
tīnɡ jué cì jī
  • auditory stimulation
  1. 因此,这是时间开始提供听觉刺激。

    So this is the time to begin providing auditory stimulation .

  2. 实验三要求受试者在听觉刺激下完成左右手敲击键盘时脑电信号的采集。

    In the third experimental , EEGs were collected when the subject was knocking at the keyboard under auditory stimulation .

  3. 三音听觉刺激事件相关电位P(300)的初步研究

    Preliminary study of event-related potential P_ ( 300 ) evoked by three-tone auditory stimulus

  4. 利用听觉刺激序列诱发的事件相关电位(P(300)),对32例脑梗塞患者进行了临床研究。32例患者采用长谷川智测量表(HDS)评分。

    We studied the event-related potentials ( ERP ) P300 waves evoked by auditory serial stimulus in 32 patients with cerebral infarction and compared with the normal subjects .

  5. 同时,听觉刺激诱发的N1,P2波在不同情绪和2种较小的偏差间隔之间存在交互作用。

    In addition , N1 and P2 evoked by auditory stimuli can interact between emotional types and two smaller interval deviants .

  6. 方法比较33例精神分裂症患者与35名正常人P50对条件-试验听觉刺激反应的差异。

    Methods Comparison of the response differences to condition-test auditory stimulus between 33 patients with schizophrenia and 35 normal subjects .

  7. Elliot(2001)用跨通道Stroop任务对习惯化理论进行了探讨,但是听觉刺激和视觉刺激的加工通路不同,加工速度存在差异,这可能影响刺激间的干扰效果;

    Elliot ( 2001 ) explored the differences using the cross-modal Stroop task . But the speeds of processing auditory and visual stimulus may be different .

  8. 胎儿期听觉刺激对新生儿听敏度的影响

    Influence of antenatal sound stimulation on the auditory sensitivity of neonates

  9. 目的观察数码听觉刺激与抚触综合干预婴幼儿脑功能障碍的效果。

    ObjectiveTo observe the effect of digital auditory activation and touching intervention on infants with cerebral dysfunction .

  10. 如今,他更偏好用新的声音,新的编曲方式来产生新的听觉刺激。

    He likes to use the computer to discover new sounds and to stimulate a new sense of hearing .

  11. 目的探讨良性听觉刺激对新生儿脑氧合代谢和脑血流动力学的影响。

    Objective To study effects of benignant auditory stimulation ( BAS ) on cerebral oxygen metabolism and cerebral hematodynamics in neonates .

  12. 目的了解窒息新生儿在听觉刺激诱发脑神经活动时的脑氧合代谢和脑血流量的改变。

    To study the changes of cerebral oxidative metabolism and cerebral blood flow in newborns of asphyxia during brain auditory activation .

  13. 结论窒息新生儿听觉刺激诱发相应皮层的神经活动时,显示局部脑血流量下降、氧合代谢降低,重度窒息儿更明显。

    ConclusionDuring brain auditory activation in asphyxiated newborns , cerebral oxidative metabolism and cerebral blood flow all decrease , especially in the severe asphyxiated newborns .

  14. 结论数码听觉刺激结合抚触法疗程短,疗效高,是治疗婴幼儿脑功能障碍的一种较理想的治疗方法。

    ConclusionThe digital auditory activation combined with touching has short therapeutic course and high efficacy , so it is a good therapeutic method for infants with cerebral dysfunction .

  15. 结论对听觉刺激的脑认知反应速度较视觉为快,而用视听联合刺激可加快反应速度。

    Conclusion These results reveal that brain cognitive response is slower to visual signals than that to auditory signals , and visuoauditory combined stimuli can increase the response speed .

  16. 这种不同遍及人脑的各个区域,包括那些掌管诸如记忆、视觉诠释和听觉刺激这样的关键感知功能的部位。

    The variations extend across many regions of the brain , including those that govern such essential cognitive functions as memory and the interpretation of visual and auditory stimuli .

  17. 图片加文本的信息呈现方式更利于低知识经验者获得知识。(3)进一步补充、丰富以听觉刺激为次任务的双任务范式能够有效考察多媒体学习中认知负荷的研究结果。

    The lower experience participants could get more knowledge in the presentation of pictures with text . ( 3 ) Further complement and enrich the findings that the auditory dual-task paradigm could be effectively examine cognitive load in multimedia learning .

  18. 听觉刺激为1000ms随机间隔的中文数字2到9,任务要求被试者听到奇数(靶信号)快速按键,听到偶数(非靶信号)不按键。

    The task involved verbally given Chinese digit number from two to nine with 1 000 ms random interval . Subjects were asked to push the button for the odd numbers ( target ) and withhold to the even numbers ( non-target ) .

  19. 视觉听觉同时刺激模式下ERP的同步性研究

    Study on synchronization of ERP evoked by simultaneous visual - audio stimuli

  20. 探讨视觉单一刺激、听觉单一刺激和视听双模式刺激的情况下,诱发脑电中的gamma节律的活动与刺激和ERP成分的同步效应。

    In the present study the activity of the gamma oscillation synchronized with the stimuli and ERP is investigated by means of unimodal and bimodal experiments .

  21. 干预:对TIA患者及正常对照组进行简易精神状态检查法(MMSE)、听觉oddball刺激序列P300检测及神经系统查体。

    INTERVENTIONS : Patients with TIA and people in the control group were taken Mini Mental State Examination ( MMSE ) test , hearing Oddball stimulus sequence P300 detection and examination of nervous system .

  22. 方法:用听觉Oddbal刺激序列ERP、认知能力筛选试验(CCSE)和简易智力状态试验(MMSE)检测32例TIA病人和30例年龄、性别、利手和教育程度相匹配的正常人。

    Methods : Auditory ERP , cognitive capacity screening examination ( CCSE ) and mini-mental state examination ( MMSE ) were studied separately in 32 patients with TIA and 30 normal subjects matched with age , sex , handedness and education .

  23. 一种适合于听觉神经刺激的可编程双相恒流脉冲发生器

    A Programmable Biphasic Constant-Current Pulse Generator for Auditory Nerve Stimulation

  24. 触觉和听觉的刺激可诱使病牛惊厥和角弓反张。

    Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos .

  25. 在这个视觉和听觉高度刺激的时代,广播也正以惊人之势卷土重来。

    In this age of visual and aural hyper-stimulation , the medium of radio is making a phenomenal comeback .

  26. 特别是这一类儿童对听觉的刺激反应异常,对别人的话无法理解,这就造成了对孤独症儿童进行训练与教育时的困难。

    The children have specially unusual response to hearing stimulation and are unable to understand others ' speech . It will make the training and the education of the autistic children difficulty .

  27. 无论是视觉靶刺激和听觉靶刺激位于相同的空间位置还是相异的空间位置,视听双通路刺激都发生了整合,整合区域都在颞顶联合皮层的位置。

    No matter the visual and auditory target stimuli were located in the same or different spatial location , visual and auditory modality integrated together . The areas of integration were temporoparietal junction areas .

  28. 结论汉语的段落理解任务可以作为临床观察fMRI中激活Wernicke区的听觉语言任务刺激模式。

    Conclusion Paragraph comprehension task in Chinese can activate the Wernicke area steadily in fMRI .

  29. 视觉和听觉交叉通道刺激的实验结果从电生理的角度对McGurk效应和听觉诱导视觉幻觉现象提供了一定解释。

    The data of visual and auditory cross-modal stimulating experiments made contribute to the electrophysiological explanation of McGurk effect and the visual illusion caused by auditory stimuli .

  30. 听觉相关穴位刺激时中枢变化功能磁共振研究

    Brain areas responses evoked by stimulation of acupoint related to auditory-functional MRI study