
  • 网络Breeding benefits;culture benefit
  1. 该综合养殖系统底质污染较严重,养殖效益不显著。

    Pollution of sediment in the composite culture was considerably serious and the culture benefit was not remarkable .

  2. 淡水养殖效益低下的原因及改善途径

    On low benefit of freshwater fish culture and its improving reproach

  3. 规模奶牛场与农户奶牛养殖效益比较

    The Benefits of Large-scale Dairy Farm Comparied with Farmer Household Cow Raising

  4. 不同产量水平池塘的水质及养殖效益比较

    Comparison of Water Quality and Farming Performance of Ponds with Different Output

  5. 提高肉牛养殖效益的途径

    The Approaches to Increasing Profits of Beef Cattle Raising

  6. 牧舍结合提高肉牛养殖效益

    Improvement of Benefits of Beef Raising by the Combination Technique of Grazing and Dry-lot Feeding

  7. 德系獭兔生长速度快,繁殖性能差,成活率低,养殖效益低。

    He Rex from german has a fast growth rate , poor reproductivity , low survival rate and a low feeding efficiency .

  8. 在肉羊生产中,提高养殖效益的最有效的途径之一就是尽可能地缩短母羊产羔间隔。

    In sheep production , the most effective way of improving the breeding efficiency is to reduce lamb interval as much as possible .

  9. 结果表明,本研究制备的新型微生态制剂具有提高仔猪生产性能、增强免疫力、增加养殖效益等功效。

    The results showed that the novel microbial ecological agent obtained by this study can improve animals production performance , enhance their immunity , increase the effectiveness of culture .

  10. 具有施工快、稳定性好、防冲蚀、防渗性好的特点,从而提高软弱地基和砂土地基滩涂上的养殖效益。

    The dyke is characterized by quick construction , good stability , antierosion and antiseepage so that the aquiculture benefit on the tidal flat with weak and sandy subsoils can be improved .

  11. 本项目针对川西北牧区牦牛生长周期长,出栏年龄大,饲养管理粗放,肉的品质欠佳,养殖效益低等问题,开展了牦牛适时出栏技术研究。

    Researching yak timely slaughter technique of Northwest Sichuan pastoral areas aiming at extensive breeding and management , long growth periods , old slaughter , not fine meat quality , low benefit and so on .

  12. 这三个主要原因分别导致雄虾个体和雌虾个体规格大幅度下降,从而最终影响了整塘罗氏沼虾大小规格,使得每塘收获产量大幅度降低,造成养殖效益大幅度下滑。

    The three main reasons led to the significant decline of specifications in males and females which ultimately affected the whole specifications in ponds , made each pond harvest yield greatly reduce , and caused the breeding benefit decline significantly .

  13. 其中养鹅业是目前养殖业中产品质量高,养殖效益好的产业,产品综合利用价值高,市场需求巨大,具有广阔的发展前景。

    At present , goose husbandry has emerged as one of most prospective due to its high quality product and great economic return . The products of goose can be comprehensively utilized and have been in the great demand on market .

  14. 蛋鸡养殖市场效益分析与提高效益的关键技术

    Analysis of Layer Breeding Market Efficiency and Key Technologies for Improving Efficiency

  15. 筱溪水电站是一项以发电为主,兼有航运、灌溉、旅游及养殖综合效益的水利枢纽工程。

    Xiaoxi hydropower station is a water conservancy hub project with the main function of power generation , and with comprehensive functions like navigation , irrigation , tourism and aquaculture .

  16. 高营养水平日粮能够提高肉牛的生产性能和饲料报酬,明显改善养殖经济效益,但也会造成氮磷排泄量的上升。

    High nutrient level of diet can improve the production performance and feed efficiency of beef cattle and improve the economic efficiency of farming , but also can cause a rising nitrogen and phosphorus excretion in feces and urine . 4 .

  17. 奶牛养殖场的效益与奶牛的年产奶量密切相关,而奶牛的年产奶量则取决于奶牛的年哺乳期长短。

    The profit of dairy cow breeding enterprise closely related with annual milk production , and the annual milk production depends on the length of lactation .

  18. 石斑鱼的人工育苗和成鱼养殖是经济效益十分明显的高值化技术产业,具有广阔的市场前景。

    Artificial larva and adult fish culturing of grouper is a value-raised technical industry , which has obviously high economic profit and has a wide market prospect .

  19. 当前,中国精养池塘养殖产量和效益的提高主要是通过大幅度提高放养密度和增加商品饲料的投入量来实现的。

    However , the increase of pond fish production and improvement of economic return are mainly achieved through increase of stocking density and feeding amout of commercial feeds .

  20. 鲫鱼是我国分布广泛的常见经济鱼类,在我国各地广泛养殖,养殖效益较好。

    As one of the major farmed fish species in China , crucian carp ( Carassius ) has been subjected to concentrated breeding efforts and has obtained high yield .

  21. 在基因水平进行奶牛泌乳功能的有效调控,能够提高奶牛单产水平、提高营养物质转化率并改良乳品质,可直接显著提高奶牛养殖的经济效益,解决我国奶业领域面临的一些重大问题。

    Effective regulation of the function of cows at the genetic level , it can improve dairy cow yield , improve the conversion rate of nutrients and ameliorate milk quality .

  22. 既节省了生产成本,又提供了质量安全的水产品,提高了对虾养殖的经济效益和社会生态效益。

    It not only reduced the cost of production provided a quality and safety of aquatic products but also improved the economic benefits of prawn farming and social ecological benefits .

  23. 几种对虾池塘养殖模式的生态效益

    Ecologic benefit on culture modes of shrimp prawn in ponds

  24. 完成了数据库的建立;种鹅养殖基地建设经济效益分析

    The Analysis of the Economic Efficiency of a Abase Construction for Breeding Goose Raising

  25. 而海水养殖发展快、效益好,近几年始终维持较高的增长。

    In the mean time , sea-farming grows excessively , and the benefit is large . And it maintains high speed of growth in the recent years .

  26. 接着从产量、价格、增重成本、饵料系数等方面对三个地区养殖户的经济效益进行全方面比较。

    Then from the output , price , weight gain cost , feed conversion and other aspects of the farmers of the economic benefits of the three regions with relatively wide .

  27. 近年来,生物浮床技术被引入到水产养殖业中,用以净化养殖水质、提升养殖效益。

    In recent years , biological floating-bed technology has been introduced into the aquaculture industry to purify water quality and improve breeding efficiency .

  28. 陕西省某鸵鸟养殖场商品鸵鸟养殖经济效益分析

    Economic benefit analysis of commercial ostrich in an ostrich farm in Shaanxi

  29. 首先,分析了依靠新技术与优化养殖方式以提高养殖经济效益,对提升水禽产业竞争力的重要意义。

    At the beginning , it is proposed that to ameliorate the economic efficiency of farming through new technologies and methods optimization should be significant for improving industrial competitiveness of waterfowl industry .

  30. 对虾工厂化养殖与池塘养殖系统结构与效益比较分析

    Analysis on structure and benefit of super - intensive and semi - intensive shrimp farming systems