
xī qì jì
  • getter;degasser
吸气剂[xī qì jì]
  1. 10~(-10)Pa溅射离子泵和非蒸散型吸气剂的复合泵

    Integration of Commercial Sputtering Ion Pumps with Non - Evaporative Getter

  2. 玻璃粉粘结剂对丝网印刷Zr-V-Fe吸气剂薄膜吸气性能的影响

    Influence of Glass Frit on Sorption Properties of Zr-V-Fe Getter Films Prepared by Screen Printing

  3. 电解重水制备D2中常含有微量杂质N2,为降低N2含量,选择锆铁钛吸气剂高温对N2进行脱除。

    The getter was chosen to remove N2 in D2 which was prepared by electrolyzing heavy water in high temperature .

  4. 采用脉冲放电氦离子化检测器的气相色谱仪对N2含量进行分析检测。试验结果表明:D2气中N2含量20×10-6时,该吸气剂可使N2含量降至3×10-6以下。

    The N2 content was detected by pulsed discharge helium ionization detector ( PDHID ), and the result showed that the N2 could be removed to under 3 × 10-6 when D2 content is 20 × 10-6 .

  5. 利用丝网印刷技术制备Zr-V-Fe吸气剂薄膜。

    Zr-V-Fe getter films were prepared by screen printing , using Pb glass frit as the binders between films and substrates .

  6. Ti-Mo合金非蒸散型吸气材料是吸气剂领域内新研制出的一种具有高机械强度、大吸气量的功能材料,广泛应用于长寿命、高性能、强稳定性的电子真空器件当中。

    The non evaporable Ti-Mo alloy getter material , a newly developed function-material with high mechanical strength and excellent getter capacity , is widely used in vacuum electron devices , which demands long service life , high properties and stability .

  7. 介绍了126kV真空灭弧室的排气和老炼的研究过程,并阐述了烘烤排气和老炼去气的方法以及吸气剂与钛泵的应用。

    The paper introduces the process of exhausting and ageing of 126 kV vacuum interrupter , and describes the exhausting and ageing methods of the vacuum interrupter and the application of absorbing agent and titanium pump .

  8. 结果表明,这种新型的钛基吸气剂在低温激活时的室温吸氢性能优于高温激活的传统Zr-C吸气剂,随着激活温度的升高,新型吸气剂的性能更好。

    The experimental results indicate that the pumping properties of these new Ti-based getters activated at low temperature are better than the Zr-C getter . The gettering will be improved with increasing the activation temperature .

  9. GB/T9506.5-1988掺氮吸气剂释氮吸气动态曲线测试方法

    Test method for nitrogen-released and gas-absorbed dynamic curve of nitrogen-doped getter

  10. 锆铝吸气剂泵加温再生法机理的研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Hot Reactivation for Zr-Al Getter Pump

  11. 锆-石墨吸气剂的吸气性能制冷压缩机吸气温度的串级控制

    The Cascade Control of the Inlet Temperature of the Refrigerating Compressor

  12. 使得真空封装可以在不需要吸气剂的情况下得以实现。

    The reliable vacuum packaging has been realized with getter free .

  13. 用国产锆-铝吸气剂获得极高真空性能的研究

    Research of China - made Zr - Al 16 Getter in EHV

  14. 非蒸散低温激活吸气剂材料纳米晶锆粉对材料吸气性能的影响

    Effect of Nanocrystalline Zr Powder on the Inspiration Property of Getter Material

  15. 用四极质谱仪分析锆铝吸气剂泵的某些特性

    Some Characteristics of Zr Al Getter Pump Analyzing with Quadrupole Mass spectrometer

  16. GB/T9506.10-1988吸气剂压制或烧结牢固度测试方法

    Test method for firmness of getter by pressure or sinter

  17. 从理论上分析了吸气剂激活与再生的机理;

    The mechanism of activation and reactivation for getters are theoretically analysed .

  18. 多孔烧结体室温吸气剂吸气动力学模型

    Gas Absorption Dynamic Model of Porous Sinter Room Temperature Getter

  19. 显象管用掺氮吸气剂的性能测定

    Measurement of Performance of Nitrogen Doped Getter used in Kinescope

  20. 掺氮吸气剂钡膜分布的测定

    Test on the barium film distribution of nitrogen doped adsorber

  21. 锆铝吸气剂合金对氢的热脱附

    Thermal desorption of hydrogen zr / al getter alloy

  22. 蒸散型吸气剂的出现电势谱研究

    A study on appearance potential spectroscopy in evaporable Getters

  23. GB/T9506.2-1988蒸散型钡吸气剂得钡量测试方法

    Test method for barium yield of barium flash getter

  24. 白炽灯用吸气剂的质谱分析

    Mass spectrum analysis of getters for electric incandescent lamps

  25. GB/T9506.6-1988掺氮吸气剂钡膜分布测试方法

    Test method for barium film distribution of nitrogen-doped getter

  26. 非蒸散型吸气剂对混合气体的抽气行为研究

    Pumping Characteristics of Mixed Gases with Non-Evaporation Getter

  27. 钡吸气剂和氩气石灰及石灰土活性氧化物的降解

    Barium Getter and Argon Degradation of Activated Oxidate of Lime and Lime - Soil

  28. 这对出现电势谱在吸气剂生产上的开发应用,具有一定的实用价值。

    It is very useful in applying the appearance potential spectroscopy to getter production .

  29. 废气中氧化氮含量的测定GB/T6625-1986掺氮吸气剂含氮量测试方法

    Test methods for nitrogen content of nitrogen-doped getter

  30. GB/T9506.8-1988非蒸散型吸气剂吸气性能测试方法

    Test method for gettering properties of non-evaporable getter