
xī shēnɡ cái liào
  • sound absorbing material
  1. 利用PVC和无机物等研制了一种性能优良的吸声材料。该吸声材料具有低频吸声系数好、成型加工简单、成本低等优点。

    A new sound absorbing material that is good in sound absorbing at the low frequency and high frequency is made from PVC and rockwool in this paper .

  2. 吸声材料参数的数值优化设计

    Numerical Optimization Design of Parameter of Sound Absorbing Material

  3. 一种是通过测量驻波管中的吸声材料的吸声系数α0来计算简易半消声室的K3;

    One method is to calculate K3 by sound absorption coefficient α 0 ( which is measured by standing wave apparatus ) of sound absorption material .

  4. 燃烧反应合成Al-Cu基吸声材料

    Al-Cu-based sound-absorbing materials by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis

  5. 并针对体育馆内各表面材料声学特性,利用VC通过ADO接口连接Access数据库,建立吸声材料查询系统,便于方案制定中吸声装饰材料的选择。

    Based on the acoustic characteristic of surface material in the interior of gymnasium , the query system of absorption material is built combining VC with Access by ADO interface . It is facilitate to choose the material in the solution formulation .

  6. 以桑塔那2000型轿车为实例建立无吸声材料和有吸声材料的结构-声学模型,使用ANSYS有限元分析软件计算车身板件在给定频率下振动引起的车内声压,进而求得板件的声学贡献。

    The structure-acoustic coupled models of Santana 2000 are built both with and without absorption material , and ANSYS finite element analysis software is used to calculate interior acoustic pressure due to panels vibration under specific frequency , then the acoustic contribution of panel is evaluated .

  7. 用GT-Power软件对气动马达使用的消声器分3组10种模型进行了建模和仿真,通过对比发现在消声器壳体内壁粘贴吸声材料,且材料密度越大,降噪效果越好;

    10 mufflers of different structure in 3 groups were simulated by GT-Power . To install noise absorption material in the cylindrical muffler enhanced the noise reduction , and the density of the material affects the noise reduction .

  8. 壁面有吸声材料时驾驶室内噪声响应的灵敏度分析MATV技术和声学灵敏度方法在驾驶室噪声分析中的应用

    Sensitivity Analysis of the Noise Response in Cab Lined With Sound Absorbing Materials on the Panel Application of MATV and Acoustic Sensitivity Approach in Cab Interior Noise Analysis

  9. 实验中长空间的墙壁为具有不同边界阻抗的吸声材料,实验结果可以看出该模型比基于声线法的软件ODEON的预测结果更接近实验结果。

    In experiments the enclosure walls are lined with different kinds of sound absorption material to simulate different impedance boundaries . It is show that the developed model agrees better with the experimental data than that of the ODEON software .

  10. 充水管道中用传递函数法测量吸声材料的声学性能

    The sound-absorbed properties measurement in water-filled tube with transfer function method

  11. 敷设吸声材料复杂目标的目标强度计算

    Target Strength Calculation of Underwater Complicated Targets Coated with Absorbing Materials

  12. 高效纤维-石膏功能复合吸声材料的研制

    Developments of efficient sound absorption of fiber-gypsum functional composite materials

  13. 提高隧道无机颗粒吸声材料耐久性的措施

    Measures to promote the durability of inorganic tunnel sound-absorbing material

  14. 粘贴吸声材料的结构表面声辐射数值仿真

    Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Radiation from Vibrating Surfaces Pasted by Absorbent Materials

  15. 声阻抗梯度渐进的高分子微粒吸声材料

    Gradual change of impedance for polymer micro-particles sound absorption material

  16. 建筑和设备的吸声材料、隔热材料;

    Building and equipment absorption material , heat insulation materials ;

  17. 分析了填充吸声材料、板面布置形式和弹簧减振件对轻质复合墙体隔声性能的影响。

    Analysis the influence sound insulation performance of composite wall .

  18. 道路声屏障用非织造布吸声材料的可行性研究

    Discussion on Feasibility of Nonwoven Sound-absorbing Materials Used for Road Noise-deafening Barrier

  19. 水泥基木梗复合吸声材料的研究

    Study on cement - based wood composite sound absorption material

  20. 泡沫金属吸声材料制备及吸声性能的研究

    An investigation on manufacture of foamed copper and absorbing property

  21. 一种新型吸声材料&铝纤维板的吸声特性

    Sound Absorption Characteristic of a New Absorbing Material & Aluminum Fibre Panel

  22. 通过理论公式对隧道内衬吸声材料的降噪效果进行了计算,结果表明,隧道内衬吸声材料可以有效地降低隧道噪声。

    Noise reduction effect of sound absorption materials inside the tunnel was calculated .

  23. 水下高分子吸声材料的声学设计

    The Acoustic Design of Macromolecule Absorbing Materials under Water

  24. 吸声材料和吸声结构结构声场耦合系统力激励频率响应有限元分析

    FE analysis of the frequency responses at force stimulation on vibrated-acoustical coupled system

  25. 吸声材料已成为国内外相关领域的研究重点。

    Sound-absorbing material has become the focus of related research in the field .

  26. 因此吸声材料和结构的研究对噪声控制具有重要意义。

    So , it is important to do research on the acoustic material .

  27. 石膏基多孔复合吸声材料的研究

    Development of a Sound Absorbing Gypsum-Based Porous Composite Material

  28. 国产吸声材料的吸声系数测定的初步报告

    A preliminary report on measurements of sound absorption coefficients of Chinese acoustical materials

  29. 公路隧道降噪用吸声材料的研制

    Development of the Sound Absorption Material Used for Noise Reduction in Highway Tunnel

  30. 吸声材料和吸声结构准晶材料的结构特征和材料特性的研究

    Research on Material and Structure Characteristics of Quasicrystal Material