
hán yán dù
  • Salinity;brinishness
含盐度[hán yán dù]
  1. 四种方法均表现随着体系含盐度的增加,中相微乳液微观结构经历了从O/W型到B.C.型,再到W/O型的转变。

    The results from the four methods show that the microstructures of the middle phase microemulsions change from O / W to bicontinuous ( B.C. ) , and then to W / O with the variation of NaCl concentration .

  2. 含盐度对部分水解聚丙烯酰胺在矿物表面吸附影响的研究

    Study on influence of salinity on adsorption of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamides on minerals

  3. 含盐度分布特征也因水流条件的不同而不同。

    The characteristics of salinity distribution are varied with the condition of flow .

  4. 经过千百万年之后,其含盐度变得极大,以至湖上浮着一层浮冰一样的盐壳。

    Through hundreds of thousands of years , it has become so salty that salt crusts float upon it like ice .

  5. 从水下泉出来的水的含盐度和温度可以作为泉口准确位置的指示。

    The salinity and temperature of the water from submarine springs are indicators , which can be used for a detailed location of the spring mouth .

  6. 再由此密度、含盐度的等容式,进一步可求得包裹体的形成温度和压力。

    And based on this the formation temperature and pressure of fluid inclusions can be worked out by using the isochoric formula for density and salinity .

  7. 从环境保护的角度出发,着重研究了处理江汉油田高含盐度泥浆脱稳后所分离出的水和固体的几种方案。

    In consideration of environment protection , several methods for treating the separated water and solid from the Jianghan 's high salty mud are investigated more elaborately .

  8. 盐水入侵距离和各个横断面含盐度均随着上游径流量的增加而减小,近似于线性变化关系。

    The extent of saltwater intrusion and salinity of each cross section decrease with the increasing of runoff flux in upstream , and is a linear variety .

  9. 热液成矿期从早到晚,随着温度和含盐度的逐渐降低,地下水中雨水/地层卤水的比值逐渐增大。

    With evolution of the hydrothermal metallogenesis , when temperature and salinity are progressively decreased , ratio of meteoric water / stratum brine in the subsurface water is increased .

  10. 在此基础上,分析探讨了北槽流速、含盐度的分布特征.含盐度分布特征也因水流条件的不同而不同。

    Finally , the distributions of flow velocity and salinity in the same channel are discussed . The characteristics of salinity distribution are varied with the condition of flow .

  11. 利用正交设计法对影响三元复合体系相行为的各主要因素进行极差分析,发现盐可以压缩复合体系的扩散双电层,含盐度对界面张力和中间相体积等具有相当高的敏感性。

    The experiment results showed further that salt can compress the double layer of ASP system and its concentration is quite sensitive to interfacial tension ( IFT ) and middle phase .

  12. 但米草属的植物是怎样的呢?它们会允许一部分海水进入它们的细胞,从而把盐分带入到植物中,形成一个比周围海水含盐度更高的盐溶液。

    But what about the Spartinas , well , they allow a certain amount of salt to enter their cells , bringing the salt content of the water within the plant , to a slightly higher concentration than that of the surrounding seawater .

  13. 考虑冰的应变率、温度、密度、含盐度对单轴抗压强度的影响,提出了渤海海域流冰的单轴抗压强度计算公式,可为海上工程结构物的设计提供依据。

    Considering the effect of strain rate , temperature , density and salinity of ice on the uniaxial strength , an equation for calculating uniaxial strength of flow-ice in Bohai Sea is presented , which can provide the dependence for offshore engineering structure design .

  14. 本文论证了沉积岩中的Cu/Zn、MnO/TFeCaO/TFe+CaO、CO/Ni等比值,可分别作为沉积环境的氧逸度、酸碱度、含盐度及火山活动强度的地球化学标志。

    Cu / Zn , MnO / TFe , CaO / Te + CaO , Co / Ni and other ratios of sedimentary rocks have been proved to be geochemical indicators of oxygen fugacity , acidity , salinity and intensity of volcanic activty in their sedimentary environment .

  15. 与相对应的非道路影响的自然区域相比,道路干扰显著降低土壤含水量和盐度,增加了pH和硝态氮含量。

    Compared to non-road area , activities associated with roads significantly decreased soil moisture and salinity , and increased soil pH and nitrate concentration .

  16. 不透明矿物所含单个低盐度流体包裹体液相组分SAM/AES实验研究:Ⅰ.原理与方法

    Sam / aes experimental studies of the aqueous components in ore mineral-bearing individual low-salinity fluid inclusions : I. Principles and techniques

  17. 多功能TDR探针可以用来同时测定含水量与基质势、含水量与土壤热学性质、含水量与盐度和温度。

    Multiplex TDR probe can measure both soil water content and potential or thermal properties or temperature and salinity simultaneously .

  18. 由于含盐类包裹体不能应用现有的状态方程求解,作者根据实验数值,采用最小二乘法等,得到含盐度(wt%)≤25的NaCl-H2O溶液包裹体的密度式和等容式。

    Considering the state equations available are not applicable to salt-bearing fluid inclusions , the authors have established the density and isochoric formulae for NaCl-H_2O-bearing fluid inclusions ( salinity ≤ 25wt % ) using the least sqaures method in conjunction with the experimental data .