
  • 【法】relocation housing
  1. 高校周转房的供应和需求矛盾凸显出来。

    Universities turnover of housing supply and demand contradiction has emerged .

  2. 本文只是为高校周转房的管理提供了一份基础性的参考。

    This article only provides a basic reference for the management of the turnover house .

  3. 这期间,我们会为您提供周转房。

    During this period , we will provide you with the temporary houses you need .

  4. 笔者认为应该把高校周转房纳入我国公共租赁住房的范畴。

    I believe that the college turnover house should fit into the areas of public rental housing .

  5. 这部分对住房货币化改革和高校职工住房供应变迁进行了概述,并阐述了高校周转房供应管理的理论基础。

    This part including housing monetization reform and college staff housing supply changes , and elaborated the theoretical basis of the college turnover house for supply management .

  6. 本文对武汉七所高校周转房供应管理的现状进行了调研,在此基础上总结出高校周转房供应管理取得的成效和存在的问题,最后针对问题提出了完善高校周转房供应管理的措施。

    On this basis , we summed up the college turnover housing supply management achievements and existing problems , finally , we provided our measures of improving College turnover house for supply management .

  7. 由于时间、精力等方面的限制,本次调研仅以问卷调查法和座谈法对武汉地区的部分高校进行研究,搜集的资料有限,其结论还不能精确反映所有高校周转房管理的现状。

    Since time , energy and other constraints , this research focus questionnaire survey and group discussion only on some colleges and universities in Wuhan area , so the information collected is limited and its conclusions may not accurately reflect the status of all college swing management .

  8. 高校周转房是实行住房货币化改革的产物,是缓解高校青年教职工住房困难的一项重要措施,在稳定高校教师队伍、吸引高层次人才等方面发挥了重要作用。

    The College turnover house is the product of the reform of the housing monetization , it is an important measure to ease the housing difficulties of young college faculty , also played an important role in the stability of college teachers , and to attract high-level personnel .

  9. 旅游业发展水平历年数据均和星级饭店呈现较强的相关性,旅客周转量和房地产建筑面积和星级饭店分布的显著性很强,固定资产投资额的相关性则在持续下降。

    Data level of tourism development over the years have showed a stronger correlation and the Star Hotel , the passenger volume and real estate construction area and the Star Hotel distribution of significant correlation , the fixed assets investment has continued to decline .