鱼沙律示好极需勇气。

    It shows courage to woo a woman with a tuna salad .

  6. 吞拿鱼配生菜

    Tuna salad on a bed of lettuce

  7. 柠檬角,腌橄榄,吞拿鱼,鸡尾洋葱,葵花籽。

    Wedges Lemon , Marinated Olives , Tuna Tin , Onion Pickles , Sunflower Seeds .

  8. 吞拿鱼比青花海产鱼更好,更加适合做生鱼片,因为它所含的污染物比如汞比较少。

    Chunk-light tuna is preferable to albacore or sushi , because it usually contains fewer contaminants , such as mercury .

  9. 美味的吞拿鱼配生菜是蛋白质和维生素的优质选择。

    A tuna salad on top a bed of lettuce is one option that is a delicious source of protein and vitamins .

  10. 食环署顾问医生何玉贤在消费者委员会记者会上公布罐头鱼及吞拿鱼三文治内的组胺含量研究。

    The results of a collaborative survey on histamine in canned fish and tuna sandwiches are released by FEHD Consultant Dr Ho Yuk-yin .

  11. 一款非常适饮的美酒,可配开胃食品、意大利面、汤、炖肉、烤吞拿鱼、鸭、小牛肉、羊肉和猪肉等。

    A highly drinkable wine , with savory pasta dishes , soups and stews , grilled tuna , duck , veal , lamb and pork .

  12. 吃了几天18美元的香辣吞拿鱼卷和24美元的炒鸡蛋,我决定去酒店的自助餐厅试试运气。

    After a few days of eighteen dollar spicy tuna rolls and $ 24 scrambled eggs , I decided to try my luck at my hotel 's buffet .

  13. 陈光标宴请的菜单包括芝麻吞拿鱼、牛排和淋上鲜奶油的浆果。

    Mr. Chen , who made his money in the recycling business , served up a menu of sesame-seed-encrusted tuna , beef filet and berries with cr è me fraiche .

  14. 把吞拿鱼粒、小洋葱粒、芫荽、香葱、橄榄油、柠檬汁、日本白豉油放于碗中拌匀,加入盐及胡椒粉调味。

    Put chopped fresh tuna , chopped shallot , chopped coriander , chopped chive , olive oil , lemon juice and white soy sauce in a bowl , add salt and pepper , then mix well .