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xià fàn
  • go well with rice;go with rice
下饭 [xià fàn]
  • (1) [go with rice]∶就着菜把主食吃下去

  • (2) [go well with rice]∶适宜于和饭一起吃

下饭[xià fàn]
  1. 没有菜下饭。

    There is no dish to go with rice .

  2. 别再吃巧克力了,你会吃不下饭的。

    Don 't have any more chocolate & you 'll spoil your appetite .

  3. 你这两个菜都不喜欢,拿什么下饭呀?

    If you don 't like either of these two dishes , what will you have with your rice ?

  4. 你可能吃不下饭,会恶心或呕吐。

    You also can 't eat and are nauseous or vomiting .

  5. 她累得吃不下饭。

    She was so tired she couldn 't eat her dinner .

  6. 现在你还吃的下饭?

    How can you eat at a time like this ?

  7. 王子愁得吃不下饭,睡不著觉。

    The prince was too distressed to eat , drink , or sleep .

  8. 告诉你,我一个星期吃不下饭。

    I 'm telling you , I won 't eat for a week .

  9. 我用手杖敲打地面,吃不下饭。

    I 'd hit the ground with my stick . I couldn 't eat .

  10. 他太累了吃不下饭。

    He is too tired to eat .

  11. 嗓子疼,吃不下饭。

    A : I 've got a sore throat and I can 't eat food .

  12. 王后如此喜欢我,我不在她就吃不下饭。

    The Queen became so fond of me that she could not eat without me .

  13. 他愁得吃不下饭。

    He had to eat some time .

  14. 人们一般用泡菜下饭吃。

    People eat rice with kimchi .

  15. 妈妈洗完这些牛皮就吃不下饭去。

    By the time Mama finished washing the " cowhide " she never had any appetite .

  16. 这孩子心都碎了,他吃不下饭,也不笑了。

    The boy is heart - broken ; he cant eat his meals , and he cant smile .

  17. 如果你觉得太紧张了吃不下饭,可以喝一些蛋白质奶昔、思暮雪(一种果汁与牛奶的混合饮料)或其它一些健康的能量饮品。

    Drink a protein shake , smoothie or other healthy energy drink if you are too nervous to eat .

  18. 碰上个海鲜过敏、鱼肉生腻的人,甚至可能只要两碟咸菜下饭。

    If someone is allergic to seafood , or tired of rich dishes , he may enjoy the pickled vegetables just as much .

  19. 我们讲硬着头皮顶住,也就是那两三个星期,睡不着觉,吃不下饭。

    When we said we must toughen our scalps and bear it , we meant losing sleep and appetite for those two or three weeks .

  20. 有那么十天左右的时间,有些人就不干了,想辞职,说是受不了,吃不下饭,睡不着觉。

    For ten days or so , some wanted to quit or resign , saying they couldn 't take it any more , couldn 't eat or sleep .

  21. 那天晚上他吃不下饭,拒绝任何乐器的声音,甚至难受的整夜不能睡觉。

    He refused to eat , and no music was heard in the palace that night . The king was so tormented by his thoughts that he did not sleep at all .

  22. 可能没有什么能下饭的食物,因为大多数人带的不是色拉就是甜点;也可能一直在想如何才能把那三句台词讲的更好。

    Perhaps it was the fact that there were too much salads and desserts and not enough big , bulky meals , or it was because I was thinking too much about the play .

  23. 连“望鱼下饭”的不平等都能在这小小的事体中显现出来更不要说在一个国家社会生活中不平等的事有多少了。

    Even the " look " of inequality fish orders can be in this small something appeared in more don 't say in a country social life of the inequality of how many things .

  24. 如果我不爱你:我不会像昨晚泣不成声,不会因为那些而吃不下饭,用饿肚子来折磨自己!

    If I do not love you : I will not look like choke with sobs last night , will not be able to eat meal because of these , with had an empty stomach suffers itself !