
  • 网络Absorbance;absorbed light;light-absorbing
  1. GB/T9506.3-1988蒸散型钡吸气剂载料和模中钡量的测定光动力治疗中光的有效吸收光剂量及其确定

    Test method for barium content in getter fill and getter film of barium flash getter The Effective Absorbed Light Dose in Photodynamic Therapy and its Measurement

  2. C(60)/PMMA的单重态激发态吸收光限幅研究

    Optical Limiting in C 60 / PMMA Composite Based on Singlet Excited State Absorption

  3. 模型组大鼠切片中,IL一6免疫细胞化学反应呈阳性显示,而各处理组药物中IL一6免疫反应吸收光密度有显著降低(P<0.05),阳性细胞白分率明显降低(P<0.05)

    Model rats ' immune celluar chemical response to IL-6 was positive , while other groups all decreased in both O. D. and positive cell percentage .

  4. 与纯的TiO2相比,复合催化剂吸收光的能力增强,吸收带边向长波方向延伸了20nm。

    Compared with pure TiO_2 , the light absorption ability of NdPW_ 12 O_ 40 / TiO_2 gets enhanced , and the absorption region extends to long wavelengths by 20 nm .

  5. 以铝粉为吸收光介质做成银灰母料,与基础树脂LLDPE混合、挤出吹塑做成降解聚乙烯避蚜地膜,铝粉含量为18%~30%。

    By means of addition silver gray masterbatches containing 1.8 % ~ 3.0 % aluminium powder into LLDPE , the degradable PE mulch films used for expelling aphids were made through blending extrusion .

  6. 实验证明了用DVD光头进行双光子三维光数据存储的可行性,表明双光子吸收光致漂白技术可以与现有CD/DVD兼容,为实现多层高密度和超高密度光信息存储打下基础。

    The experiment proved that proceeding two-photon three-dimensional optical data storage with DVD pickup head was feasible , which indicated that two-photon photobleaching technology combined with the current CD / DVD and provided a base for realization of high density and super high density optical data storage .

  7. 反饱和吸收光限幅效应与激光防护

    Reverse Saturation Absorption Optical Limiting Effect and Laser Protection

  8. InGaAs/InAlAs多量子阱电吸收光调制器

    InGaAs / InAlAs Multiple Quantum Well Electro-absorption Modulator

  9. 利用分子吸收光功率的变化解释了敏感机理。

    The uses of molecular absorption of light power changes explain the sensitive mechanism .

  10. 珊瑚王国图片画廊。炙热的绿色荧光珊瑚在帕劳吸收光波长和放射另一个。

    Glowing green fluorescent coral in Palau absorbs light at one wavelength and emits it at another .

  11. 波长选择性或光选择性塑膜吸收光合活性辐射并传递太阳红外辐射。

    Wavelength-selective or photoselective mulches absorb photosynthetically active radiation ( PAR ) and transmit solar infrared radiation .

  12. 然而研究表明,原子并不能完全吸收光场中的量子信息。

    However , studies have shown that atoms can not completely absorb the quantum information in light field .

  13. 明确组织中的有效吸收光剂量可以指导临床治疗,从而避免治疗剂量不足(治疗不彻底)或剂量过量(造成正常组织的热损伤)。

    Getting the knowledge of the effective absorbed dose , doctors in clinical therapy can avoid insufficient or excessive light dose .

  14. 同三重态激发态吸收光限幅效应相比,单重态激发态吸收光限幅具有限幅能量低、响应速度快等优点。

    Compared with optical limiting based on triplet excited-state-absorption , this kind of optical limiting has the advantages of lower clamped energy and quicker response .

  15. 试验结果表明,此反应为一级反应,表观速率常数与甲基橙初浓度、催化剂浓度及吸收光强度有关。

    Apparent rate constant k is dependent on original concentration of methyl orange , the concentration of catalyst and absorbed intensity of radiation I_ ( abs ) .

  16. 然而对于棉绳阴燃火、聚氨脂塑料火及正庚烷火生成的烟气,离子型比光电型响应更为灵敏,特别是对于后两者明火生成的能够吸收光而减弱光散射的黑烟。

    However , for the smoke generated by the smoldering cottons , flaming polyurethane foam and flaming heptane , the ionization detectors respond more sensitively than the photoelectric detectors .

  17. 因此,你可以说暗色的材料更易于吸收光并被其加热-更易于将吸收到的热再送出来。

    So you could say that dark materials are better at absorbing light , which heats them up - and they 're also better at sending the heat back out .

  18. 式中A为吸收光密度,[E]为葡萄糖氧化酶浓度(活性单位/毫升),A0和β在给定体系下为常数。

    Where a was absorbed optical density , [ E ] was the concentration of the immobilized glucose oxidase , A0 and β were constants under a given experimental condition .

  19. 其中光学检测器和电化学检测器应用最广泛,激光诱导荧光、化学发光和紫外吸收光等光学检测器目前仍是主流的检测手段。

    Optical detector and electrochemical detector are the most extensive application . Laser induced fluorescence , chemical luminescence and ultraviolet absorption detector and other optical detector are still the mainstream means .

  20. 另外,视网膜和基底膜之间有一个色素颗粒层,其中含有大量的色素颗粒,可能具有重吸收光的作用。

    In addition , the pigment granules layer is observed between retina and basement membrane , in which plenty of pigment granules are found , and whose function may be light reabsorption .

  21. 介绍了富勒烯激发态吸收光限幅以及激发态吸收和其它非线性光学效应共同作用的复合型光限幅技术的研究新进展。

    We summarize the technology development of fullerenes in the areas of both the excited state absorption optical limiting and the hybrid optical limiting including the exited state absorption and other nonlinear optical effects .

  22. 通过煅烧生物氮可掺杂入氧化铈晶格,氮的掺杂导致晶格畸变,从而有效降低材料的禁带宽度,促使材料的吸收光范围向可见光发生偏移。

    Through biological nitrogen doping into the cerium oxide lattice , and nitrogen in the grid doped with distortion , the forbidden band width of materials were effectively reduced so that the scope of absorbing light by materials shifted to visible light . 3 .

  23. 原子吸收分光光度法检测Cu、Zn水平;

    Cu , Zn were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry ;

  24. C(60)/PMMA复合材料的反饱和吸收与光限幅特性研究

    Reverse saturable absorption and optical limiting of the c60 / pmma composite

  25. 营养药品中K、Na、Ca、Mg的原子吸收分光光度测定

    AAS Determination of k , na , Ca and Mg in nutritional pharmaceuticals

  26. WFD&y2型原子吸收分光光度计测定Cu时最佳条件选择

    Selection of optimal condition as using WFD y_2 model atomic absorption spectrophotometer to measure metal elements

  27. 水稻对CO2的同化吸收与光合有效辐射、气温有极显著相关关系;

    Assimilation of CO2 by rice is significantly correlated with photosynthetically active radiation and temperature .

  28. 用紫外吸收分光光度法测定生姜中的营养成分VC、总糖和有害成分亚硝酸盐的含量;

    The contents of VC , total sugar , nitrite were measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry .

  29. 常压消化体系&原子吸收分光光度法测定海洋沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr

    Determination of Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd , Cr in marine sediment by AAS under normal pressure digest system

  30. 目的:了解孕期头发中钙及微量元素铜锌铁含量的动态变化。用原子吸收分光光度计测定各组小鼠血清的Zn、Cu、Fe。

    Aim : To study the changes of Ca and microelements Cu , Zn , and Fe contents in hair during pregnancy .