
yǎnɡ lù fèi
  • road toll
  1. 现在已经开始稽征今年的养路费了。

    Collection of this year 's road toll has already been started .

  2. 基于IC卡终端的养路费征稽管理信息系统设计

    Design of the IC-based Information System of Road Toll Collection and Management

  3. 基于GPS、GIS的道路养路费查询系统设计与开发

    Design and development of road maintenance fee query system based on GPS 、 GIS

  4. VPN技术在五小车辆养路费征稽系统中的应用

    Application of VPN Technology in Vehicle Travel Expenses to Collect and Check System

  5. 介绍了一个基于C/S结构的车辆养路费IC卡征费网络管理系统,对其数据库的构建、系统的体系结构、IC卡征费的原理给予了详细的说明和介绍。

    The paper discussed IC card collecting fees net control system of vehicle maintenance cost based on C / S structure , also introduced establishing data base and principal of IC card collecting fees etc. .

  6. 养路费支出1173.44亿元。

    A total of117.344 billion yuan was spent in financing road maintenance .

  7. 养路费征收管理系统中异构体系结构的实现

    Realization for the Isomeric Architecture in Management and Collection System of Maintains-Cost

  8. 补贴县乡公路养路费的数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Road Toll Allowance of Country Highway

  9. 公路养路费征收系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Implementation of the System for the Levy of Road Toll

  10. 公路养路费集中式征收管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of long distance managing system

  11. 主要实现功能指标:1.养路费征收流程清晰。

    The main function : 1 . Maintenance fee collection process clear . 2 .

  12. 汽车牌照自动识别技术及公路养路费移动稽查解决方案

    Auto Identify Vehicle License Plat and a Solved Way Moving Inspection of Highway Maintain Fees

  13. 追收养路费近亿元,收到良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Road roll recovered about 100 million Yuan , received good economic returns and social benefits .

  14. 高油价和养路费将会阻碍人们开车。

    The high oil price and auto maintenance cost deter car owners from driving their cars .

  15. 基于C/S结构的车辆养路费IC卡征费网络管理系统

    IC Card Collecting Fees Net Control System of Vehicle Maintenance Cost Based on C / S Structure

  16. 让我往哪儿弄五千块呢?拖拉机的养路费还没交呢。

    Where can I get5000 yuans ? I have to pay the road tax for my tractor .

  17. 任何单位和个人不得平调、挪用、滥用、截留、施欠养路费。

    No unit or individual should transfer , divert , abuse , keep or default on highway maintenance fees .

  18. 为了提供养路费管理的所需的功能又对系统的框架设计进行详解。

    Maintenance fee in order to provide the necessary management functions that the framework of the system detailed design .

  19. 不出意料,他们编制的“养路费指数”为德国的工业生产提供了一个十分有效的“实时预测”。

    Unsurprisingly , their " toll index " provides a very effective " nowcast " of German industrial production .

  20. 养路费证的打印发放功能的实现,确保各种统计报表打印准确。

    Road toll cards printing release function of the realization of a variety of statistical reports to ensure accurate printing .

  21. 公路养路费是国家公路基础设施建设资金主要来源,对公路交通事业的发展有极为重要的作用。

    Highway maintenance fee is national highway infrastructure to build capital main source , on the development of highway transportation business plays an important role .

  22. 党的十五大报告以来,养路费资金由预算外改为预算内资金,本次改革为财政转移支付资金。

    The party ' s15big since the report , road maintenance fees by budget funds instead of non-budgetary funds , the reform of the financial transfer payment funds .

  23. 在租赁期间内,甲方承担该车辆的养路费、车辆保险、维修及保养费。

    2 in the lease term , PartyA pay for the fee for the road , the insurance for the vehicle , the fee for fix and maintain the vehicle .

  24. 养路费主要是由公路交通管理部门按车辆吨位计算,按月向有车单位和个人征收的用于公路建设和维护的费用。

    The road-maintaining fare will be charged by the Land Transport Administrations and its charge , which is used in road-building and maintaining , is measured by the vehicle tonnage monthly .

  25. 费用,通行费获得某种特权所要交的固定费用或税款,特别是为了通过一座桥梁或一条道路中国养路费与燃油税费改税之迷局解析

    A fixed charge or tax for a privilege , especially for passage across a bridge or along a road . Analysis on the Transformation Maze from Road Toll to Motor-fuel Excise

  26. 所谓燃油税,即将现今普遍征收的养路费和其他费用合并成燃油税,通过法律约定整合各部门间的利益关系,从而最大限度地节省能源和基础设施开支。

    So-called fuel oil tax is toll charge with other expenses and is imposed in future , to integrate each sections relation by means of legal engagement , to save energy and infrastructure expenditure .

  27. 但以燃油附加费替代养路费的改革必须在对资金需求、税费收入及分配、管理措施进行科学、深入的基础上决策。

    But Reformation of Transform Administrative Fees Into Taxes will be put into effect based on the research of funds demand , taxes and fees income , taxes and fees distribution and management measures .

  28. 依照规定,养路费、通行费应提前缴纳。如迟缴,滞纳金为一月费用的千分之五,以天计算。

    According to the regulations , road maintenance cost should be paid ahead of time or an overdue fine of 0.5 percent of a month 's total cost which adds per day is charged .

  29. 上述租金包括司机的工资,保险和车辆的保险费、维护保养费、燃油费、养路费、审验费等费用。

    Lessor pay the salary of the driver in the using process , insurance ( full ) fee , car maintenance fee , the fee of fuel , road maintenance fee , and annual check-up fees .

  30. 得益于收费公路政策和养路费,我国的公路建设取得了突飞猛进的发展,从根本上改变了我国交通落后的局面,为国民经济和社会发展做出了重大贡献。

    Benefit from toll road policy and road maintenance fee , China has witnessed rapid development of road construction , which fundamentally changed the backward transportation condition of our country and made significant contribution to national economic and social development .