
  • 网络hemp paper;jutepaper
麻纸 [má zhǐ]
  • [jute paper] 一种大部分以黄麻为原料生产的强韧纸张

  1. 从12世纪以来,欧洲通过阿拉伯人,从中国学制造麻纸和绵纸以代替羊皮纸和草片纸。

    Linen and cotton paper , which the European learned about from the Chinese through the arabians , replaced parchment and papyrus from the twelfth century on .

  2. 高档含麻卷烟纸麻浆首选亚麻浆。

    Thus high-level containing hemp cigarette paper first chooses flax .

  3. 新西兰麻和纸莎草种植在半透明的玻璃栅栏前,投下不断变化的光影,些许戏剧上演的感觉。

    Phormium and Papyrus planted in front of a translucent glass privacy fence cast ever-changing shadows for a touch of drama .

  4. 秋菊团花剪纸,直径24.5厘米,麻料纸。(图片不曾放上来)

    Circular cut in the shape of a chrysanthemum , 24.5 centimetres in diameter , cut from mustard-coloured paper . ( Fig.12 )

  5. 但是近些年来,由于考古发掘工作所发现的汉代丝质纸和麻质纸都存在于蔡伦以前,某些科学技术史工作者便作出了颇不一致的论断。

    But , through the recent years , the findings of archaeological excavation work have revealed that paper made first of silk and then of hemp had existed long before Tsai-lun 's time .

  6. 含麻高档卷烟纸的生产研究

    Produce Research of High-level Cigarette Paper Contented Hemp Fiber

  7. 论述了由于我国麻类资源丰富,不论在利用麻皮制特种纸和利用红麻全秆制浆方面,都有其灿烂的前景。

    China , having an abundant resource of hemp ( and the likes ) has a brilliant prospect of exploitation of hemp , flax and kenaf for paper making .

  8. 在麻料的优选方面:麻浆根据成纸麻浆含量不同,替代部分针叶浆或全部甚至部分阔叶浆。

    At the aspects of choice hemp : according to different hemp pulp contain , substitute part or whole wood fiber pulp .