
  • 网络Pension Real Estate
  1. 收入水平高,经济条件较好的老年人更加注重养老地产的品质和服务。

    The elderly with high incomes pay more attention to the quality and service of old-age real estate .

  2. 武汉市人口老龄化的加剧使得养老地产的需求越来越大,为缓解日益严峻的养老需求问题,养老地产呼之欲出,房地产行业将迎来重要的发展机遇与挑战。

    The aging of the population increase brings growing demand of old-age residential in Wuhan city , in order to alleviate the increasingly severe housing demand of old people , old-age real estate is vividly portrayed .

  3. 我国养老社区地产项目具有很大的潜在需求人群,其发展前景良好。

    Aging communities in our country has huge potential demand , and it has good prospects for development .

  4. 这个骄人业绩部分是得益于加拿大股票及房地产市场的繁荣,这使得加拿大养老基金在房地产方面的投资高于在其它行业的投资。

    Some of this outperformance stems from the relative strength of Canadian stockmarkets and property , to which Canadian pension funds have higher allocations than others .

  5. 本文对多种养老居住建筑类型分别进行列举和分析,并对促进养老地产的健康发展提出了建议。

    This paper separately lists and analyzes the multi-constructional types of senior housing , and puts forward suggestions for promoting the sound development of senior housing real estate .