
  • 网络Intangible benefit;invisible benefit
  1. 先进制造技术无形效益的模糊评价研究

    The fuzzy model for justifying intangible benefits of advanced manufacturing technology

  2. 先进制造系统战略无形效益评价研究

    Study on Estimation of Advanced Manufacturing System Strategy Intangible Benefits

  3. ERP无形效益的模糊评价

    The Fuzzy Appraising about the Bodiless Benefits Brought by ERP

  4. 本文建立了一个模糊评价模型用来评价ERP带来的无形效益。

    This paper set up a fuzzy appraising model to appraise the bodiless benefits brought by ERP .

  5. 对体育科研机构无形效益的综合评价

    A Comprehensive Evaluation the Invisible Benefit of Sports Research Institutions

  6. 先进制造系统战术无形效益形成机理研究

    Formation Mechanism of Invisible Benefit in Advanced Manufacturing System

  7. 企业管理能力无形效益评价&基于熵的先进制造系统

    Evaluation on Business Management Ability Invisible Benefits of Advanced Manufacturing System Based on Entropy

  8. 首先,简要叙述了农地的无形效益,即社会效益与生态效益。

    Firstly , we summarize the intangible benefits of rural land , which are social and ecological benefit .

  9. 评价某个体育科研机构无形效益水平的高低,目前尚没有比较成熟的评估体系和方法。

    Up to now , there has not been a better method to evaluate the invisible benefit of sports research institutions .

  10. 先进制造系统具有广泛的有形效益和无形效益,无形效益是其综合效益的重要组成部分。

    Advanced manufacturing system ( AMS ) has great tangible benefits and intangible benefits . Intangible benefit is an important part in its synthetical benefit .

  11. 城市地下交通建设项目的直接经济效益往往很小,其主要效果表现为社会效益和环境效益等无形效益。

    Usually the projects of underground civil transport only have a little direct economic benefit , but its main effect lies in immaterial benefit of society and environment .

  12. 目的:将ISO9000质量体系导入医院护理管理,强化护士长对无形成本效益的管理。

    Objective : To strengthen invisible cost administration by head nurse and introduce ISO9000 quality system into hospital nursing administration .

  13. 企业管理咨询无形经济效益的评估探讨

    An assessment of invisible economic benefit of consulting service to enterprise management

  14. 这些精益工具的成功实践均为公司创造了相当可观的有形或无形的效益。

    The successful practice of lean tools created considerable tangible or intangible benefits .

  15. 创新绩效不仅给创新主体带来经济效益,更重要的是会导致自身技术积累的增加,提高自身的竞争能力,为其带来无形的效益。

    Innovation performance can not only bring economic performance for the innovative main body , but also will increase own technology accumulation and competition ability and bring invisible performance .

  16. 工业企业无形资源经济效益及评价

    The Economic Benefits of Intangible Resoures of Industrial Enterprises and Evaluation

  17. 评价企业无形资产经济效益方法的探讨

    An approach on the method of evaluating the economic benefit of invisible assets of enterprise