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xià jiǔ cài
  • a dish that goes with liquor
  1. 只有一个站立式柜台,成瓶的腌制的下酒菜,当地工人站着一边喝酒一边观看电视相扑比赛。

    A single standing-only counter , jars of pickled bar food and local workers sighing over sumo wrestling on TV .

  2. 而且大部分赘肉来自我们草草吞下的下酒菜,并非酒水本身。

    And most of the flab comes from food we polish off when we 've been drinking , rather than from the alcohol itself .

  3. 喝啤酒的同时,通常还会吃大量垃圾食品或高热量食品,即使本来不饿的人,喝了啤酒后也会吃很多下酒菜。

    Additionally , where there is beer drinking , there is usually a good amount of junk food or calorie laden food available . Drinking alcohol contributes to a lot of mindless eating even when a person is not hungry .