
xī tiě shí
  • magnet;lodestone
吸铁石 [xī tiě shí]
  • [lodestone;magnet] 见磁铁

  1. 一般来说,湿布是一块绝妙的灰尘吸铁石。

    The dampened cloth makes a great dirt magnet .

  2. 你不是一块吸引意外的吸铁石&这个定义太宽泛了。

    You 're not a magnet for accidents & that 's not a broad enough classification .

  3. 通过实验探索发现吸铁石吸铁的特性。

    Xitie Dan found through experiments to explore the absorption of iron .

  4. 这是因为城市是除尘器和吸铁石

    Because cities are the vacuum cleaners and the magnets

  5. 鸟与蝴蝶的天然吸铁石没有蜜蜂和蝴蝶的花园太单调了吗?

    Birds and butterflies magnetdoes your garden seem lonely without bees and butterflies buzzing around ?

  6. 抛开这些缺陷,伦敦看起来势必将巩固其吸引资本家的吸铁石地位。

    These objections aside , London looks set to consolidate its role as a magnet for magnates .

  7. 思想形态可以被比作吸铁石,吸引来某个特定经历走下显化层而进入到物质生活之中。

    Thought-form can be likened to a magnet that draws a particular experience down the manifestation planes into physicality .

  8. 资格老的称为吸铁石,新手则称为毒蛇,这是因为和新手共事可能会有生命危险

    Veterans are called " Fixers . " The novices are " Snakes , " because working with them can be deadly .

  9. 其他地方对移民技术的竞争在逐渐增加:亚洲正迅速成为新的移民吸铁石。

    There is growing competition for their skills elsewhere ( see article ) : Asia is fast becoming the new magnet for migrants .

  10. 我从一个在校生那里听说,她对全校的师生来说就像一块吸铁石,一个沟通交流的大师,一个充满了魅力和激情的女人。

    I heard from the returning students she was such a magnet to faculty and students alike , a master of communications , and a lady of charisma and passion .

  11. 当时电视主持人在金属地图上摆弄带吸铁石的符号:点状物代表下雨,星号代表下雪,用线条标记大气压同等的地区。

    Back then , TV presenters slid magnetic symbols around a metal map : dots for rain , asterisks for snow , lines to mark off areas of equal pressure .

  12. 教育是关注细枝末节的,但它的每个细节都应当象细碎的铁丝被一块吸铁石所吸引一样指向它的基本理念和价值观。

    Education is concerned about details . However , all its details should lead to its basic ideals and philosophy as bits of iron are attracted by a huge magnet .